Category - health tips

Do You Know The Definition Of Diet?

What Diet Means:

Look up the definition of diet.  There are many.  What they all boil down to is, what we eat to maintain our bodies.  These include fats, proteins and carbs.  We need these three things to survive.  However, most of us don’t know to eat these elements properly.  Hence, we either gain or lose weight.  Now, here come people, who develop different plans about, what we should eat to preserve our bodies.  These are called “Diets”.

Diet Plans:

There are hundreds of diets to choose from, hundreds.  Different way to eat.  Most of us are either too fat or too skinny or we have a condition that needs different types of diets.  Lo calorie, low carbohydrate, low fat.  It gets all so confusing.

Why Diets Don’t Work For Us?

I have been dieting for 50 years, to no avail.  I have tried many types of diets, as I am sure, you have.  There is not one diet, that will not work.  They all work, to some degree.  Most of the time, the problem lies with “Us”.  We take a little divergence from our planned diet and gain back the weight. we lost.  In fact, most of the time, we gain added pounds.  You all have heard of the “see-saw” effect.  Lose 20 pounds and gain back 25.  Happens all the time, at least for me.

That is why, Diets don’t work.  We never stick to them.  Heck, we are just human and we all have our faults.  So, what do we do next?  If you are very obese, you can spend $10,000 for Gastric bypass surgery.  Great weight losses can be attained, through this extreme method.  As for me, I am not going under the knife to lose the weight.  Besides, approx. 50% of bypass patients gain their weight back.

Secret To Losing Weight & Keeping Those Pounds Off

Many people lose lots of pounds and keep those pounds off.  Many have diseases, they have arrested or completely cured.  They have kept their excess weight off for years.  How do they do it and I can’t?  What do they know, that I do not?  What is their Secret?

Here is their Secret.  Determination to cure their own bodies.  Determination!!!  That is the Secret.  They study and learn what their particular body needs and what to feed it.  They let nothing stand in their way to a healthier body.

Most of us know, what our bodies need to eat to reach our optimum weight.  We have studied and learned.  We have tried many diet plans and have succeeded to lose weight.  Then we lose “Determination”.  And the weight floods back.  Depression sets in and we eat more, lots more.  My fav is ice cream.  It only takes 1 bowl of ice cream, and I am off and running.  Not running on the treadmill, but running for another bowl of ice cream or some other food to appease my depression.  Two or three weeks later, I am back where I started.  So, what do we need to do?

Let’s get our determination back.  Let’s decide to give it 100% percent, this time.  This time, we will not fail.  Pick out a plan, that is suited to your particular needs and start immediately.  We all know how hard it is to start.  Heck, we have started many times before.  Make this time, the time you persist and succeed.

Last week, I posted on Face Book, That I wanted to eat a donut, but I was on a diet.  A Face Book friend said  “Stop worrying about dieting and love yourself the way you are”.  I was not sure, how to take that, so I read it a few more times.  Then, I got angry.  I do love myself as a person, but not a person that is 50 pounds overweight.  I will thank her, for the input, because she gave me back my determination.  It was that kick in the butt, that I needed to get me started.  I hope it does the same for you.  Remember “Determination”.  If you don’t got it…..get it.

If you get it and it works, let us know.  We love you.

Glycosylated Hemoglobin A1c Test

Glycosylated Hemoglobin A1c Blood Test

Most people think that only overweight people can be Diabetics.  That certainly is not true.  Slim and trim people may also be diabetic and never ever know it.  Most of us have had a lipid panel blood test.  Their results may show everything looking good.  The truth is that this test may not show if you are or are not a Diabetic,  The A1c Blood Test (Glycosylated Hemoglobin A1c test) is the test, that will show, if you are a pre-diabetic or a type 1 or type 2 Diabetic.  It is the gold standard test for diabetes.  It will definitively show, if you have diabetes or if you are a pre-diabetic.

What is A1c?

When glucose molecules bond to a hemoglobin cell it becomes glycosylated hemoglobin .  Glycosylated hemoglobin is found in everyone’s blood in various amounts.  It never breaks down.  Hemoglobin cells, however, live for approximately for 120 days.  More glucose in the bloodstream means more A1c is formed.  When the A1c test is performed, it can show the elevated A1c in the bloodstream.  The doctor can then evaluate the patients need for medication.

There are many risks for diabetic, such as, nerve damage, blindness and kidney damage, to name a few.  Diabetes can lead to heart problems and Alzheimer’s.  Doctors strive to keep a patients blood levels in a normal range, to prevent these risks.  They will recommend doses of insulin or other meds and even recommend a certified diabetic dietician to assist in developing good healthy diets.  Well balanced diets are key to keeping A1c percentages.

The American Diabetes Association recommended the A1c test in 1988.  The normal range for a non-diabetic is between 4% and 6%.  Levels of 7% and above show a need to seek help in lowering these A1c levels.  Whether you are overweight or slim, ask your doctor, if you should have an A1c blood test.  You will have peace of mind knowing you don’t have diabetes or you can strive to heal yourself with the aid of your doctor.

We hope this article has been helpful.  Please like us and tell your friends about Carbaholics  Thank you.

Controlling Diabetes Naturally

How to control your diabetes naturally

Big Improvements Via Small Changes

If you are a diabetic, what is your goal?  If you ask a hundred people, you will get the same answer.  I want to live a long and healthy life.  Isn’t that what you are saying, right now?  Most of us,however, don’t know how to get started.  We go to our doctor appointments and take our meds.  That’s it.  We expect miracles, just by following those rules. Trust me, it is not enough.

If you really want a long and healthy life, you will have to do more.  Right now, you are on a computer somewhere on this small planet and you have all that is necessary.  You have information.  Now, you must turn that information into knowledge.  Today, right now, start learning everything you can about this debilitating disease.  Don’t wait till you are unable to make the changes necessary.  There are millions of pieces of info that can help you fight this disease.  Your doctor can only spend 15 or 20 minutes for your appointment.  It is up to you to find ways to fight diabetes. The answer isn’t just taking your daily meds.  Learn what to eat and drink and what pitfalls, you run into everyday, that make diabetes worse.

Controlling Diabetes Naturally

Here are few starting steps, you can do to start controlling diabetes.  They are simple and easy and won’t change your everyday living.  But, they will get you on the road to a healthier You.

Drink More Water:

Water will save your life.  Stop drinking sodas, even those that are sugar and caffeine free.  If you have a taste for orange juice, eat an orange.  Remember that the processed fruit drinks have none of the actual fruit in them.  They have added other chemicals and preservatives so they keep on the store shelf.  Eat the real the thing, and feel better.

Controlling Diabetes With Food – Change Your Eating Habits:

Let’s talk about eating….my favorite subject.  If you are like me, you are a fast food junkie.  I have eating them from the very first day they opened.  Oops. I have given my age away.  Well, what do we do about fast foods????  Starting today and for the next 30 days try this. Cut your visits to the fast food place from 4 or 5 to once a week.  Make a healthy sandwich and piece of fruit for lunch.  A fast food lunch will generally cost about $5.00 and your homemade lunch will cost under $2.00.  Wow, eat better and save money!!!  What a deal.

Controlling Diabetes With Exercise

: Let’s talk about exercise, my least favorite subject.  If you are like me, you despise exercising.  So, for the next 30 days, lets not exercise.  Sound good?  Here comes the “but”  For the next 30 days, take two 15 minute walks.  One in the afternoon after lunch and one in the evening, after dinner.  That’s it….no lifting weights or sit-ups.  Just walk.  I know, you are wanting to know how fast, should I walk.  It does not matter how fast, just get off your dead “b__t”.  I will tell you this.  After religiously walking, after 10 days, you will increase your speed. That is the great thing about making a concerted effort to do something.

This may all seem a bit trivial right now, but 30 days from now, you will see improvement in your health.  You are going to feel BETTER.  Isn’t that the reason, you are here?

Hey, please “like us” on your social media and if you really like us, share this article, so your friends will see it, too.  Love you all.

Free Clinical Diabetes And Weight Loss Tests

clinical diabetes

Clinical Diabetes & Weight Loss Trials – How They Help You Saving Money:

Across the U.S and around the world, there are clinics doing drug and other free testing.  In most cases, they pay you to take their studies.  That’s right, they pay you.  As  an example, I go to a clinic to participate in a drug study for my COPD.  They provide me with medication and pay me for each visit.  It is a year long study and I get paid to participate and they provide my medication. that would cost me approx.  $145.00 per month (my medical co-pays).  Total saving to me of $1750.00, not including what they pay me.

Some studies are a short as 3 months and up to 2 or 3 years.  This is how new drugs get approval for sale in the particular country they are being tested.  Before any human is given these new drugs, they must have a complete physical examination and be tested to see if they qualify to take the test.  You need to have a specific disease to qualify.  In my case, I have COPD.  This is the second study, I have done and I have never had a problem.

In some of these test, patients are either given a medication or a placebo.  Although, some studies give one medication, that is currently being sold and the other is the new tested medication.  These are called “blind studies”.  I prefer going to a study that gives either Medication now on the market and the new tested medication.

The clinic that I go to has many studies for different diseases.  They are thorough and pass on any medication info to your present doctors, so your doctors are aware of any medication you are taking.  In my case, my cardiologist, my pulmonary and primary doctors have be notified that I am taking this test and what medications, I am receiving.

How To Find Clinical Trial Centers In Your Area?

In the U.S., you can check on the website Clinical Trial.Gov.   I am enrolled at Clinical Advantage Research in Chandler, Arizona.  You can check the internet to look up clinical trials in your own country.  They are worthwhile to look into.  You can save on your medication costs and may find a medication, that works better than you current meds.  There are many varied tests being conducted for many different conditions.  COPD, Diabetes, Weight Loss,Alzheimer’s, Cancer, Mental health and Vision, just to name a few.

There are currently over 184,000 studies going on in 187 countries.

Watch the following video for more info.  Copy and paste.

Kevin Angileri

Physical Inactivity

Physical Inactivity

Physical Inactivity is something many of us suffer from.  We just don’t exercise enough.  Work a full day and go out to dinner and watch some tv and go to bed.  Sooner or later, it all catches up to us.  People need some form of exercise, whether it is just walking or biking or some other form.  Activity is one of the keys to attain better health,

Physical Activity Benefits

Staying active can:
  • Increase insulin sensitivity.
  • Improve lipid levels.
  • Lower blood pressure.
  • Aid weight management.
  • Improve blood glucose management in type 2 diabetes and lower risk of Cardiovascular Disease.
Clinical Intervention:
  • Encourage patients to find ways to fit activity into their daily routine. Examples include parking further away from stores,taking the stairs instead or walking for 20 minutes a day.
  • Encourage patients to aim for at least 150 minutes/week of moderate aerobic exercise with no more than 2 consecutive days without exercise.  If they are just starting out, encourage them to start with just 10 minutes, three times per day and build from there.
  • Adults with type 2 diabetes should be encouraged to perform resistance training at least twice a week.  Many patients are motivated by wearing a pedometer and tracking their steps. Encourage them to join a walking group and challenge each other to more and more steps.

Most patients know smoking is bad for their health, but quitting is often easier said than done. If you have patients who smoke, be sure to emphasize not only the grave dangers of continuing smoking, but also the tremendous benefits of quitting.

Clinical Intervention:
  • Obtain documentation of history of tobacco use.
  • Ask whether smoker is willing to quit.
  • If no, initiate brief, motivational discussion regarding:
    • The need to stop using tobacco
    • Risks of continued use
    • Encouragement to quit, as well as support when ready.
  • If yes, assess preference for and initiate either minimal, brief, or intensive cessation counseling.  There are several smoking cessation programs online, that provide nicotine patches, gum and lozenges free of charge along with person to person support.