Tag - cons of sugar

Cons Of Sugar – It Is Not Our Friend


When I was a little boy of 4 or 5, I would sit in the kitchen with my grandfather (Mr. Nick), and have coffee together.  He would put about a 1/3 of a cup of coffee and 1/2 cup of milk.  He then put in about 3 or 4 tablespoons of sugar.  We would sit there and dunk Nonni’s homemade bread in the coffee.  Those were great times for me.  That was the first time, I remember using sugar.  I sure loved that white stuff.  I could not get enough of it.

My mother would make Rhubarb pie and I would watch her toss in a couple of cups of sugar.  And so I grew up with the notion, sugar was good for me.  Heck, Mr. Nick and my mom would not give me anything  that was bad.  Unfortunately, they were wrong.  Most everyone’s parents, during that era, did the same.  Now, here we are addicted to sugars.  Sugar is in almost everything we eat.  Check out the ingredients of everything you buy at the grocery.  It’s there somewhere.  Oh wait, they don’t call it sugar anymore(I wonder why).  Now sugar is called: sucrose-dextrose-high fructose corn syrup-glucose-maltose-lactose.

Because sugar is in so many products on our grocery store shelves, we consume huge amounts of it.  World-wide, the average person consumes 24 kilograms or 53.8 pounds of sugar per year.  That is almost 4 pounds of it each and every month.  There are many cons of sugar, It has been linked to obesity, or fully implicated as a cause in the occurrence of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia, macular degeneration, and tooth decay.

This morning, I was reading and saw this ad for this movie called “Fed up”.  I watched the trailer.  I think, it may be an important movie, so I will be either renting or buying it today.

Update: I have finished watching movie “Fed Up” and it was an eye opening…Please check out this blog post for my remarks about it.

Please go to You tube and watch the trailer for  “Fed up”.  fedupmovie.com  .Copy and paste to your browser.  It may be the best 2 minutes you’ll see.  Do it for yourself and you family.

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