Author - Kevin Angileri

Diabetes: Important Tips You Need To Know by Kevin Angileri

Diabetes is a prevalent concern in today’s society, as more and more people either have it or are at high risk of developing it. In order to keep up your own health and be good support for anyone you know who might be diabetic, it is helpful to know a few things about diabetes. Read on for some insights into managing this condition.

One key to beating type II diabetes is to lose weight. It’s actually all the fat on your body that is causing you to be diabetic, so getting rid of it can literally cure you if you are type II. Even a loss of as little as 20 pounds can have a profound impact on your health.

Be careful with the medicines you choose when you have a cold, many are laden with sugar which can affect your blood sugar levels. Make sure you take this into account if you’re keeping track of what you eat to maintain even blood sugar levels, or if your blood sugar mysteriously spikes.

Be VERY careful with any advice you receive online about diabetes treatment. It is fine to do your research online, and even to find out what other people are doing to take care of their disease, but you need to take any new information you want to act on to your doctor, to make sure that it’s medically sound.

Keep track of all the medicines you are taking for your Diabetes and any other condition you have in case you ever need to know. You should carry with you information on their names, dosages, and how often you are taking them in case something happens to you when you’re out, or a doctor you’re visiting requests that information.

If you’re Diabetic, you must quit smoking. End of story, period, that’s that. You cannot have any bad habits while your body is already having these types of problems or else any treatment you’re receiving will be sabotaged. It’s time to make a choice – do you want to live a long, healthy life, or smoke?

Simplify your life by developing your own daily diabetes routine. One idea is to establish a designated area for your glucose meter and testing supplies. When you are going to test your blood sugar levels, have a routine in place so you do not forget an important step, and you remember to write down the levels in a log.

Enroll in a diabetes class or schedule meetings with a diabetes educator. Your physician is a good source of health information, too, but an educator is specifically trained to bring medical jargon down to your level. An educator or class can take a lot of the mystery out of your diabetes treatment plan, which is important in order for you to be active in your health care.

If you snore you are twice as likely to develop Diabetes than someone who doesn’t. This might be because most people who snore are overweight, and it’s the extra weight that can lead to Diabetes. Deal with the weight and you’ll conquer both the snoring and the Diabetes!

Walnuts make an excellent and nutritious addition to any salad. Walnuts can help keep your sugar levels where they should be because they have monosaturated fats. Furthermore, walnuts are an excellent source of omega-3 acids and antioxidants. They are nutritionally dense and delicious!

Make sure to keep active. Exercising and doing physical activities have several benefits. It can lower your blood sugar and help you lose weight. Not only that, it can increase your responsiveness to insulin which will help keep your blood sugar level. Both aerobic and resistance exercises provide excellent benefits.

If you have hypoglycemia, you need to carry a sugary food such as gum with you. Stay prepared for the advent of a hypoglycemic attack, as they can take place out of nowhere. If you have skipped breakfast, this is definitely true because your blood sugar will already be low.


If you have recently found out that you have diabetes, you may want to see a nutritionist. There are certain foods that a diabetic should and should not be eating. A nutritionist can give you a diet plan to follow and tell you where you can purchase these special foods.

To spot foods that may be an issue for you, keep track of what you eat in a log alongside of your glucose levels. After a while, you’ll be able to notice the effect that certain foods have on you. This is a much better way to spot problematic foods than an elimination diet, and can also show you what foods benefit your health.

Women, especially when in their teens and early twenties, may experience significant fluctuations in their blood glucose levels in the week immediately leading up to their menstrual period. Monitor your levels frequently during this time, then make any necessary adjustments in your insulin dosages and urinary ketone measurements, as this can prevent further spikes.

Check your blood sugar often. This is very important if you are dealing with diabetes because you blood sugar can spike or get very low without you feeling any symptoms. You can buy a glucometer for less than $100.00 or you may be able to get it free from a diabetes educator.

When you have diabetes, you probably have a team of doctors helping you out. You need to make sure that all of your doctors are on the same page, and are communicating with each other in a manner that puts your best interests first. Be assertive when it comes to your health care.

Research has shown that exercise makes insulin sensitivy increase, and also lowers blood glucose levels. This helps control these levels naturally. To get the full benefits of exercise, alternate between aerobic and cardiovascular workouts.

As was stated earlier in the article, diabetes happens a lot these days. If you are currently suffering from it or you are concerned that you could develop it, keep these tips and tricks in mind. With the advice in this article, you can manage your condition or risk in a way that minimally impacts your life.

Kevin Angileri Writes About Superfoods for Getting Over Food Poisoning

Kevin Angileri Superfoods for Getting Over Food Poisoning

Kevin Angileri Writes About Superfoods for Getting Over Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is an all-encompassing term involving the consumption of contaminated food, stomach flu, stress, drug interactions, nutrient deficiencies or their excess.  It can come on rather suddenly after eating; diarrhea or vomiting can begin 30 minutes to one hour after eating foods that are chemically poisonous; within one to 12 hours with bacterial poisoning, and 12 to 48 hours with viral or salmonella poisoning. Food poisoning can be serious and a medical professional should be contacted especially if it is accompanied by a difficulty in swallowing, speaking or breathing; if there is a fever of 100 degrees F; if the person can’t even hold down liquids; if there is severe diarrhea of more than two days.

Kevin Angileri  says the best remedy is to curtail eating until all the symptoms have subsided and the toxins have had the chance to exit your system. Drink plenty of fluids – vitamin C and blackberry and peppermint teas can be taken then to strengthen the stomach, along with yogurt that contains acidophilus to recolonize the lost flora in the bowel. Diluted sweetened drinks can also be consumed to replace the body’s lost fluid and electrolytes, and the BRAT diet (bananas, apples, rice and toast) can also be helpful in getting the toxins cleared from the body.

Kevin Angileri  says as a precaution against food poisoning, great care should be taken when preparing foods.   Avoid over-handling foods, and when in doubt, throw it out – don’t take a risk with leftovers if you’re just not sure how long they’ve been in your refrigerator.

Mint, lemon, raspberry, chamomile or teas might also be helpful in easing the stomach pain associated with food poisoning or stomach cramping.  Ginger tea is also good for settling an unsettled stomach, and promotes good digestion. Try to get plenty of rest as food poisoning can be an exhausting and nutrient-depleting chore for your body.  Once you’re feeling better, be sure to eat a well-balanced healthy diet that includes foods rich in iron, zinc, vitamin C to help your body get back to its old self again.

Kevin Angileri Writes About Superfoods for Getting Over Food Poisoning

Kevin Angileri Writes About Cranberries- The Superfood to Stave Off Bladder Infections

Kevin Angileri Cranberries- The Superfood to Stave Off Bladder Infections

Kevin Angileri Writes About Cranberries- The Superfood to Stave Off Bladder Infections

Kevin Angiler says Cranberries may help to fight off urinary tract infections (UTIs). They reduce the power of certain E. coli bacteria to adhere to and penetrate the walls of the bladder.
In about half the cases of UTIs, the E. coli responsible have special little hairy tips called P fimbria. The bacteria use their fimbria to attach themselves to the bladder so that they can multiply and cause an infection. That’s where cranberries–which contain a group of chemicals called proanthocyanidins—come in. They bind to the P fimbria of the E. coli and hinder them so they are unable to sticking to the walls of the bladder. As a result, the E. coli is flushed out in the urine instead of causing an infection. And because cranberries remove rather than kill the bacteria, there’s less of a chance for the E. coli to become resistant.
Kevin Angiler says it’s imperative that those who are prone to UTIs eat cranberries or drink cranberry juice on a daily basis, because once the bacteria are able to adhere to the wall, the infection sets in, and the cranberries can’t help at that point.
It’s probably best to use cranberry products twice a day if you are prone, as the effects of the cranberries wear off after about 10 hours.
Kevin Angiler says You should also be diligent about drinking lots of fluids in order to flush the bladder out on a regular basis. Citrus fruits and fresh vegetables high in vitamin C are also good, as they help boost the body’s immunity and germ-fighting abilities. Coffee, tea and other caffeinated beverages should be avoided, as well as alcohol. Be sure to complement your diet with plenty of foods rich in vitamin B, such as fortified cereals, lean proteins, asparagus, almonds and bananas, as they all assist the body in the digestive process and converting food to energy, which your body will need if it’s working to fend off a UTI.


Kevin Angileri Writes About Cranberries- The Superfood to Stave Off Bladder Infections

Kevin Angileri Writes About Superfoods for Hives Relief

Kevin Angileri Superfoods for Hives Relief

Kevin Angileri Writes About Superfoods for Hives Relief

Hives are also known as urticaria, and they cause raised white or yellow, itchy wheals surrounded by an area of red inflammation. It is an allergic reaction by the skin, causing the body to release histamine into the effected tissues. The size of the wheal itself varies, with the larger ones sometimes joining together in places to form an irregular rash. They usually cause severe irritation and usually appear on the limbs and trunk, but can appear anywhere. Acute urticaria develops rapidly and usually lasts for just as few hours – it is characterized by a feverish, faint feeling and occasionally nausea. Chronic urticaria can persist for a long period of time.
Kevin Angileri says common triggers include drugs such as aspirin and penicillin, food additives, food sensitivity such as milk eggs, shellfish and nuts, environmental factors such as exposure to cold, heat or sunlight, stress and anxiety, and bites and stings.
All fruits and vegetables contain some amount of vitamin C. Foods that tend to be the highest sources of vitamin C include green peppers, citrus fruits and juices, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, turnip greens and other leafy greens, sweet and white potatoes, cantaloupe and spinach. Vitamin C helps promote a healthy immune system and releases antihistamines. Kevin Angileri says Green tea is also reported to have an antihistamine effect.
Kevin Angileri says Vitamin B12 has been reported to reduce the severity of acute hives as well as to reduce the frequency and severity of outbreaks in chronic cases. Vitamin B12 is found in animal foods, fortified foods, and some fermented foods. Kevin Angileri says sources of B12 are eggs, meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, and foods made from soy. Salmon and low-fat milk are particularly good sources.
If you suffer from food allergies, it’s important to keep a detailed food diary. Note what you ate when you have hives breakouts, as it may be just a simple matter of eliminating a food or several foods from your diet in order to avoid suffering from hives.

Kevin Angileri Writes About Superfoods for Hives Relief

Kevin Angileri Writes About Superfoods that Battle the Herpes Virus

Kevin Angileri Writes About Superfoods that Battle the Herpes Virus

Kevin Angileri Writes About Superfoods that Battle the Herpes Virus

Herpes outbreaks can be embarrassing, not to mention uncomfortable and painful.  And sometimes, prescription medication doesn’t fend off the flare ups.  But with some consideration and creativity, we can add superfoods to our diet that will help our body fight off the herpes virus.

Cranberries may help to fight infection by the herpes virus, one of the most common viral infections in humans, according to recent research. Cranberries are already known to prevent urinary tract infections by reducing the power of certain E. coli bacteria to stick to the urinary tract walls, and recent studies suggest that cranberries also significantly suppressed herpes type 2 by preventing the virus to attach to and penetrate the walls.  HSV-2 or herpes simplex infection causes cold sores and genital herpes.

Broccoli fights cancer, heart disease and other serious conditions. It’s high in vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system. Broccoli may also inhibit the herpes simplex virus from reproducing.

Kelp is a stellar, nutrient-dense sea vegetable that can also help eliminate herpes outbreaks.  It is also known as Laminaria and it works as a blood purifier.

Other superfoods that can help strengthen the body’s immune system to fight the herpes simplex virus are those that are high in vitamins B, C, and E, as well as lysine, an amino acid.  Fish, bean sprouts, fruits, vegetables, and whole grain complex carbohydrates are all great sources for these.  Try to avoid refined sugars, stimulants like caffeine, alcohol, excessive sun exposure, and smoking, as these all have the ability to deplete energy stores which can in turn compromise your immunity and your ability to fend off infections.  Stress is a major cause for herpes outbreaks, so do whatever possible to minimize stress in your life – get plenty of sleep, take time out to relax, and get plenty of fresh air and exercise.


Kevin Angileri Writes About Superfoods that Battle the Herpes Virus