Kevin Angileri Writes About Superfoods for a Superior Thyroid

Kevin Angileri Superfoods for a Superior Thyroid

Kevin Angileri  says An estimated 27 million Americans have thyroid disease, and more than half are undiagnosed. Frequently misunderstood, and too often overlooked and misdiagnosed, thyroid disease affects almost every aspect of health.  Taking care of it with good nutrition is a smart step in the right direction. Here are some superfoods that research has shown can nurture a healthy thyroid, as well as some ones to avoid.

Kevin Angileri  says Coconut and coconut butter, or more commonly known as coconut oil, has been used as a food and medicine since the dawn of history. Unlike saturated animal fats found in meats and dairy products, coconut butter is a raw saturated fat containing fatty acids which the body can metabolize efficiently and convert to energy quickly. Research also shows it helps to regulate thyroid function.

Kevin Angileri  says Kelp is a stellar, nutrient-dense sea vegetable. It is also known as Laminaria and contains a natural substance that enhances flavor and tenderizes. Kelp works as a blood purifier, and promotes adrenal, pituitary and thyroid health. Its natural iodine may help normalize thyroid-related disorders, like overweight, and lymph system congestion.

Kevin Angileri  says Turkey is one of the leanest protein foods and is low in calories, making it an excellent healthy food choice. Turkey also contains selenium which has been shown to inhibit cancer development, improve the immune system, and aid in the metabolism of our thyroid hormone.

Kevin Angileri  says Thyroid patients should avoid the consumption of goitrogens, substances that suppress the function of the thyroid gland, and which can also cause an enlargement of the thyroid. Goitrogens are in foods such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, mustard, kale, turnips, and canola oil. Soy and peanuts also include goitrogens and should be avoided.

Both copper and iron are so important for thyroid function, so thyroid patients should take time to make sure they’re getting enough in their diets. Foods such as organ meats, oysters, clams, crabs, cashews, sunflower seeds, wheat bran cereals, whole-grain products, and cocoa products are all rich in copper.  Foods like leafy green vegetables, beans, shellfish, red meat, and poultry are high in iron.  Complement your iron intake with adequate amounts of vitamin C from foods such as citrus fruits, red berries, tomatoes, potatoes, and bell peppers to help maximize your body’s iron absorption efficiency.

Kevin Angileri Writes About Jump for Joy and Juice!

Kevin Angileri Jump for Joy and Juice!


Kevin Angileri says  Juice can actually be considered a natural water source and provides the body with protein, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals that can be absorbed quickly and efficiently.  Fresh juice also contains necessary enzymes, and pigments such as carotenes, chlorophyll, and flavonoids.


Kevin Angileri says  Juicing fresh fruits and vegetables provides numerous nutritional advantages that are extremely important to weight loss.  In addition, diets containing a high percentage of uncooked foods are significantly associated with weight loss, improved blood sugar control, and lower blood pressure.


Kevin Angileri says  Your appetite finds a raw foods diet more filling. Cooking can cause the loss of up to 97% of water-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.  Since uncooked foods such as juices contain more vitamins and other nutrients, they are more satisfying to the body, so it does not feel starved for nutrients. This means the metabolism will keep running efficiently and keep your weight loss efforts headed in the right direction


Kevin Angileri says  Juicing kick-starts your body’s digestive process and enables quick absorption of high-quality nutrition, which can result in increased energy. This is one of the great advantages of achieving weight loss through improved nutrition.  Fresh juices, combined with a well-balanced diet will provide you with the energy needed to burn more calories, fat, and provide you with the fuel you need for physical activity.


Kevin Angileri says  However, juicing does remove the fiber from these nutrient-dense foods. So be sure to include an appropriate amount of fiber-rich foods in your daily diet.  Juicing should be a complement to a well-balanced healthy diet, not a substitute.


So with a little planning and creativity, juicing could enhance your well-balanced diet and add some zest.  The internet is a great resource for juicing recipes and information, and with the realization that raw foods and juicing is a great health boost, books and magazine articles are touting the benefits and offering recipe ideas.

Kevin Angileri Says Organic Foods Equal Improved Health

Kevin Angileri Organic Foods Equal Improved Health

Kevin Angileri Says Organic food is food that is free from all genetically modified organisms, produced without artificial pesticides and fertilizers and derived from an animal reared without the routine use of antibiotics, growth promoters or other drugs. Once only available in small stores or farmers’ markets, organic foods are becoming much more widely available

Kevin Angileri Says Organic foods have been shown to improve your immune system, help you sleep better, shed the excess weight more easily, and improve your blood work just to name a few.  Organic food can boast intense, realistic flavors, and a higher vitamin and mineral content.

Kevin Angileri Says And though logically it makes sense to consume a diet based on organic foods, some worry about the cost. But with careful planning and preparation, going organic is actually quite affordable. And, the peace of mind knowing you and your family are consuming foods that haven’t been treated with pesticides or genetically altered is worth the extra money spent.

Kevin Angileri Says The pesticides used by conventional farmers can have many negative influences on your health, including neurotoxicity, disruption of your endocrine system, carcinogenicity and immune system suppression. Pesticide exposure may also affect male reproductive function and has been linked to miscarriages in women. Additionally, conventional produce tends to have fewer nutrients than organic produce. On average, conventional produce has only 83 percent of the nutrients of organic produce. Studies have found significantly higher levels of nutrients such as vitamin C, iron, magnesium and phosphorus, and significantly less nitrates (a toxin) in organic crops.

Kevin Angileri Says So it’s a smart idea to buy and eat organic produce and free-range organic foods as much as possible for maximum health benefits.  In addition, the knowledge that you’re supporting the organic foods industry that is dedicated to protecting the environment by steering clear of harmful pesticides and chemicals that can result in the loss of topsoil, toxic runoff and resulting water pollution, soil contamination and poisoning and the death of insects, birds, critters and beneficial soil organisms should help you feel even better.

Kevin Angileri Says Helpful Advice For Managing Your Diabetes Effectively

Kevin Angileri Helpful

Kevin Angileri Says The diagnosis of diabetes can seem quite scary at first but as you learn more, you realize that it can be managed. You don’t have to change your entire life. You can make adjustments and take better care of yourself but that is a good thing to do anyway. This article can help you develop the right attitude about diabetes and you.

30 Day Challenge

Kevin Angileri Says For people with diabetes, it is important to check your glucose level after heavy exercise. Exercise can keep consuming glucose for up to 24 hours later, so it’s best to check your glucose level every 45 minutes or so after your workout to see if your glucose level is dropping or remaining stable.

Kevin Angileri Says If you have Diabetes then alcohol is not your friend. Alcoholic drinks are full of sugar and that will not help your blood sugar levels. A glass of wine has more sugar than hard liquor and beer will has less sugar than wine but more than liquor.

Kevin Angileri Says When you’re planning to go to a doctor’s visit, write down any concerns you have. It doesn’t matter how outlandish they may seem, it’s much easier to read them off a page (or PDA or tablet, whatever works for you) than trying to remember them. Every bit of information you gain will help you keep your health in check!

Kevin Angileri Says Read labels on the foods you buy to determine which foods are likely to cause your sugar to spike. While it’s easy to see in unprocessed foods where the sugar or other ingredients are, it’s not so simple with processed or packaged food. Read the labels and avoid items that have been known to interact with your sugar.

Kevin Angileri Says If you feel someone is giving you unwelcome advice about diabetes, ask them to back off. If you do it politely they won’t be offended, and you won’t have to listen to them rattle on about things you either don’t care about or already know. If you have the knowledge to back it up then you’ll become the master of your domain!

Kevin Angileri Says People who eat at least two servings of dairy a day are less likely to develop insulin resistance, even if they’re significantly over weight. Even if you’re already Diabetic, including lots of low-fat dairy in your diet will help you to keep your blood sugar levels under control all day.

Kevin Angileri Says Think about what you drink. Diabetics need to be careful of everything they ingest, so don’t forget to monitor the nutrition data and ingredients on the items your drinking. Juice, for example, is very high in sugar, so you should drink it in moderation. Milk can be high in fat, so stick to skim.

If you’re looking for a fitness class to help you lose weight to deal with your Diabetes, try the hospital! They often offer aerobics classes for people with various issues, like seniors or the morbidly obese, or regular fitness classes through outreach programs. Ask your doctor to find out if these are available to you or apply directly.

It is important that you know how to use your insulin pump. Many people do not get the proper amount of insulin because they are not using their pump correctly. If you do not know what you are doing, do not feel ashamed to ask your doctor or another health professional, for help.


Try buying food at local farmer’s markets or at the farm itself to get discounts on healthy foods. A diet for Diabetes doesn’t have to be expensive, you just have to look for deals and sometimes shop in different locations. Eating farm fresh eggs for the first time will make you a believer!

Kevin Angileri Says Gestational diabetes can be a dangerous complication of pregnancy. It causes high blood sugar and can affect your health as well as your baby’s. Luckily, gestational diabetes can be controlled by a healthy diet, exercise, and sometimes medication. It usually resolves itself after the baby is born.

Kevin Angileri Says If you have a family history of heart disease, strokes or hardened arteries, you should be especially vigilant in controlling your blood glucose levels. Well-maintained levels can delay the onset of these and other medical conditions, and can also decrease your odds of developing these diseases as you get older.

Kevin Angileri Says Be sure you have a bedtime snack. This will help to make sure you have enough glucose to get you through the night and that your glucose is stable while you sleep. It will also help to make sure you don’t feel the need to get up at night and raid your fridge.

Kevin Angileri Says Try to avoid soda and other sugary drinks of you have diabetes. There are no health benefits from drinking these drinks and can in fact, cause your sugar levels to go higher. If you are going to drink juice, try to stick to ones that have no sugar in them.

Kevin Angileri Says Educate your family on what to do if your blood sugar drops or spikes to dangerous levels. A diabetic has to battle their disease with the help of family and friends, so ensure they know the symptoms to keep watch for in case you end up in a situation where you can’t control it yourself.

Kevin Angileri Says Anyone with diabetes must exercise to stay in good health. Exercise helps strengthen the cardiovascular system and helps to increase the circulation to the arms and legs. It also helps to control blood sugar levels. The best forms of exercise for someone with diabetes is jogging, swimming, walking, and rowing.

Kevin Angileri Says if you have diabetes, you should try to cut out alcohol or talk to your doctor if you can not. Alcohol can cause low blood sugar, which is called hypoglycemia. The effects can be very hard to predict with different people. Doctors will allow some people to have a drink or two with proper management, but it is best to avoid alcohol altogether.

Kevin Angileri Says As stated earlier, diabetes doesn’t have to be a horrible way to live. It can actually lead to a better life because you are taking care of yourself. You just eat healthier and exercise a bit which are all things you should do anyway. By taking heed of the information in this article, you can have a winning attitude towards diabetes.