Tag - Vegetables that speed up metabolism

Metabolism Boosting Foods


Ways of living and work schedules have changed to a great extent in the modern world. With these changes, the working of the body is also affected in many ways and the most important problem is the deteriorating changes in the metabolism system of individuals. It is a process that converts food into fuel and also helps to burn that fuel efficiently with the help of a complex network of enzymes and hormones.

The metabolism system is affected by various reasons like body mass, sex and age. Heredity too makes a difference. Hence the best way to increase the rate is to follow a diet chart & eat metabolic enhancing foods that helps to stay fit and slim. Metabolism boosting foods can be divided into 3 categories like fruits, vegetables and meat proteins.

Fruits: Fruits that lower insulin levels in the body and are rich in fibers that help to burn calories are grapefruits and apples. These are fiber-rich and low-fat fruits and you feel full for longer hours thereby boosting up the metabolism process to break the elements in these fruits.

Vegetables: Vegetables that speed up metabolism are spinach, that is a great source of vitamin C, potassium, anti-oxidants etc; jalapenos burn extra calories for a long time and that speeds up both the heart and metabolism rate. Beans too are great for increasing metabolism as they are low fat and packed with proteins and fibers and hence the body has to burn a lot of calories to process the foods. Calcium present in Broccoli acts as a metabolic trigger and the vitamin C helps to absorb more calcium for healthier bones and eyes.

Meats: Animal proteins like turkey is a great metabolism booster as it is rich in protein and the body has to burn a lot of calories to break it down. Soy proteins and unsweetened soymilk are good boosters and so are hot peppers and oatmeals. Yogurt is a protein-rich natural food and requires great energy to process it and the pro-biotic features of yogurt regulates the digestive tract.

Other aids: Among the other effective foods that help to speed up the metabolic system of the body is small quantity of almonds, cinnamon, green tea and soups. They keep you full for longer hours and use more calories to break down the ingredients to be used by the body.

Recent studies and researches say that drinking plenty of water is a great way to increase metabolism level. Hence there is nothing to worry about the fat and the sugar level now. Follow a regular food chart and you are sure to benefit from it.

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