Glycosylated Hemoglobin A1c Test

Glycosylated Hemoglobin A1c Blood Test

Most people think that only overweight people can be Diabetics.  That certainly is not true.  Slim and trim people may also be diabetic and never ever know it.  Most of us have had a lipid panel blood test.  Their results may show everything looking good.  The truth is that this test may not show if you are or are not a Diabetic,  The A1c Blood Test (Glycosylated Hemoglobin A1c test) is the test, that will show, if you are a pre-diabetic or a type 1 or type 2 Diabetic.  It is the gold standard test for diabetes.  It will definitively show, if you have diabetes or if you are a pre-diabetic.

What is A1c?

When glucose molecules bond to a hemoglobin cell it becomes glycosylated hemoglobin .  Glycosylated hemoglobin is found in everyone’s blood in various amounts.  It never breaks down.  Hemoglobin cells, however, live for approximately for 120 days.  More glucose in the bloodstream means more A1c is formed.  When the A1c test is performed, it can show the elevated A1c in the bloodstream.  The doctor can then evaluate the patients need for medication.

There are many risks for diabetic, such as, nerve damage, blindness and kidney damage, to name a few.  Diabetes can lead to heart problems and Alzheimer’s.  Doctors strive to keep a patients blood levels in a normal range, to prevent these risks.  They will recommend doses of insulin or other meds and even recommend a certified diabetic dietician to assist in developing good healthy diets.  Well balanced diets are key to keeping A1c percentages.

The American Diabetes Association recommended the A1c test in 1988.  The normal range for a non-diabetic is between 4% and 6%.  Levels of 7% and above show a need to seek help in lowering these A1c levels.  Whether you are overweight or slim, ask your doctor, if you should have an A1c blood test.  You will have peace of mind knowing you don’t have diabetes or you can strive to heal yourself with the aid of your doctor.

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Do You Know The Definition Of Diet?

What Diet Means:

Look up the definition of diet.  There are many.  What they all boil down to is, what we eat to maintain our bodies.  These include fats, proteins and carbs.  We need these three things to survive.  However, most of us don’t know to eat these elements properly.  Hence, we either gain or lose weight.  Now, here come people, who develop different plans about, what we should eat to preserve our bodies.  These are called “Diets”.

Diet Plans:

There are hundreds of diets to choose from, hundreds.  Different way to eat.  Most of us are either too fat or too skinny or we have a condition that needs different types of diets.  Lo calorie, low carbohydrate, low fat.  It gets all so confusing.

Why Diets Don’t Work For Us?

I have been dieting for 50 years, to no avail.  I have tried many types of diets, as I am sure, you have.  There is not one diet, that will not work.  They all work, to some degree.  Most of the time, the problem lies with “Us”.  We take a little divergence from our planned diet and gain back the weight. we lost.  In fact, most of the time, we gain added pounds.  You all have heard of the “see-saw” effect.  Lose 20 pounds and gain back 25.  Happens all the time, at least for me.

That is why, Diets don’t work.  We never stick to them.  Heck, we are just human and we all have our faults.  So, what do we do next?  If you are very obese, you can spend $10,000 for Gastric bypass surgery.  Great weight losses can be attained, through this extreme method.  As for me, I am not going under the knife to lose the weight.  Besides, approx. 50% of bypass patients gain their weight back.

Secret To Losing Weight & Keeping Those Pounds Off

Many people lose lots of pounds and keep those pounds off.  Many have diseases, they have arrested or completely cured.  They have kept their excess weight off for years.  How do they do it and I can’t?  What do they know, that I do not?  What is their Secret?

Here is their Secret.  Determination to cure their own bodies.  Determination!!!  That is the Secret.  They study and learn what their particular body needs and what to feed it.  They let nothing stand in their way to a healthier body.

Most of us know, what our bodies need to eat to reach our optimum weight.  We have studied and learned.  We have tried many diet plans and have succeeded to lose weight.  Then we lose “Determination”.  And the weight floods back.  Depression sets in and we eat more, lots more.  My fav is ice cream.  It only takes 1 bowl of ice cream, and I am off and running.  Not running on the treadmill, but running for another bowl of ice cream or some other food to appease my depression.  Two or three weeks later, I am back where I started.  So, what do we need to do?

Let’s get our determination back.  Let’s decide to give it 100% percent, this time.  This time, we will not fail.  Pick out a plan, that is suited to your particular needs and start immediately.  We all know how hard it is to start.  Heck, we have started many times before.  Make this time, the time you persist and succeed.

Last week, I posted on Face Book, That I wanted to eat a donut, but I was on a diet.  A Face Book friend said  “Stop worrying about dieting and love yourself the way you are”.  I was not sure, how to take that, so I read it a few more times.  Then, I got angry.  I do love myself as a person, but not a person that is 50 pounds overweight.  I will thank her, for the input, because she gave me back my determination.  It was that kick in the butt, that I needed to get me started.  I hope it does the same for you.  Remember “Determination”.  If you don’t got it…..get it.

If you get it and it works, let us know.  We love you.

What Does Complacency Means To You?


What Does Complacency Mean:

Merriam Webster dictionary definition of Complacency:  A feeling of being satisfied with how things are and not wanting to try to make them better.  Are you complacent?  Most of us, including myself, generally are.  We don’t want to make waves, so we just “go with the flow”.  Unfortunately, when it comes to our health, that doesn’t work.  As a young boy and into adulthood, I ate the things I was raised eating.  You have either heard or said, “I am a meat and potatoes kinda guy”.  That is what complacency does to us.  We have been satisfied with this mentality.

Now that I have reach my golden years, I have started making changes to how and what I eat.  Forty or fifty years ago, we were told that a healthy breakfast consisted of fruit, cereal, milk, bread and butter.  My guess is, that if you are reading this, that is not your typical healthy breakfast anymore.  Remember all those great cereals?  Frosted corn flakes, cheerios, fruit loops etc.  How about milk?  I buy a quart of milk, about every three or four months, when I need something to dunk my donuts in.  Bread is a real issue for me.  I love the comfort of bread, especially making PB and J sandwiches.  I walk down the peanut butter aisle at least three times having a mental battle.  Do I or don’t I.  I usually don’t, because I know, I will eat that jar of peanut butter and a loaf of bread in three or four days.

Lunches don’t seem to be a big problem.  Even if you go to a fast food place, most have a decent salad.  In fact, that is probably their healthiest entry.  Just don’t drown the salad with the dressing.  The fast food industry has done us a big favor.  The have changed the kind of oil they use for frying.     This new oil leaves an awful after taste.  It was really hard to resist that super-sized order of French fries.  Now, it is a breeze.  Here is a tip, if you order a burger.  Ask them to substitute a leaf of lettuce and pitch the bun.  We could go on here till the cows come home.  But, it is these little changes than you can make, that makes a big difference.

Dinner:  What used to sound good to me was six to eight ounces of meat(beef, chicken or pork) and two big scoops of mashed potatoes and gravy.  Mmmmmm.  Oh, and an ounce or two of vegetables.  That is(was) the typical American dinner.  Not anymore, my friends.  That will kill you for sure.  If you are a traditional meat eater, try this instead.  Draw an imaginary line across your plate.  On one of the sides, divide that in half.  On the quarter size area, put a nice four once piece of meat or fish.  The second quarter, put a small portion of potatoes or rice.  You might want to try sweet potato or brown rice.  On the big half of the plate, load up raw or steamed vegetables.  Don’t worry, you cannot overdue the veggies.

With these few changes, you will have broken down your complacency.  If nothing else, you will shred some unwanted weight and after a few weeks, you will probably start feeling better.  Your  body is a wonder of life.  It can heal itself.  It just needs a little of your help.  Be kind to your body and it will last a long time.  I hope you have enjoyed this .  If you have share it on your fav media and give us a “like’’”.  Have a wonderful day.

PillPack: A Revolutionary Pharmacy For Diabetic Care

pillpack for diabetic care

In the United States, 30 million people suffer from diabetes.  A lot goes into the treatment of a diabetes patient. To maintain good health, they must monitor their glucose levels, eat the right foods and get the proper amount of exercise each and every day. And to make matters more complicated, most diabetics take five or more medications each day. While many people think using an old-fashioned pillbox is the only way to keep track of what medication need to be taken on specific days, the online pharmacy PillPack offers a much better option.

Why PillPack Is Different From Other Traditional Pharmacies:

A full-service pharmacy that specializes in diabetic care, PillPack is a revolution when it comes to pharmacies and how patients keep track of their medications. Delivering pre-sorted medications free to a person’s home, PillPack pre-sorts medication, vitamins and supplements into packets that are easy to tear and labeled with the day and time they should be taken. PillPack not only can deliver pills but also items like insulin pens in a separate refrigerated container.  Not only is the service a much more convenient method that a pillbox, but it also eliminates the guesswork of trying to remember what medicines need to be taken when.  This not only helps to keep their diabetes in check but also saves them from other life threatening complications and illnesses.

What makes this online pharmacy stand out from so many other traditional pharmacies is the convenience and attention to detail they use with each patient’s order. In addition to having everything delivered right to their door, patients using PillPack now have a staff of pharmacists available 24/7 to answer any questions they may have. Add to that no extra cost beyond the standard copay and an easy-to-use online dashboard where they can track shipments, review billing information, manage their medications and more, and you have a pharmacy that is clearly head and shoulders above the competition.

Patients as well as those who act as caregivers to those with diabetes, such as a younger child’s parent, can have tremendous peace of mind when using PillPack. For many patients, one of the most stressful aspects of their medications is keeping up with refills. With PillPack, that task is taken care of for them. Acting in a proactive manner, PillPack pharmacists contact a patient’s doctor four weeks before their last scheduled refill, making sure that any prior authorizations are obtained and that doctors and insurance companies are working together to make sure all prescriptions needed go through in a timely manner.

Managing diabetes is hard enough on its own, and the goal of PillPack is to eliminate as much stress as possible from patients and their caregivers. By using this revolutionary pharmacy, peace of mind is indeed theirs.

Dealing With Diabetes To Live Normal Life

Dealing with diabetes

Life With Diabetes

To be diagnosed with diabetes can be startling and can take some time to adjust to. However, it’s not the end of the world. By adopting a few measures listed below, you can lead a normal life. They will help you lead a healthy, active and full life.

What To Do Immediately After Diabetes Diagnosis:

Once you are diagnosed with diabetes, you will be put on to a diabetes care team, who will explain how you should manage your condition. They will teach you how to monitor your glucose levels and to understand how these levels are affected by exercise and food. To stabilize your blood glucose levels, you would probably have been given medicines or insulin injections and taught how to self-inject.

Learning to manage your condition takes not just time, but effort and patience. Perhaps, it has made you short-tempered, confused or angry, but with a little time, you’ll be able to overcome these niggling problems.

Live A Healthy Life With Diabetes:

In order to live healthy, You need to reduce the risk Dealing With Diabetes, do the following:

Lifestyle Changes:

  • Take your insulin shots and medicines regularly.
  • If you are overweight, lose the extra weight so that your blood glucose level, cholesterol and blood pressure are under control.
  • Switch to eating a nutritious and balanced diet that’s low in sugar and fat.
  • Quit smoking as it increases your chances of heart disease and brain stroke.
  • Exercise or play a sport for about 30 minutes every day, five times a week. You can also do a spot of gardening, play with your kids or pets or go boating or cycling.
  • Examine your feet every day as any nerve damage affects the feet first.
  • Seek medical advice, no matter how small the problem may be.

Eat A Balanced And Nutritious Diet:

  • Find out from your doctor or dietician what you should eat. Typically, your diet should include the following:
  • Eat whole grains, starchy veggies, beans and noodles. Limit bread and cereals and avoid white flour.
  • Eat three servings of fruit and vegetables per day. Do not exceed two or three servings per day of meat, milk and yogurt.
  • Limit your intake of sweets, alcohol, fats and sodium.
  • Be prepared for changes in your diet as you hear from your doctor.
  • Avoid drinking sugary drinks.
  • Begin reading food labels.
  • Drink about seven glasses of liquids per day. This included coffee, tea, diet drinks, low calorie drinks, etc. Avoid drinking flavored milk and water, fruit juice, sweetened soda drinks, sports drinks, etc.

How Diabetes Affects Your Life & Medical Health Safeguards:

  • Maintain a food diary. The more information it contains, the better your doctor can advise you on managing diabetes.
  • Be watchful for diabetic complications. If you can catch them early, treating them is that much faster and better for you. Some complications that could arise after diabetes diagnosis are:
  • Heart Disease And Brain Stroke:

    Once you’re diagnosed with diabetes, you should be careful about cardiac and brain stroke since diabetes comes with an increased risk for these disease and any complications relating to poor blood circulation.

  • Kidney Disease:

    Diabetes can cause kidney damage and failure and lead them to lose the power of filtering out waste products.

  • Depression:

    It’s normal to feel depressed sometimes, but often people live with their sadness for too long. They feel a hopelessness in life. If you too feel this way for more than two weeks, it is a sign of depression which needs treatment.

  • Eye Problems:

    Also called Diabetic Retinopathy, diabetes can lead to eye problems and possible blindness. If you suffer from diabetes, you have a higher risk for blindness than non-diabetics. By detecting eye problems early and treating them, you can save your vision.

  • Oral Health:

    It helps to visit your dentist periodically to avoid gum disease due to diabetes.

  • Diabetic Neuropathy And Nerve Damage:

    Damage to the nerves of the body that connect the spinal cord with the skin, muscles, blood vessels and organs is called neuropathy. This is one of the commonest diabetic complications that can be avoided if you act in time.

  • Foot Problems:

    If you suffer from diabetes, it’s highly likely that you will suffer from a variety of foot problems. These problems occur when your feet are nerve-damaged or when blood circulation is poor.

  • Skin Complications: About a third of diabetes patients have a skin disorder due to diabetes which can be treated or prevented if caught in time.
  • Gastroparesis And Diabetes:

    Whether You Suffer From Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes, You Will Be Affected By

Do you think it’s difficult to do any of the tips offered above? Certainly not. If you want to lead as normal a life as possible, try and follow as many of these tips as you can and you’ll find that life isn’t all that difficult to lead.