Tag - Percentage of Americans With Diabetes

By 2050 Percentage of Americans With Diabetes Will Be 33%

I just finished watching “FED UP” the movie produced by Katie Couric and it was a real awakening.  There is not enough room on this page or even this website to tell you all that is in this movie.  It is a must-see movie for everyone, especially those with children.  Even if your children are in their 30’s or 40’s, ask them to watch it.  The statistic above is scary but I believe to be true.  By 2050 percentage of americans with diabetes will be 33%.  If you are not worried about yourself, protect your children and grandchildren.

I believe, there are 3 main messages in this movie.

1.  It is not our or our children’s fault being obese.

2.  The food industries have seduced us and our children

3   Government, because of giant Lobbies, has not stopped this huge epidemic.

It’s not their fault!!!!.  Our children have been brain-washed from almost birth to eat bad foods.  We, as parents, are also responsible.  We believed almost everything we read and saw in the media.  We gave our children everything they(food industry) said was good for our kids.  They deceived us from the beginning.  It is always easy to blame someone else.  We, the parents and grandparents are also at fault.  We took the easy route.  Instead of cooking good, wholesome food, we let someone else do the work.  It probably all started with TV dinners, to help out the tired working mothers in the 50’s.  Then came the fast food restaurants and we loved them.  Burger, fries and a soft drink under a buck, wow.  They hooked us.

Now that we have them hooked, how do we maximize our profits.  Well, what is cheap and tastes really good?  Sugar!!!  That’s it, we add sugar to everything, and the kids will love it.  then, they hard sold it to us and our kids.  They used all kinds of tricks, clowns and cartoon characters and tigers, sports figures who said this stuff is good for you and your kids.  They lied, they all lied.  Before this time, diabetes was unheard of in children under 12.  By the time you read this, there will be over 70,000 pre-teens with Diabetes.

People ask, why hasn’t the government stepped in to stop this epidemic?  I am not a political wizard, but I do know that our  Congress is dependent on Big Business Lobbies.  Lobbies use all their power to stop any legislation, that will lessen their strength in Washington.  Lobbies are meant to keep Congress in tow.

I wish there was more, I could write.  Quite frankly, I could not even come close to showing all the problems.  But I can tell you this.  There is a solution and it begins with you and me and everyone else.  We, as the caretakers of our children and grandchildren, must learn how do stop this epidemic.  Read.  Study.  Then teach it to you kids.  Help them avoid the terrible consequences of Eating all this sugar-laden food.  Don’t allow your kid to become a statistic.

In conclusion, take the time to watch “FED UP”.  You will be glad you did.