Tag - wellness

The Quest for Wellness

Dealing with diabetes

Welcome back to CarbaholicsAnonymous.  We appreciate your loyalty to this site.

Whether you are here about weight loss or Diabetes, we try to keep you up on the latest information, to help you gain Wellness.

The Dictionary Definition Of Wellness:

The dictionary has 2 definitions for “Wellness”.

1. the quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort.

2. an approach to healthcare that emphasizes preventing illness and prolonging life, as opposed to emphasizing treating diseases.

Our goal is to aid you in achieving both definitions of Wellness, in an easy format.  Not a lot of medical jargon.  So, lets start with definition 1.

The key words, in definition 1 , are “deliberate effort”.  Read and learn as much as you can about any ailment, you may have.  Knowledge is Power.  The more you know about your ailment, the easier, it will become, to overcome it.  Most ailments can be overcome and cured.  It gets confusing at times, at times.  For instance, if you are on a quest for weight loss. there are hundreds, if not, thousands of weight loss diets.  Which one to choose?  If you are very overweight (50 pounds or more), first consult your doctor.  Because he or she knows your particular situation, and can direct you to a particular diet or even send you to a certified dietician.

Definition 2.  Yours and everyone’s goal is preventing illness and prolonging our lives.  It is exciting to see healthy people in their 90”s.  This is achievable to all of us.  It just take a little work and perseverance.  It is not magic.  The keys are being careful of what we eat and getting off our duffs and a bit of exercise.  It is a matter of developing new and better habits.  Many years ago, a friend said to me, there are 2 kinds of people in this world.  “Those, who live that eat to live and those, who live to eat”.  I was the latter.  Now, I try to “eat to live”.  Think hard about that.  Which are you?  Make the change, it is the most important thing, you can do.  Let your doctor treat your ailment, and give him all the help you can, by doing your part.

Here is the most difficult part of all of this.  Procrastination.  We have been living our lives so long, it is difficult and we say “Ok, I will start next week or Jan.1 of next year”.  Don’t procrastinate one more day.  Today is a great day to begin your quest for wellness.  Maybe, if you are strong and change some bad eating habits, by Jan 1, you will see some wonderful results.  It does not take a long time to get results.  I was going to say “Good luck”, but it is not a matter of luck.  Instead, “Good wellness”.