Author - Kevin Angileri

The Skinny On Cleansing And Detox Diet

The Craze Of Cleansing And Detox Diet

 Health and fitness is a much-talked about topic now with more people becoming conscious of losing weight and maintaining a lean physique. Cleansing and detox diet are being chosen by many – one of the most obvious reasons will be due to these methods being popularized by fitness experts and celebrities as the ultimate solution for weight loss.
Following trends? Don’t!
It is advisable not to follow the trends blindly. Think practically – if you are avoiding particular foods to clean out bowels and other organs, then it is fine to a certain extent, but you are essentially depriving your body of other important nutrients if you continue for an extended period of time. Since the number of calories is being restricted, you will experience some weight loss for sure, due to the mix of muscle, the excess water your body stores at a given time, and a little bit of fat. This is an extremely unhealthy combination for the body!
If you suddenly drop your calorie intake, the results can be fatal. Cleansing and detox diet claim to wash out harmful toxins, but they are actually modifying the body’s cellular structure completely. Your body basically goes into “reset mode”, which means that the food energy in the body will be stored and not utilized when you go back to providing nutrients normally.
Only a Theory – Nothing Concrete
Scientifically, there is no proof that cleansing and detoxing actually helps in weight reduction because there is no research to support the theory. Yes, it is important to maintain healthy eating habits because consuming unhealthy food leads to accumulation of toxins in the body that is detrimental to it. Your body has to flush it out, but that can be done by eating a healthy amount of vegetables, fruits, and protein-based foods.
Following a fad just because “everyone is talking about it”, is a bad idea. We all want a lean and fit body, but it takes time and effort to achieve that. It will not be done overnight. You don’t want to starve yourself and then end up in the hospital due to your weakened system, right? Experimentation with the body is a strict no-no. Each body type is different, so what works for one might not work for the other. Analyze your diet or better still, consult a dietician or fitness expert as to what you can eat and what foods need to be avoided. Combined with eating properly, exercising on a regular basis also helps in weight loss.
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Coke And Diabetes

I think you know, that some of my focus, has been towards teenage diabetes.  I have been researching for interesting info.  I ran across the video from Britain.  A news show interviewing James Quincy, president of Coca Cola Europe.  The interviewer did a good job of asking some pertinent questions.  When watching this vid, you can see how many of his questions are evaded.  Mr. Quincy tries to change things, to favor his product.  He also tries to blame the individual, rather than admit his product is a big part of obesity.  I will let you decide.  Thanks again for visiting us.

Coke And Diabetes: Is coke a reason of Diabetes or obesity… Watch the video and decide.

Paula Deen Recipe – Thank You Paula

We owe Paula a great deal of gratitude.  She showed us how good, down-home southern cooking could be.  I don’t think, there is a single home in America, that hasn’t had her on TV screen.  She was and is still a household word, in America.  She has cooked some of the most scrumptious foods ever.  She made butter an icon in American cooking.  We watched, in awe, at her recipes and bought her cookbooks, so we could feed our families what she and her family ate.

I know she has had a couple of hiccups in her career.  She has managed to overcome them with flying colors.  It was nice of her, to apologize for her misuse of some (not nice)words.  She made it all better.

Now, she has started a new phase in her career.  She found out, that she is a diabetic.  She now, after 15 years or so of teaching us how to devour fats and sugars, wants to help diabetics.  She is the official spokesperson for a diabetic insulin program.  Thanks Paula, for taking care of your loyal fans.

In honor, I thought I would show you, One of the best Paula Deen Recipe, her famous low fat, low carb and low protein concoctions.

Diabetes And Sex, Have Great Sex Despite Of Being Diabetic

Diabetes And Sex:

Diabetes is a dangerous illness that affects various aspects of our physical and mental health. With the aid of an efficient diet plan and exercise, you can keep the blood sugar in control.  Currently, there is no cure for Diabetes, but managing Diabetes is easily possible.  Personal involvement in your treatment along with diet and exercise will bring amazing results.  Among all the various health problems connected with Diabetes, one that is hardly ever discussed is it affects on sexual health.

We are humans and having a healthy sexual life is a good sign. Diabetes plays a vital role in sexual performance and it is something that makes it difficult to talk about. There are majority of the people that are not able to speak about their sexual problems and perhaps affecting the relationship.

Diabetes Can Affect Both Women And Men’s Sexual Health

A great misconception prevails that majority of the men suffering from diabetes have problem related to performing sex. Well, it is medical untrue. Both men and women have the negative impact on their health and sexual problem is one thing where both suffer. At times not having clear communication with the partner/spouse make it tough as communication skills pertaining to discuss sexual problems creates a fearful picture. Letting down our partner is one thing we do not want to do at all.

Factors That Contribute To The Sexual Health

Knowing that sexual problems for the individuals suffering from diabetes are common can help understand what is happening and overcome the fear about external help. Problems like stress, financial problems, relationship problems, depression and certain medications plays a vital role in causing sexual difficulties. Taking the help of the medical professional will do only good.

Over the time, poorly managed blood glucose levels can cause damage to the delicate blood nerves and vessels. This damage start affecting the blood flow and sensation to erogenous areas

How Diabetes Affect Men’s Sexual Health?

The most common complaints found in men suffering from diabetes are erectile dysfunction. This happens when the individual is unable to maintain or achieve the erection strong enough for the intercourse- this can happens due to Diabetes. The treatment varies depending from one person to another.

How Diabetes Affect Women’s Sexual Health?

There is very rare information about the women suffering from sexual problems because of Diabetes. With the research awareness, the usual sexual issues faced by the women are vaginal dryness, difficulty in achieving orgasms, no or less interest in sex, and painful intercourse.

Diabetes And Lack Of Libido

The lack of libido is the term used to describe the lack of interest in the sexual activity. The sexual desire is the complex condition that is developed by the amalgamation of personal, relationship and biological factors.

How Diabetes Plays A Vital Role In Causing The Lack Of Libido?

The low testosterone levels can cause lack of libido. Hence, individuals suffering from diabetes and low testosterone levels may experience the lower libido.

Maintaining Sexual Health With Diabetes

A sexual hurdle that arises with the diabetes is very frustrating and embarrassing. Causing anxiety, there has been several cases witnessed of breakups.  The couples not being able to communicate freely are the major problem here. People may feel like giving up on the sexual desires rather than finding ways to cope up with this problem. However, there are plenty of ways to alleviate this problem.

· Fighting Fatigue And Low Energy

If you are feeling bit low and fatigue, what you can do is change the schedule. Try having sex at different time when your energy levels are at peak.  There is no compulsory schedule to follow as in here; you can enjoy it when you feel like doing.  Try it in the early mornings, or in the late afternoon and see which schedule works best for you both.

· Weight And Diabetes

These two things are buddies. The more obese you, your blood sugar enjoys more of that me time. Being fat when you are diabetic is not the good news. Obesity itself minimizes the sexual desires, and if you are planning to have a kid there are lots of complexity that you will face. Diabetes and being overweight is a “No win combination. It should be encouraged to get into some kind of exercising that you like – you can choose dance, aerobics, cardio etc. to keep your weight in check and most importantly have a well-balanced nutritional food with it. It will not show you the result with just exercising or just eating healthy food, as both goes hand in hand.

· Enhancing Libido

Erection issues and vaginal dryness are the common problems that individuals from both the sexes suffer having diabetes. Consulting your health practitioner for the medication helps you to overcome this problem. The hormonal replacement medications are the best one to cure the problems. They are available in the form of creams, pills, supplements, and injectable medications.

· Improving The Dryness

The lubricants available in medication form are extremely helpful to deal with the vaginal dryness. There are plethora of over the counter medicines, as well as you can ask your doctor to prescribe one for you. Do not stop your medication while intercourse..

· Staying Fit All The Time

It is very important to take care of your health especially when you are a diabetic. Diabetes will need to have a definite meal plans to keep the blood sugar in control. To overcome the sexual problems, it is important to have a diet plan that makes you fit and helps you to keep your diabetes in check. Rather than drawing up a meal plan yourself, it is advisable to visit a dietician or your doctor will be the best person to guide you with this as he/she has the knowledge of your health.

· Talk More About It

Suffering from diabetes is a big deal, the thing is you have to just take good care of your health, remain fit by indulging in some physical workouts/Yoga etc. and most important talk openly with your partner. The more you talk, the better your understanding develops and this way your partner too will be able to help you to cope up with the problem.

Find other ways to express your intimacy with the partner, when desire is not at the peak. Cuddling, taking bath together, massages are just one of the great examples to express your togetherness. Making time for each other is more and beyond sex. Talking with your partner about your feelings and possible sexual problems will help the emotional issues associated with the sexual hurdles.

As explained, diabetes can lead to range of sexual problems. However, each problem is required to be assessed individually and the best treatment should be discussed with the health professional. Diabetes may make the sexual activities challenging but it doesn’t mean you must forget to have the pleasure of the sexual side completely.  Many times it has happened that if the illness like diabetes is brought under the control, the sexual problems automatically resolve themselves. The most important thing to remember is to not to give up what is the most vital need of the life.