Tag - Elmo

Elmo’s Health tips for the week: Tip 8 Update 01/13/2015


In his video, Elmo asked that you change one thing each week.  And Elmo thinks, that just maybe, those changes will turn into good habits.  Elmo said to me, maybe these changes will help all boys and girls and even maybe their moms and dads.  “Hey all you boys and girls and moms and dads, please try to make these positive changes”.  They will make you feel all better.  Talk to you soon, and remember, Elmo loves you.  xoxoxoxxo


Health Tip 1. Stay hydrated.  Drink lots of water.  Eight to ten 12oz. glasses for adults and eight to ten 10 oz glasses for children.  Remember sodas and coffee don’t count, just plain water.  Try drinking a glass of water before and during dinner.  If plain water gets a bit boring, try adding a slice of fruit for taste.  Lemon, orange, strawberry, cucumber or even a slice of peach will liven up the taste.

Tip 2.  Halloween is over and you have probably finished eating all the bounty, you collected from your neighbors.  If there is some candy left, toss it in the garbage.  Elmo says tip 2 is no candy for 1 whole week.  That’s right, that is our goal for this week.  Moms and dads, that includes you too.  You have to show your kids, by good example.  So, the whole family can work together, and look at all the money you will save.  So, make Elmo proud and remember, Elmo loves you.  xoxoxoxo

Tip 3.  The most popular drinks in the world are sodas.  Unfortunately, sodas, either with sugar or sugar substitutes are the worst things to drinks.  They contain numerous chemicals, that are not good for the human body.  Become a label reader.  So, for one week, no sodas.  If you can do it for a week, do it for another week and then another.  Hopefully, you will never drink sodas again. Please read an article on this site called “Sugar is not our friend”.  And watch the short video at the end of the article.

Good day everyone, I hope these Health tips have helped you.  I hope, they have turned into better eating habits.  That is the purpose of these tips.  Changing bad eating to good eating.  Changes don’t happen overnight, so stay at it.

Tip 4.  For at least one week, instead of your normal breakfast of bacon and eggs etc., replace breakfast with a healthy Smoothie.  Easy and quick to prepare.  There are many Smoothie recipes, so they never get boring.  Elmo recommends this easy recipe.

1 cup of whey protein

1 Protein shake

1 Banana

1 cup of fresh or frozen fruit.  Blueberries, Strawberries, or any fruit you like best.

1 cup of ice

This is a very simple Smoothie and you can change the fruit to suit your taste.

It will give that boost in protein , you need to start your day.  Enjoy and remember, Elmo loves you.  xoxoxox

Tip 5.  Well, tomorrow is the big day.  Thanksgiving.  A day, we all wait for.  Family and friends being together.  The best of foods sitting on a beautifully decorated table.  Oh, the temptations are enormous.  You are going to do fine.  With a little self control, you will enjoy most everything in moderation.  Drink a glass of water before dinner is served.  Portion control is the answer.  Fill one dinner plate with a little of everything and eat slowly.  Give you brain time, to figure out, you are full.  Seconds?  If you must, go for the green.  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Tip 6.  Elmo says, this is a good week to give up breads,  All kinds of breads, white, multi-grain, pita, emglish muffins Whole wheat etc.  Eat nothing made of flower.  Gosh, we the people on this planet love bread.  I thought, I could not live without bread, but we can,  All breads go through so much processing and they take out, all the best parts, like the bran.  Bread is useless, except as a filler.  If you are having a sandwich, wrap it in a lettuce leaf.  I enjoy beef on occasion and I like “in and out burger”, animal style.  I get it well done, no sauce, lots of onions and a lettuce leaf wrap.  Really, quite good.  So that is this weeks challenge.  No bread products whatsoever.  Do your best and remember, Elmo loves you.


If you have been following Elmo’s tips, you are on your way to a more healthful living and might be feeling better, than you have in the past.  Hopefully, some of his tips have turned in habits.  Keep up the good work.  If you have fallen off the wagon, get back on.  We all have setbacks.  Don’t quit.

Tip 7.  Do the 10 day sugar challenge.  For the next 10 days, eat nothing with added sugar.  Be a “label reader”.  On the list of ingredients, if it has added sugar, do not eat it.  Learn the other names of sugar on the labels…high fructose corn syrup, maltose, dextrose etc.  The grocery store sells thousands of products and most are processed foods with added sugar of one name or another.  Be aware of all these foods.  The best place to find healthy foods without added sugars is your produce department.  You will never see a label on fruits or vegetables that say added sugars or high fructose corn syrup.  Your produce department is your pharmacy, that supplies you with all the nutrients you will need to heal your body.  Good luck over the next 10 days and hopefully longer.  xoxoxox  from Elmo.

Tip 8.  FYI, Elmo put a few pounds on over the Holidays and so he is embarking on an easy exercise program.  It is a simple one and he hopes that you will join in.  Elmo asks that you start walking everyday.  Start off slowly and try for at least 1/2 mile per day.  It should not take any longer than 15 minutes.  Get that blood circulating through your veins.  If you can, try extending it to 3/4 of a mile.  The goal here is to get moving.  Walking is the easiest exercise and you need no equipment.  Elmo says after a month of walking, you will most likely want to continue and even extend the distance and shorten the time it takes.  Log your distance and times and you will see, how much easier it get after a while.  And remember….Elmo loves you.

Elmo asks that you subscribe to this web site.  Please share this on your social media.  We sure would appreciate it.  Thank you. Kevin Angileri