Tag - How To Prevent Diabetes

How To Prevent Diabetes or Slow It Down by Kevin Angileri

30 Day Challenge

Many people ask me, How To Prevent Diabetes or Slow It Down?

The answer is to this question is that, Preventing or lowering risk of Diabetes can begin when you know the right information.  Regular exercising, cutting back on fast foods and drinking coffee is a move in the right direction.  The mixture of all these activities can help fend off the most common forms of diabetes.  Because of the rise of obesity in the U.S., diabetes is rising drastically.  About 21 million men, women and children have diabetes.  There are approximately 235,000 annual deaths, due to diabetes.  Tragically, a third of these people, don’t know, they have the disease.  Prevention and the slowing down the risk of type 2 is possible.

The most common form of diabetes in adults and some children is type 2.  Between 10% and 46% of children have type 2.  In children, those children are obese and have family histories of diabetes.  Clearly, an overweight child w/diabetic family histories, should be tested early, before the disease can increase.  Certain ethnic groups have a higher risk than others.  As an example, Native Americans can have a 20-30 higher risk, than the general population.  African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have also been shown to have a higher risk.  Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes and yet, the most preventable.

Here is what you can do to slow down or prevent DiabetesWalking and exercise is shown to be effective in preventing diabetes.  Losing weight is another method.  Here is a plan, that should work for most diabetics.  Walk and exercise for 30 minutes per day, 5 times per week..  Try to lose 7-9% of your total body weight.  It won’t happen overnight.  Slow and steady should be your mantra.  Work on a 90 day program of walking, exercising and weight loss.  You will see and feel results in 30 days or less.  90 days on this program should reduce your risk by almost 60%.  Always remember to speak to your doctor, before starting any new regimen.  Hopefully, in 90 days, you will have taken control of your diabetes and maybe(with doctors approval), get off your meds.

Drink some coffee.  Studies have shown, that coffee lowers the chance of getting type 2 diabetes and a 58% lower chance of getting type 2.  It really doesn’t matter, what type of coffee.  Caffeinated or Decaffeinated, both work.  It must be the other ingredient, not caffeine.

Try taking a vitamin supplement.  Use a supplement, that is high in Vitamin D and Calcium.