Tag - What Are the Good Carbs to Eat?

What Are the Good Carbs to Eat? by Kevin Angileri

good carbs vs bad carbs

What Are the Good Carbs to Eat?

Walking down the supermarket aisle or even ordering a meal while you are health conscious can leave you in a state of confusion. We are constantly bombarded with the labels and conflicting messages such as ‘low fat’, ‘fat free’, ‘sugar free’, ‘low carb’, and so on. You are perhaps wondering how to choose the best carbs to eat.

It is good to know that with the right knowledge and information, your journey to choosing the good carbs to eat can be quick and easy. Just put, the good carbs to eat are natural. These are picked from the ground or grown off the trees. The good carbs to eat are never processed or refined. This way, you can absolutely get good stuff such as minerals, fiber, protein, and some other nutrients that can help in sporting your own body.

Here are some of the good carbs you should be eating.


Garbanzo, black, pinot, and kidney are some of the many types of beans that mainly provide a hearty dose of sugar as well as fiber. For instance, the ounce of black beans contains seven grams of carb and two of which are fiber. Aside from that, beans have additional benefits of giving your body proteins. As a matter of fact, one study found that the bean eaters weighted much lesser than those who avoided beans. This is a report from WebMD.


Popcorns are considered as whole grain. Just stick to the air-popped variety so that you do not overdo it on sodium and fat. It is important to take note that one cup of popcorn has six grams of carbs. One of which is fiber and it only has thirty one calories.


Just like butternut, squash is also another low-sugar and high-fiber source of carbs. One cup of the cooked butternut cubes mainly contains nearly twenty two grams of carbohydrates; more than six are fiber.

Sweet Potatoes

Potatoes with skin on are definitely a great source of the fiber-rich carbs. Sweet potatoes on the other hand are loaded with same colorful carotenoids like squash. The sweet tasters absolutely boast potassium, protein, and Vitamin C.


This kind of fiber in oats has been linked to enhanced weight management as well as hearth health. Moreover, this can also lower the cholesterol. Just make sure that you do not overdo it most especially on the sugar-sweetened toppings.

Quinoa with lime, curry, and chickpeas

Aside from it contains five grams of fiber, quinoa is also considered as a complete protein. It simply means that it has all the nine essential amino acids that cannot be made by our bodies. Therefore, it must come from the foods we eat.


Any variety of berries can definitely deliver some fiber along with whole host of antioxidants and vitamins. Blueberries on the other hand are among the favorite choices. Its entire cup will only set you back of about eighty four calories. In addition to that, eating at least one serving of this tiny superfruit every week has been proven to ward off the cognitive decline as we mature.


A medium of this fruit mainly contains three grams of fiber alongside healthy dose of Vitamin B6, which in the first place is needed for more than one hundred functions right in our body.

Carbs to eat for muscle building

The best carbs for muscle building ate fruits and vegetables. These carbs are what our body needs the most. Limiting the carbs just to these types will definitely benefit our muscle gains. This is perhaps the main reason why it is always advisable to eat more amounts of vegetables and at the same time increase the mineral and vitamin content immensely.

Carbs are not as important in the human diet as fats and proteins are. We only need low amount of carbs in order to keep up the stores burnt from the intense exercise as well as brain activity. Our body does not need carbs as much as it needs fats and proteins. In fact, we can survive with no carbs at all in our diet. For the muscle growth, it is all about fats and proteins. On the other hand, to boost our overall health and gains, we should eat plenty of nutrient dense, high fiber vegetables and fruits.

Carbs to eat for weight loss

Carbs are the number one enemy for many people who are on a diet. Many of us believe that carbs will make us fat, but this should not be the case as they would not.

We need carbs for energy. Otherwise we will end up diving into a gallon of moose tracks. This will not help us lose weight. Listed below are some of the good carbs to eat for weight loss.


This can fight hunger through raising the levels of blood sugar slowly. The pearled barley is very popular, yet the barley groats or the whole hull-less barley contains much more health nutrients such as 20% to 25% of the daily fiber in one serving.

Green Peas

Half cup of peas mainly provides twelve percent of the recommended daily intake of zinc. Known for its cold-fighting powers, this kind of mineral can help in reducing hunger through boosting the leptin’s level. Leptin is a hormone that alerts the brain when the stomach has had enough.

Whole Wheat Pasta

The higher intake of the whole grains around three servings every day is associated with lower BMI as well as less abdominal fat. Just add the nutrient-rich carbs as part of the balanced meal and not the entire meal.

The most common misconception that people have is that the carbs are bad and make us fat. But the truth is that, the good carbs to eat are the main source of the body’s energy. On the other hand, in this world full of junk food supermarkets and outlets that sell healthy foods which are in fact full of chemicals and sugar, it is necessary to educate ourselves so that we can greatly benefit from the good carb foods and avoid the hype.

Kevin Angileri