The Survivor Diet by Kevin Angileri


If you have watched the tv show “Survivor”, You have seen how much weight a person can lose in a very short time.  It is sometimes very amazing to see men and women lose 1 to 2 1/2 pounds per day.  Obviously, that is not a diet, in any shape or form.  They are literally starving.  The odd thing, though, is what they are given to eat.  They receive beans and rice.  Sure, they may catch some fish or even some type of meat.  But, their main diet is beans and rice.  Not very appetizing, is it?  None the less, they survive on beans and rice.

About 25 or 30 years ago, I read an article, somewhere, that combining these two carbohydrates, when eaten together form a perfect protein.  I was perpetually on a diet and still am.  I saw something in that article, that made me take notice and then action.  I thought, maybe this would be a good diet to get on .  I did not intend to eat it every day at every meal, but decided to eat a cup or so, before lunch and dinner.  It’s healthy and very filling.  Almost immediately, I began to lose weight.  Not a pound a day, but like 3 to 4 pounds per week.

Beans and rice have been my mainstay for all these years.  I generally eat a cup or so about 6 times per week.  I sometimes, make it my entire course.  That is a lot of beans and rice.  I used a 10 bean dry soup mix, that I buy in bulk.  $1.69 per pound.  I always have beans and rice in my fridge or freezer.  Generally, I just add water and a few spices.

I have made many changes to the first recipe.  Sometime, I will add a hambone and little ham for taste.  Mostly, I add green vegetables, lots of vegetables.  I think the biggest change is that I only use brown rice.  I’m sure, you all know, how much healthier brown rice is over white rice.  This may sound boring to you at first, but trust me, you will soon learn to love it.  It is healthy and very inexpensive and very good for you.  Try it, you’ll like it.   FYI, if you are worried about getting the “toot”, add juice of 1/2 lemon and you will solve that problem.

By Kevin Angileri

How To Prevent Diabetes or Slow It Down by Kevin Angileri

30 Day Challenge

Many people ask me, How To Prevent Diabetes or Slow It Down?

The answer is to this question is that, Preventing or lowering risk of Diabetes can begin when you know the right information.  Regular exercising, cutting back on fast foods and drinking coffee is a move in the right direction.  The mixture of all these activities can help fend off the most common forms of diabetes.  Because of the rise of obesity in the U.S., diabetes is rising drastically.  About 21 million men, women and children have diabetes.  There are approximately 235,000 annual deaths, due to diabetes.  Tragically, a third of these people, don’t know, they have the disease.  Prevention and the slowing down the risk of type 2 is possible.

The most common form of diabetes in adults and some children is type 2.  Between 10% and 46% of children have type 2.  In children, those children are obese and have family histories of diabetes.  Clearly, an overweight child w/diabetic family histories, should be tested early, before the disease can increase.  Certain ethnic groups have a higher risk than others.  As an example, Native Americans can have a 20-30 higher risk, than the general population.  African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have also been shown to have a higher risk.  Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes and yet, the most preventable.

Here is what you can do to slow down or prevent DiabetesWalking and exercise is shown to be effective in preventing diabetes.  Losing weight is another method.  Here is a plan, that should work for most diabetics.  Walk and exercise for 30 minutes per day, 5 times per week..  Try to lose 7-9% of your total body weight.  It won’t happen overnight.  Slow and steady should be your mantra.  Work on a 90 day program of walking, exercising and weight loss.  You will see and feel results in 30 days or less.  90 days on this program should reduce your risk by almost 60%.  Always remember to speak to your doctor, before starting any new regimen.  Hopefully, in 90 days, you will have taken control of your diabetes and maybe(with doctors approval), get off your meds.

Drink some coffee.  Studies have shown, that coffee lowers the chance of getting type 2 diabetes and a 58% lower chance of getting type 2.  It really doesn’t matter, what type of coffee.  Caffeinated or Decaffeinated, both work.  It must be the other ingredient, not caffeine.

Try taking a vitamin supplement.  Use a supplement, that is high in Vitamin D and Calcium.

Insulin For Type 2 Diabetes Treatment by Kevin Angileri


Insulin is a hormone that is produced by the pancreas and is meant to use or store glucose from the blood.  When you have type 2 diabetes, your body produces insulin, however, your cells do not respond well to it.  That is known as insulin resistance.  This is why insulin can be injected into your fatty tissue to give your body the right amount of the hormone to take energy from the sugars you eat.  Approx.35% of people, who are diabetic, are not aware and have never been diagnosed.  Type 2 Diabetes rarely has symptoms.  That is one of the great dangers

Insulin For Type 2 Diabetes is not the only approach to control this disease. When you have type 2 diabetes, you have more options than type 1 diabetics.  Diet and exercise are common ways of controlling diabetes.  Diabetes pills and inhaled insulin are also options, and can be combined with insulin shots for an effective therapy..

Insulin therapy can be used temporarily.  Some conditions that might require temporary insulin usage for type 2 diabetics are pregnancy, surgery, broken bones and cancer.  If you’re struggling with your weight, insulin therapy can be used temporarily.  After you reach a healthy weight again, with your doctor’s permission, you may stop using insulin.

Types Of Therapeutic Insulin

The types of therapeutic insulin vary based on how fast they reach the bloodstream, when their effectiveness peaks, and how long they stay in your system. There are 5 types:

Rapid-acting insulin: works in 15 minutes, peaks in an hour, is effective for 2-4 hours
Regular or short-acting insulin: works in 30 minutes, peaks in 2-3 hours, is effective for 3-6 hours
Intermediate-acting insulin: works in 2-4 hours, peaks 4-12 hours, is effective for 12-18 hours
Long-acting insulin: works in several hours and is evenly effective for 24 hours
Inhaled insulin:works in 12-15 minutes, peaks in 30 minutes, leaves body in 180 minutes. This must be used in combination with a long-lasting insulin injection.

Why Start Your Day with a Protein Shake by Kevin Angileri


Why Start Your Day with a Protein Shake

The perfect way for you to start your day is always to eat a high protein breakfast. This is one of Kevin Angileri favorite things to do here. So after your long night’s rest, eating food with high protein will fuel you up for the day ahead. One way you can have the needed protein of your body is through protein shakes first thing in the morning.

What Are Protein Shakes and Protein Powders?

Protein shakes and protein powders are supplements to your diet. They are usually used by athletes but they are also helpful for you who have a busy day ahead. They are a great way to keep you energized and alert during the day so you can keep doing what you need to do.

In order to take advantage of the benefits that protein shakes can offer you, when is the right time to take them? The best would be to take them in the morning during breakfast so it can have a huge impact in your day ahead and here is why.

Protein Shakes Gives You Energy and Keeps You Full

Like the always say, breakfast is the most important meal. With a busy day ahead, you need to have a day’s full of energy and that’s where protein shakes can help you. Instead of consuming cereals and donuts and bagels that causes your blood sugar to ruse and then crashing within just a few hours, a protein shake is way better.

These sugary foods can cause your energy level to plunge suddenly. At the same time, the hunger and the cravings you feel becomes stronger. However, if you start your day with a protein shake which is full of protein (of course!) and fiber as well, you can have consistent energy for the whole day. This is because you have avoided the blood sugar crash caused by eating sugary foods.

Moreover, protein shakes boost your metabolism so that you lose weight but feeling full until lunchtime. Protein shakes are also light so you don’t feel sluggish to being too full. That way, you can really go about your business for the first half of the day without energy crash at least until the next meal of the day.

Protein Shakes Are Real Healthy and Quick to Make

What’s great about protein shakes? Well duh, they are healthy which is why it is great for you to start your day with it. You can be sure that it is healthy since you know your ingredients and you just toss them all in the blender. Within a few minutes, you now have a delicious and healthy drink. It is so easy and real quick to make that if you are running late, you can still have it on the go.

If you are really, really pressed for time, you can always use a shaker bottle which allows you to mix your protein shake as you go. It is this advantage that’s why a lot of people are inclined to take protein shake what with being real busy first thing in the morning. With this, they can still live a healthy life even without needing to prepare in long hours for a decent meal.

An Easy Way to Get Greens and Nutritious Food

As mentioned before, a lot of people today are leading hectic lives. Between work and home, they have just enough time to sort just a few things but not to prepare a decent meal. With that, they are highly at risk for being unhealthy because their bodies are not getting enough nutrition. They just don’t have time to cook right.

Well that is why protein shakes or smoothie is the right way for them to go. With a protein shake, they can add extra servings of the greens and super foods that the body needs so it can stay healthy, strong and with high immunity. In your protein shake, you can add greens like kale or spinach or fruits like dark berries for antioxidants, flax seed for fiber and more to pack nutrients in your shake.

If you are worried that you are not getting enough nutrients and yet you cannot eat all the foods you need to get them, regular drinking of protein shake or smoothie is just what you need. You can have it jam packed with all the nutrients from vitamins to minerals to keep yourself healthy and energized. Staying healthy is not as complicated and hard as it is before what with protein shakes that you can prepare in only a few minutes.

When to Drink Your Protein Shake

If you are working out, drinking your protein shake could partially depend on it. But the most effective time to consume it is still first thing in the morning right after you wake up. Then once you are done with your workout, it is ideal to consume protein shake immediately after.

Drinking your protein shake right after waking up in the morning is ideal because the body has been inactive for about 6 to 8 hours. That means that during those times, your body has not had any intake of nourishment especially protein. If your body hasn’t had protein, your muscles will then start to break down so as to compensate and create energy for your body.

But if you take a high protein breakfast it will help build muscle and offer energy to your body. This way, you can prevent the breakdown of your muscles right before it starts. Later on, the protein helps your body as well for your workout. After which, you need to consume another protein shake though to replace the lost nutrients and protein.

If you don’t drink protein shakes it is high time that you start. Most of the time, protein shakes are only used for convenience but it has great benefits as a whole food sources or as addition to your usual diet. Protein is needed not only for building and repairing of muscles but in general growth as well. As such, don’t write off protein shakes as just for convenient and start drinking yours now every day.


Kevin Angileri

I am Sick & Tired of being Sick & Tired by Kevin Angileri


You know, if you think about it, there will ALWAYS be a reason to wait for change. Not this week, there’s too much stuff going on. And next week, well, I’m travelling next week so I can’t start then. Oh, and the week after that – it’s my birthday, so I’ll wait. Next thing you know, excuse after excuse, we have made up our minds to not change for a month, two months, maybe even more!’

We will always find what we go looking for. And if we want to find excuses that hold us back from transformation, we will find TONS! Yes – TONS! They are everywhere. And many of us have a group of friends who don’t want to change, too – who will back us up with our excuses. Who we hang out with is who we become. The environment we live in molds us more than anything else.

We gotta be super mindful of the people we surround ourselves with and where we choose to exist and be. There are plenty of people in the world who will positively affirm mediocrity! Not because they are bad people, no – but because they do not know any better.

For most people, excuses not to change are commonplace and socially acceptable. But if you are on The Path and ready for transformation, excuses are just another form of resistance that is holding you back! If you want to argue for your limitations, you will justify and further create them!

But that is not who you ARE! That is not where you want to LIVE! Mediocrity is not your emotional home! It’s a cliché, but it’s true that if we seek, we will find. So today, instead of seeking for reasons or excuses NOT to change – start to look for reasons why you should change and get motivated.

It’s moments like this when it’s important to GET REAL with yourself. Not so you judge yourself, but so you can see the truth of how things are – and when we see the truth, we begin to set ourselves free. And when we do that, we start to make positive change.

Are you in denial about your weight? (This excludes anyone who has a hormone imbalance, but for most people that’s not the case.) Instead of calling yourself big boned, or ignoring the problem, get real with yourself – YOU’RE FAT! And accept it, and then DO something about it. How much longer do you want to live there?

Are you spending too much money – money that you don’t have? It’s time to knock it off, face your bills and get real with a budget. Stop hiding from your bills. Are you addicted to being angry or sad? Do you get connection and Love from people from telling your sad story over and over again –but deep down you know it’s time to change? That you can’t get real sustainable Love by speaking in woundology? It’s time to accept what happened and give what happened an empowering meaning. And know that you can get your needs met in healthier ways.

Are you drinking or smoking too much? How is that habit affecting your health and the health of those around you? You say you can stop at any time. Well if that’s the case – why not stop now? How much longer do you want to avoid your feelings and push them down with an addiction that isn’t serving you?

Maybe you are in a relationship with someone who you KNOW isn’t good for you – but you are terrified of letting go and facing the unknown alone. Yet, you know this situation won’t get any better. So you settle for 10% Love that has turned into poison, instead of letting go and facing the fear of being alone. Do you Love yourself enough to let go of this toxic situation, feel your feelings and trust The Uni-verse that a miracle is around the corner once you let go? You deserve MORE than this!

Begin to surround yourself with people who lift you up. We gotta love negative people, but sometimes it’s okay to love them from a distance when we are in recovery or in the beginning stages of transformation.

From today forward, let’s not justify our excuses. From today forward, let’s get real with ourselves and see how we are truly acting and use the white hot pain of that truth as ammunition to change our lives. How much longer do you want to live like this? Some gnarly stuff may have gone down in the past, but today is a new day and today YOU have the power of choice. How do you want to view what happened? Who are you choosing to surround yourself with and where? And from this moment forward what are you going to do about it, every-single-day? You will surely arrive one year from now – the question is where, with whom and in what state.


Kevin Angileri