Author - Kevin Angileri

Good Carbs Vs Bad Carbs

good carbs vs bad carbs

 Thank you for  checking out  Carbaholics Anonymous site again.  Everyone always ask what foods should I eat, and what foods shouldn’t I eat.  Reminds me what my father told me a while back.  He said son “if it tastes good, spit it out”.  Lets be honest, that is true some of the time.  Good carbohydrates taste just as good as the bad ones.  We all have to remember our bodies are machines.  They need the right fuel to perform well.  You are what you eat…. If you put bad food in, you will damage your body, if you put healthy food in, that will help build your body.
First of all, I have never seen a  person get overweight because he ate to many vegetables.  When I make up my plate, I always put more vegetables then anything else.  Lean meats are a good source of protein and low on the carbs too.  We like to eat  fish, which is easy for your body to digest, and it doesn’t give you that bloated feeling.  Every so often you will need to eat a steak or chicken, and try to stay around a 4 to 6 oz portions.  Portion control has always been a issue for me personally, but it is something that we have to do.  Egg are always another good source of protein too. There are times when I will bowl a dozen hard boiled eggs and keep them in the refrigerator, and eat them for snacks.   Fruits are also a good source of natural good carbs vs bad carbs like potato chips, or ice cream.  I also recommend about a fist full of nuts like unsalted Almonds.  lt is another great snack that grows on you.   Healthy oils like olive oil, or coconut oil, and maybe even non-gluten grains too.
Processed Foods:   All Fast Food is in this list.  All Cakes, Donuts, Potato Chips, Pretzels, Ice Cream, Candy Bars
Sugar:  All Soft drinks, Fruit Juices, Store bought Orange Juice,  etc
Diet and Low Fat Products:  Cereals made with corn syrup.  Most Dairy Products fall under this category too.
Artificial Sweeteners: Equal, Aspartame, Cyclamates and Acesulfame Potassium, and Saccharin
Omega 6 fatty acids found in Vegetable Oils:  Canola, Safflower, Corn, Grape seed, Soybean and Sunflower
Gluten Grains:  Wheat, Barley, Rye and yes it includes all breads, and Pastas
Trans Fats:  Hydrogenated or partially Hydrogenated oils
Again Carbaholics Anonymous wants to thank everyone for writting in and requesting us to write about certain topics.  As you all know we are all Carbaholics, and we are trying to win the fight against obesity, and diabetes.  Please help Carbaholics Anonymous become the best free informative website out there.  God bless..

Amazing Benefits Of Juicing Vegetables

Amazing benefits of drinking vegetable juices

The word “juices” brings before our eyes a glassful of orange juice, pineapple juice or carrot juice. But have you every thought of taking a glass of vegetable juice? If you have not yet started on this diet, you must read about the amazing powers of vegetable juicing.

Nature has offered man with fruits and vegetables that are packaged with the right nutrients that balance each other to give us amazing power of healing, repairing and cleansing the body. Fruits are full of vitamins and minerals but vegetables have something more especially the green vegetables and that is chlorophyll.

How do juices of green vegetables work?

Just as chlorophyll prepares food for plants, when juices are prepared from them, this protein compound acts as red blood cell builder. Researchers report that chlorophyll is like hemoglobin in our body and our body has the ability to convert it into hemoglobin and thereby enriches the blood. Green vegetables like spinach, kale etc contain potassium, iron, phosphorus and other nutrients also that makes you strong.

Since it is not always possible to consume the required amount of vegetables regularly, Extracting juices from vegetables is the appropriate way to fortify your self with the important elements required to fight diseases and cleanse toxins.

The benefits of juicing vegetables are innumerable. Here is a list of the benefits of drinking vegetable juices in the right quantity.

  1. Increase in hemoglobin count.
  2. Controls blood sugar problems.
  3. Detoxifies and cleanses.
  4. Relieves gastric ulcer and gastric related ailments.
  5. Great relief from sinus and asthma problems.
  6. Hastens healing of wounds.
  7. Inflammation pain is reduced.
  8. Improves liver functioning and reduces body odor.
  9. Great relief from hemorrhoid pain.
  10. Melts away toxins.

Valuable nutrients available in vegetable juices

When we extract the juices from vegetables, we are able to extract nearly all the effective nutrients stored in the fibers of the vegetables. Green juices are full of enzymes, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and iron, pro-Vitamin A, vitamin B-Complex and Vitamins C, E, K.

You can try out the juices of celery, cucumber, lettuce, spinach and the richest greens like alfalfa, barley grass, wheat grass and spirulina. The uniqueness of vegetable juices lies in the fact that it assimilates very quickly and is absorbed by the cells without disturbing the digestive system. So include a glass of vegetable juice of any variety like carrot juice, or spinach juice, anything in your regular diet and enjoy the rejuvenated life that will always be ready to accept all challenges.

Carbaholics Anonymous was started because of vegetable juicing. My son and I watched a movie called “Fat, Sick and nearly Dead” by Joe Cross.  It changed our lives and we hope it might change yours.  Rent a copy and be inspired, trust me, you will be inspired.  My son, Kevin, has been in touch with Joe.  Hopefully, we may meet him, if he comes back to America to shoot his sequel movie.

Carbaholics Anonymous hopes you enjoy this article.  Please give us your input and if you would like to see an article on a specific subject, please let us know.  We will do our very best to answer any questions, you may have.  Please go to top of page to “ask a question” and let us know.  Soon, it will be time to pick “Carbaholic of the month” so if you would like to try tobe our “Carbaholic of the month”, please send in a picture and a brief description of yourself, where you live(city and state only) and what you do.  Subscribe to our site.   See you soon.

Baby Boomers And Healthcare – Weight Loss Plan

Importance of Walking a Mile a Day for Your Health

Well, you have hit the magic number.  60  You look in the mirror and say “hey, I’m not the same as I was 40 years ago”.  Oh wow, I’ve put a few pounds on around the middle.  Look….Grey hair.  Back then, I looked a lot like that actor Robert Redford, but not so much anymore.  And then, the often used words appear in your brain.  Hey, I’d better start taking better care of myself, if I want to be around another 25 or 30 years.

         Don’t panic, it happens to most of us.  But like most of us, we procrastinate and the years go by quickly.  Soon, you are 65 and then 70 and that is when you think, it is too late.  It is not too late at 70, but much easier at 60.  So whatever age you maybe today, man or woman, today is a good day to start.

       Most of us have already had some health issues, so before starting any new regimen, speak with your doctor or other health professional.  They will help you decide on what regimens are good for you.  And if you smoke, now is the perfect time to quit.  It is really tough, but with the resolve you have for a healthier life, now is the time.

Baby Boomers And Health Care: Weight Loss Plan

         The two most important subjects, we will discuss are (1) the foods we eat and (2) how much we exercise.  These two things alone, if you did nothing else, would add many more years of healthy living.  If you are like most of us, you have tried dieting and exercising, many times throughout our lives and failed.  Now it’s crunch time folks.  You are never going to be as young as you are today.  Let’s not waste another opportunity to save ourselves from being dependent on others to take care of us.

         Here are two tools, I highly recommend.  They will help you in your everyday diet plan.  Download from your computer these two free programs.  Bing Health and Fitness.  Firstly, it will aid you in keeping your daily intake of food and exercise.  2nd is HealthVault.  It has all the foods you will eat and give their values of Protein, Fat and Carbohydrates.  If you download the full version of Bing Health and Fitness, There are great articles to keep you informed and complete exercise programs. 

         Carbaholics Anonymous would like to say good luck on your new adventure. Remember if your a carbaholic, you should be reading this information. God Bless

         Lets start with diet.  To do that, you need to find out your requirement for your daily eating.  How many calories do I need to maintain my weight.  It is important to know that so you can figure out, how much you should eat to lose weight each week.  Go to  and go to calorie counter.  Fill in your info and find out,how many calories per day to maintain your weight and how many calories to lose two pounds per week.

         As an example, lets say you are a man, 60 years of age, 5’10” tall, 225 lbs. and lead a lightly active lifestyle.  You exercise or play some sports one to three times per week.  Here are your stats.

         1.  You would need to eat 2526 calories per day to maintain your weight.

         2.  You would need to eat 2026 calories per day to lose 1 lb. per week.

         3.  You would need to eat 1526 calories per day to lose 2 lbs per week.

        It is generally recommended that you do not eat less than 1500 calories per day.  Your body thinks it is starving and will not release the fat.  But, if you do this for 30 days, I feel sure you will be thrilled at your success.

         Now let’s talk about protein.  It is so important that you get the necessary protein each day. 

To save you the time, 0.8-1.2 grams of protein per pound of body weight is usually the ideal range for most people.  Or, if you want to get down to 180 lbs, you need to get approx. 140 grams of protein.  Fruit and vegetables alone won’t get you 140 grams of protein, so lean meats will aid in getting you there.  If all those foods don’t get you there, then a good protein shake will.

With calories and protein set, we’re still not ready for carbs just yet.  Fat is actually the next most important part of your diet. To save you the time, usually about 25% of your total calorie intake should come from fat in most cases.  These should consist of good fats like olive oil and avocados.  Instead of mayo on a sandwich or salad dressing , try avocado.

With all of that out of the way, we’re finally up to the least important part of our diet… carbs. Surprised how unimportant they are? Don’t be. Calories are the key to controlling our weight, and protein and fat are the only macronutrients that are truly essential to the human body. Good carbs are the answer.  Fresh fruit and vegetables are the key to a successful diet.  Examples of good carbohydrates are:Vegetables  Fruits  Beans  Brown Rice  Oats  Potatoes (sweet, white, etc.) and Various Whole Grains & Whole Grain Products.  These are called complex carbohydrates.

Now comes the part, we all hate to think about.  Exercising.  If you are or have not been a exercise program, you should start slowly and add more as you go along.  Depending on your health condition, I recommend starting on a treadmill.  Treadmills have 2 basic programs.  Weight loss and Cardio.  Start off on the weight loss program.  Try waking for 30 minutes at 2 mph.  This is an excellent starting point and if you can, slowly add time and speed.  You may want to make your 1 month goal, to get to 60 minutes at 2 mph.  Try it every other day or more, if you feel like you can.  If you get tired, you know it is time to stop.

If you have any questions, please go to our “ask a question” page.  We will be happy you, any way we can.  Thanks again for coming to Carbaholicsanonymous.  Tell you friends about us.  We really appreciate it.

Great Low Carb Recipes For Diabetics


Diabetes is a deadly disease and leads to some of the worst of health problems like cardiac attacks etc. So an individual who is suffering from diabetes must be cautious as soon as the problem of blood sugar is detected. The most important measure that one should take is to maintain a low-carb diet. It provides the required proteins while cutting down the carbohydrate intake that is harmful for a diabetic.

But that does not mean that a diabetic will eat nothing tasty or any desserts. There are various tasty Great Low Carb Recipes for diabetics that you can cook and serve such a patient without his realizing that it is especially prepared for him with all the goodness of rich proteins, low-carbs and 0% sugar. If you are wondering what to serve a guest for dinner who is a diabetic, try out this delicious chicken recipe and win his endless compliments.

Chicken is a low-fat protein that can be taken by everyone without the fear of increasing blood sugar levels or growing fat. Check out this recipe:

Chicken Broccoli Frittata

The ingredients required for cooking this delicious chicken that is full of appetizing flavors and healthy vegetables are:

  • Chopped broccoli flowerets that are fresh and green.
  • Cooked chicken  breast cut into small pieces.
  • Chopped tomatoes
  • Chopped onions.
  • Dried tarragon leaves.
  • Original Lite margarine that is very low in fat contents.
  • Original Egg beaters that come from real egg product.

Cooking directions:

Use an oven=proof non-stick skillet to prepare this yummy chicken platter. One teaspoon of Lite margarine on the skillet and put it on low fire. When the margarine melts, put in all the vegetables and chicken pieces that are ready and chopped. Sauté on medium heat till the broccoli is tender and crispy.  Add chopped tomatoes and salt and pepper to taste.  Add Tabasco for a more robust frittata.

Next lower the flame and pour the Egg Beaters evenly over the ingredients that are being cooked in the skillet.  Cook for about 5 or 7 minutes more till the bottom is cooked and the top settles down evenly. Place skillet under pre-heated broiler for about 2 minutes or till golden brown.

Now slide the cooked chicken on a serving dish and your Chicken Broccoli Frittata is ready to serve.

This healthy delight contains about 24gm protein and only 7gm carbohydrate and so can be taken safely by all diabetics.  Most people are health conscious today and even if you are not a diabetic, it is very important to count your calories.  Follow the low-carb diet charts and prepare amazing delicacies by following the low-carb diabetic recipes that will help you stay healthy and fight diabetes.

Carbaholics Anonymous wants to thank John Ryer for requesting information on Low Carb Diabetic Recipes.  We hope you like the information we provided for you on Low Carb Recipes.  Carbaholics Anonymous is trying to get to everyone emails in a timley manner.  We ask that everyone be patient, and Carbaholics Anonymous will get to everyones emails.  If you would like to see a article like Great Low Carb Recipes For Diabetics, just email us, or send in a request and we will get to it.  God Bless

Protein Shakes For Diabetics


Diabetes is a disease that needs attention as soon as it is detected. Blood sugar is the fuel that gives energy to the body to perform all its activities well. Hence doctors always advice to maintain a balanced diet that offers sufficient proteins but are low in carbohydrates to maintain a balance of the sugar level and allow the body to generate enough insulin to avoid the deadly disease of diabetes.

However, there are innumerable people irrespective of age and sex, who are suffering from diabetes 1 or 2. You have to take medicines to control the rise in blood sugar levels but it is more important to eat a high protein diet but is low in carbohydrates.  The food that is taken regularly does not always supply the right amount of proteins required by the body. Hence, protein shakes for diabetics are being considered as the best sources of proteins for all. But if you are a diabetic, your protein shake will be a bit different from that drink that your kid enjoys. The protein shakes for diabetics should be absolutely sugar-free or free from added sugars. They must have only natural sweetness that is available from fruits. They are therefore low in carbohydrates also. So it is clear that protein shakes that a diabetic can consume freely are those that are rich in protein contents and low in carbohydrates.

The Protein Shakes for Diabetics are especially made to offer protein for the development and maintenance of muscle tissues, satisfies the appetite, controls the fluctuation of blood sugar levels and the urge to eat sweets. You can try out the best shakes according to your tastes, as they are available in a variety of flavors.

  1. Naturade Soy Protein Shakes: Soy protein shake has very low fat contents, no cholesterol or added sugar. This shake is absolutely safe for both types of diabetes 1 and 2. It offers the required amount of proteins to maintain a healthy body.
  2. ExtendShake Protein Shakes for diabetics is also a good buy. It has about 15 grams of proteins and 5 grams fiber along with 24 vitamins and minerals.
  3. Health Smart Foods ChocoRite Protein Shakes are available in a variety of flavors like cappuccino, chocolate, fresh vanilla and also strawberry. It is a sugar-free protein shake that has been especially made for diabetics.

There are many other Protein Shakes for Diabetics available today. You need to be careful when purchasing them by reading the contents and the calorie chart given on the labels of the containers to be on the safe side.

Always consult your doctor when adding new medicines or food products.

Carbaholics Anonymous again wants to thank everyone for all the emails.  We are trying to answer everyones questions in a timely manner.  Remember we are carbaholics, and we want carbaholics anonymous to be the most informative site on the internet.  Please make sure  you keep those emails coming.