Tag - exercise

Benefits of Balanced Diet And Exercise by Eric Elegado

Balance diet and exercise

Effects of Balanced Diet And Exercise On The Body

Do you have an important occasion close at hand and want to look your best? Well then you have to work very hard first to get into an attractive shape and at the same time stay healthy and look fresh and glowing. For that the two important measures that you need to adhere are namely

Appropriate Diet
Adequate Exercises

We all know that exercises are equally beneficial for a fit and healthy life as a balanced diet. But if you think you need some instant effects of diet and energy on your total body as well as looks, then you have to cut out on many things especially if you are too healthy or in other words overweight.

How to Get Instant Results

Firstly, control your diet to the maximum and maintain a fat-free and fiber-rich diet that will not allow any fats to accumulate in your body that mostly tend to gather round the belly. Have a lot of fruits that have low sugar contents and more of vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus and green vegetables that will supply all the required nutrients like proteins, vitamins and minerals along with fiber to maintain health.

Secondly, start your intensive workouts with about 45minutes of running. It helps to burn fats more than any other natural exercises and it is extremely convenient too. Running in the open air in nature increases your energy levels, boosts metabolism and at the same time kills the stubborn fats.

If you work in a firm where you need to sit all day long at your desk, then you must positively start your day with these running or jogging exercises. These natural ways to stay fit are so effective that your body starts responding the moment you start changing your lifestyles for the best.

Thirdly, if you think you can manage to hit the gyms, find out the gym that is nearest to your home so that you do not have to travel far to do your exercises for it is often observed that if you need to drive to your fitness clubs you have the tendency to miss your daily routine especially if you are overworked or extremely tired. However, if you are determined to get a strong and fit body that will turn the heads of many, then get in touch with an experienced physical instructor. He/she can design the perfect workout routines that will give instant results.

At the gym you can take the advice of dieticians also for they can guide you properly to get exactly what you want. But always remember dieting alone does not give instant results. On the other hand, do intensive exercises and adhere to a strict diet plan to achieve the most.

However if you feel weak or any other uneasiness while doing the exercises or eating lesser than usual to reach your target, it is best to consult a doctor for these are symptoms of weakness and the amount of exercises that you are doing may not be right for you. So be calculative and check your weights and blood pressure levels frequently when you plan to see instant effect ts of diet and exercises.

According to experts, although sometimes you may need to change your looks and reduce your weight etc for special occasions and events, it is best to enjoy results that stay forever. Seeing the effects of the good habits of exercises and controlled diet as a gradual process is far better than becoming lean and the so-called 0-figure or carving the six packs to woo your woman within a fortnight. Experience shows that such rapid changes are forced changes and may be harmful for your health. For the best and permanent effects of diet-control and workouts, follow the gradual process as slow and steady improvements in your health and looks are those that stay for many years and if you can maintain the same balanced lifestyle you can enjoy a happy life till the end.

Some of the instant effects of exercises pointed out by doctors and researchers are:

Exercises like running, swimming and other cardio workouts improves your breathing system and that lowers the heart rate and blood pressure as well. This is perhaps the biggest benefits of exercises and one who is constant in his/her routine, feels the difference quite fast
Fitness regime offers instant changes in your body and you lose weight instantly and the actual effects that you derive from doing your regular exercises are enjoyed in the long run.

Exercise is the best way to improve moods as the secretion of endorphins during physical activity works instantly to reduce stress and tiredness.

Exercise acts in the same way as your diet. It plays its part immediately on blood sugar level and controls fluctuation in blood pressure also.

Most people go to gyms and follow a fitness regime to reduce fat and get the required weight and body shape. Physical activities when performed with enthusiasm and zeal have instant effects and you burn more calories than expected.

Men who wish to stay fit and show off their huge strong muscles and six packs, benefit a lot from regular intense training under the guidance of trainers. The effects are visible within a week especially when the workouts are intended for some event or competition.

Those who suffer from sleeplessness or insomnia, benefit from exercises. Exercises make you tired and exhausted and that promotes better sleep.

The opinions of specialists and experienced doctors and fitness experts about diet control and its effects on health either instantly or in the long are the following:

  • The habit of over-eating or simply eating because you have nothing g to do is the worst of habits that you can have. So controlling the intake of food reduces the risks of heart diseases and obesity, diabetes and also cancer. A well-balanced diet works instantly to reduce weight in the proper way while taking care of your health.
  • A nutritious diet is conducive to both physical and mental well-being. If you look good, you naturally feel satisfied and confident and this has a tremendous effect on your work sphere and home front too. A balanced diet supplies all the necessary nutrients that you need to stay healthy and free from diseases and it is in no way a starving system of reducing weight.
  • A well-balanced diet is a great source of energy and it is enjoyed instantly. By omitting sugars, refined carbohydrates and excess fatty foods, you can maintain your blood sugar levels and increase energy to carry out your work efficiently without any stress.
  • Those who maintain a proper diet routine have been found to be more intelligent and have greater concentration and efficiency in all spheres of life. They are never tensed but have a balanced lifestyle. Proper nutrition helps the blood to flow to the brain sufficiently thereby protecting the brain cells and guarding against Alzheimer’s disease.

All those who wish to bring about actual changes in their physical and mental health, should not consider anything else other than maintaining a proper and nutritious diet plan and doing regular exercises. For immediate results, you need to work a bit more than usual, but for long-term benefits a consistent routine is a must.

by Eric Elegado

The Quest for Wellness

Dealing with diabetes

Welcome back to CarbaholicsAnonymous.  We appreciate your loyalty to this site.

Whether you are here about weight loss or Diabetes, we try to keep you up on the latest information, to help you gain Wellness.

The Dictionary Definition Of Wellness:

The dictionary has 2 definitions for “Wellness”.

1. the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort.

2. an approach to healthcare that emphasizes preventing illness and prolonging life, as opposed to emphasizing treating diseases.

Our goal is to aid you in achieving both definitions of Wellness, in an easy format.  Not a lot of medical jargon.  So, lets start with definition 1.

The key words, in definition 1 , are “deliberate effort”.  Read and learn as much as you can about any ailment, you may have.  Knowledge is Power.  The more you know about your ailment, the easier, it will become, to overcome it.  Most ailments can be overcome and cured.  It gets confusing at times, at times.  For instance, if you are on a quest for weight loss. there are hundreds, if not, thousands of weight loss diets.  Which one to choose?  If you are very overweight (50 pounds or more), first consult your doctor.  Because he or she knows your particular situation, and can direct you to a particular diet or even send you to a certified dietician.

Definition 2.  Yours and everyone’s goal is preventing illness and prolonging our lives.  It is exciting to see healthy people in their 90”s.  This is achievable to all of us.  It just take a little work and perseverance.  It is not magic.  The keys are being careful of what we eat and getting off our duffs and a bit of exercise.  It is a matter of developing new and better habits.  Many years ago, a friend said to me, there are 2 kinds of people in this world.  “Those, who live that eat to live and those, who live to eat”.  I was the latter.  Now, I try to “eat to live”.  Think hard about that.  Which are you?  Make the change, it is the most important thing, you can do.  Let your doctor treat your ailment, and give him all the help you can, by doing your part.

Here is the most difficult part of all of this.  Procrastination.  We have been living our lives so long, it is difficult and we say “Ok, I will start next week or Jan.1 of next year”.  Don’t procrastinate one more day.  Today is a great day to begin your quest for wellness.  Maybe, if you are strong and change some bad eating habits, by Jan 1, you will see some wonderful results.  It does not take a long time to get results.  I was going to say “Good luck”, but it is not a matter of luck.  Instead, “Good wellness”.

Addicted To Food? Here Are Important Points To Know

Healthy fitness training

Addicted To Food?

Do you ever feel like eating unhealthy foods isn’t a choice?  Do you sometimes feel powerless, like you eat them without much conscious thought? Or perhaps you know you’re eating foods you should not be, but yet, you just cannot seem to stop yourself no matter how hard you try?

Food addiction is a very real thing and something that gets overlooked far too often. If you are not aware of what’s happening in your mind and body when you eat these foods, it may easy to get yourself down over it, chalking it up to you having no will power to stick to a diet plan.

But, it’s much more than that.  If you are currently suffering from food addiction, it’s going to take some hard work to break free, but the great news is that with the right approach, you can definitely do so.

Let’s go over what you must know about food addiction.

The Cause Of Food Addiction 

So what causes food addiction in the first place? If you think it’s simply the fact that your taste buds have a strong preference for sweet or salty foods, you’re not quite correct in that thinking pattern.

While there’s no doubt that your personal preferences on taste do play a role in the foods you choose, there are other responses going on when you eat certain types of foods.

The most problematic perhaps is consumption of carbohydrates – namely simple carbohydrates. This includes foods like cake, cookies, ice cream, crackers, granola bars, cereals, bagels – basically anything that is not wholesome and coming straight from nature.

Essentially, all the foods you should be aiming to avoid. 

When you eat these foods, they do two things.  First, they spike blood glucose levels.  This initially makes you feel very good as you suddenly have a high surge of energy going through your body. Who doesn’t love that?

But more importantly, these simple carbohydrates also cause a high release of the neurotransmitter in the body called serotonin, which has extremely strong impacts on your overall well-being.

It makes you feel calm, relaxed, and at peace.  It helps to reduce stress and can even help you feel closer to others.  To put this into perspective, this is the same neurotransmitter that is released during hard drug use.  It is that powerful – and that addictive.  There’s no question how addictive hard drugs can be. Well, carbohydrates can actually have a similar effect.  You aren’t getting addicted to the carbohydrate itself, but rather, the feeling that those carbohydrates create in your body due to the response you get.

Why do you think so many people turn to ice cream, cake, and cookies when they are highly stressed out? It is this response that’s soothing them – not just the sweet taste these foods offer.

The bad news however is after you get this initial high from these foods, you are also going to crash, feeling worse than before.  Especially as your blood glucose level comes crashing down, you are going to feel irritable, lacking energy, and your overall mood will also take a tumble. So while you found relief, it was only temporary and now, you have just worsened the situation.

Not to mention the fact that with this spike than crash of blood glucose, your pancreas will be working overtime, releasing insulin to control all that sugar, and eventually leading you to a higher risk of developing diabetes.

Those who put their body through this on a regular basis – sugar highs and then lows will also be at a much greater risk of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity due to the excess weight that will accumulate.

Even more is the fact that upon reaching this blood sugar low, now your body is going to want to prompt you to consume more simple sugar in order to bring it back up again, a cycle that just continually perpetuates itself.

Getting Help 

So if you find yourself in a situation of food addiction, how can you get past it? How can break free so that you are not longer controlled by your food and carbohydrate cravings?

First, realize that it isn’t going to be easy. Accepting this is key to ongoing success.  You are going to feel miserable for the first while and you will have to push through those feelings. Just like a drug addict goes through withdrawal, so will you.

Mentally preparing for this will help get you ready. Just remember that with each day you stay sugar/simple carb free, it will get easier.  Eventually those strong cravings will subside.

Next, turn to your family and close friends for support.  Explain to them what you’re doing so they are also prepared to support you through those difficult times.  Talking to them instead of reaching for that cookie jar will keep you on track.

Sometimes the simple distraction of another person can be enough to help you stay on track and prevent a slip-up.

Finally, make sure that you enlist the help of a personal trainer who has assisted others with this same problem you are now going through. A personal trainer will be a great ally to help you work through realistic goals to achieve as far as both your diet and workouts go.  They’ll also be able to give you nutritional tips to help you avoid feeling so fatigued so you don’t need to reach for simple carbs as often as you have in the past. A great phoenix personal trainer who also does online personal training is Seth Thurston. He has helped 1000+ just like you get control of their weight and reach their dream body by developing a healthy lifestyle.

If you’ve set yourself up a proper diet plan, you’ll find it far easier to break free from the food cravings you have because you are constantly fueled with nutrient dense foods.  Lack of a proper nutrition program is what gets many people in this situation in the first place, therefore taking steps to resolve this is a good place to begin.

So next time you feel like food is calling your name and you are too weak to disobey, keep these facts in mind. Something stronger than just willpower is at work here, but with conscious effort and the right protocol, you can overcome this problem. A great location for lots of information and support is www.Carbaholicsanonymous.

20 Magnetic Ways For Motivation To Lose Weight And Exercise

how to keep your motivation level up for fat loss and exercise.

Exercise, as you know, is loaded with benefits for you. I know that too but often work and family pressures take you over and you push your exercise time into a corner until you have enough time and a mindset for it. That’s just it. You don’t need the time to exercise. You need the right mindset or attitude to exercise. Once you develop this, you can get up or get off that couch and get going to exercise. Factors that prevent you from exercising: Perhaps, you’ve hurt yourself while exercising in the past and you don’t want to repeat that episode. Other reasons people cite for not exercising are:

 You don’t have the time to exercise, due to your work and family commitments.

 You’re embarrassed to wear exercise gear and walk into a gym where everyone else is in

good shape.

 You don’t have the money to spend on a gym or to buy gym equipment.

 You’re cooped up at home due to bad weather.

 Gyms are so ultra-modern that you feel intimidated by the equipment there

You get bored by the dull routines of your gym.

 You’re tired and don’t have the energy for it.

You probably use some of these excuses to stay away from exercising. But here are ways by which you can make time for exercise, however busy you may be:

How to stay motivated to exercise:

Below Are Few Points To Keep Your Motivation To Lose Weight And Exercise:

 #1: Get moving–stop leading a sedentary life: Leading a sedentary life isn’t healthy, say doctors. That’s because it could be the prime cause of several medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, cancer and Type 2         diabetes. So, if your health is high up on your agenda, get moving. Get out of your old and unhealthy lifestyle habits and think ahead. Think of what good health can do for you if you just put in your minimum effort. A little exercise and a dash of good nutritious food are just right.

#2: Fix a time for exercise: This time should be non-negotiable. This means that no matter what happens, you will devote it solely to exercise. While you exercise, be sure not to take calls, listen to the music on your headphones or do anything that could distract you from your task of exercising.

 #3: Start early in the morning: By exercising first thing in the morning, you do two things: You give it the importance and time it deserves, and you don’t find other things to do “after” which you hope to exercise. Stop saying, “I’ll exercise once I finish this,” because that won’t happen.

 #4: Be reasonable, be realistic: First-time dieters and exercisers want to show the world that with a little bit of discipline, they can achieve the impossible. Don’t fall into that trap as it’s short-lived. When you’re so hard on your body, you can’t sustain the momentum and you stop what you could have continued, with just a little leniency. Your road to fitness may be paved with the best of intentions, but accept small failures and late starts to success, but carry on relentlessly.

 #5: Get into your exercise gear: Once you’re in it, you won’t want to do anything else but exercise. That means that everything else is to be put on the backburner until you finish your workout. Motivation to exercise means just this kind of attitude. So, go ahead and adopt it.

 #6: Track your progress, celebrate each victory: Plot your progress and when you make significant progress in your fitness regimen, write it down, as it can be a big boost to you. Any small victory can be celebrated, can’t it?

 #7: Deal with setbacks as they happen: Life isn’t perfect, so why should your exercise and diet regimen be? You’re sure to come across busy times when you can’t exercise. Or, you might have to go out of town on work or you may fall ill. Be prepared for such days and make up in the way you can.

 #8: Don’t let those perfect figures give you a complex: If you work out at the gym, you’re sure to come across women with flat stomachs and perfect figures. Don’t let them give you a complex. But believe that one day very soon, you too will be like them.

 #9: Get yourself a mentor: One more tip that works wonders for someone wanting to stay the course in fitness is to get yourself a mentor. This person will advise you through his years of mentorship to people interested in fitness. Listen to his story, ask him how he started out, what or who motivated him, and how he continued and reached this level of a mentor. Learn what you can from his story and have his picture before you each morning when you wake up. Keep telling yourself that you want to be like him and let his successes excite you to achieve as much as you can. He may also be able to give you some tips that could change your attitude to exercise and keep you motivated and upbeat.

 #10: Ask your family and friends to encourage you: Ask your sister, brother, parents, spouse and gym friends to encourage you to remain committed to your goals.

 #11: Enjoy it: Don’t see your fitness program as a chore. Instead, do something that you enjoy. How about skipping, aerobics, Zumba or jumping the trampoline? Whatever seems like fun to you is what you should take up as a means of staying fit.

 #12: Develop small exercise modules: Instead of devoting an hour or two to exercise each day, you can retain your interest in it by breaking it up into 20 minute modules. This will be easier for you to commit to and can be as effective as one long workout.

 #13: Make it possible to exercise: You may be eternally busy or unwell or whatever, do all that you can to make time for exercise. Put the phone off the hook, turn on the telly, shut the outside world out of your life and devote that time only to exercise. Exercise by watching fitness programs on TV or buy yourself some DVDs, but exercise at least five days a week, at least, if more is not possible.

 #14: Come out of the shadow of your bad experiences: True, any bad experiences you’ve had are bound to deter you from exercising again. Now, your need for exercise is to remain fit for the rest of your life and be able to enjoy living. So, forget that you weren’t athletic when everyone else you knew was and rewrite your fitness goals to include exercising all over again.

 #15: Read a book on exercise: If you read a book on exercising, written by an expert, it will motivate you to get moving and stay on course. It will also urge you to create a healthy diet plan for yourself and make you responsible for your efforts.

 #16: Exercise with positive affirmations: Here, you must remember to keep telling yourself that you love to exercise, and you’re really a very active person. Keep boosting your self-image when making your affirmations as they should always be positive to give you positive results.

Diet control:

 #18: Drink a lot of liquids: If you don’t drink enough water, you’ll soon be dehydrated and tired. So, ensure that you drink one liter of water every day to stay motivated to your exercise regimen and physically fit too.

 #19: Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables: These foods, along with foods rich in proteins, give you increased physical and mental energy. With this extra energy, you can have much higher concentration and motivational levels.

 #20: Reduce your intake of sugar and caffeine: Sugar and caffeine sap your energy levels after they are processed by your body. If you have too much of caffeine, it could cause anxiety and lower your concentration and motivation levels. Instead, drink green tea which has lesser amounts of caffeine, and is healthy too, overall.

These are some tips that I can vouch for that WORK in keeping your motivation to lose weight and exercise as well as keeping yourself healthy and fit! So, if you’re serious about making your workouts part of your life, go ahead and try these out.