Author - Kevin Angileri

2015, New Year Revolution & Setting Your Fitness Goals: Update 1/2/2016 by Kevin Angileri

fitness goals

January 2nd, 2016.
Well, here we are again. This article was written in December 2014 with an update on January 23rd, 2015. How was your 2015? I hope you accomplished many of your goals. Now, it is time, to start all over again. I am really looking forward to 2016. With all my past failures, I believe this is my year to shine. Let’s make history together. I have 4 or 5 vices, but only 2, I want to work on here. First and foremost is that I am addict for cigarettes. I have been smoking for 60 years. I have COPD, but doing well. No Oxygen yet. My other vice is food. I generally eat really good food. Low fat, no sugar to speak of, but on occasion, I fall off the wagon. Ice cream is the number culprit. Bread is another.
This is my plan. For 30 days, I will not have a single puff of a cigarette and I will eat only good food and a lot less of it. I plan on losing at least 10 pounds in the next 30 days. That is not a great feat, considering, I now weigh 249 pounds and I am 5’9″ tall. I took a pretty disgusting side view picture of myself, today. 90 days from today, I will post it along with current picture, so all can see, if I succeeded or failed.
Good luck to all of you and Happy New Year.

1/23/2015:  We hope everyone is doing well on their New Years’s Revolution.  Unfortunately, I have not been doing as good as I hoped.  I have lost focus and motivation and I need help to get back on the wagon.  Maybe, some of you have had the same problem.  I have been on a few sugar binges and put myself on the usual “guilt trip”.  Pistachio muffins have been my downfall.  Were they worth it?  Truthfully, they were very good.  But now, realization has set in and I need to get back to the goals, I have set for 2015.  So, today is a brand new day of a brand new year.  If you have fallen, as I did, then today is the day to start anew.  Good luck to all of us.  If you have any suggestions, please send them in.  We need all the help, we can get.


No, I did not make a mistake.  I meant Revolution.  Most of us make New Year Resolutions and we try really hard to live up to the.  Some are about losing weight, quitting smoking, getting more exercise and any number of other things, we want to do starting the New Year.  Most of those resolutions last a month or two, at best.  We generally fall back to doing the same things again.

Setting Fitness Goals In New Year:

This year, 2015, I suggest a change.  Let this be the year of revolution.  The year, you make a difference in your total being.  The year, you make you body as perfectly healthy as you can.  The year, you allow you body to heal itself, after many years of feeding it unhealthy foods and preventing it from healing.  Your body is a wondrous mechanism.  It can cure itself.  It doesn’t need any doctors or medications.  All it needs is good nourishment.  Feed it good foods and let it works wonders.

This is not about fad diets and exercise programs.  We have been feeding our bodies all the wrong things.  Cheeseburgers, French fries, tacos, pizza, and all the processed foods are stopping our bodies from keeping us healthy.  We drink all kinds of drinks that are loaded with processed sugars and empty calories, and expect our bodies to thrive.  Instead of thriving, we contract diseases like Obesity, Diabetes, Heart disease, just to name a few.  Our bodies are begging for help, so they can do what they do best, heal themselves of these terrible diseases.

So, here is our 2015 Revolution.  Make this the year, to learn how to feed your body what it needs, to work it’s magic and bring back your health.  It won’t happen overnight and it will not be easy.  Don’t forget, it has taken many years for you to develop whatever diseases, you have.  How many years have you been eating processed foods and drinking sugar loaded drinks.  It has taken years to strip your body of it’s curative powers.  Here comes the good news.

It won’t take long for you body to regain it’s strength.  Once it has, you will see you health change in a matter of a few months.  You will start to feel better within a week or two.  In six months, you will be able to do things, you have not done in years.  You will have more energy than you have had it years.  Your skin will get back it’s glow.  In one year, your body can and will free you of most disease.  Note:  You should consult with your doctor before embarking on any lifestyle changes.  Keep taking any medication until your body has time to work it’s wonders and you doctor says it is okay for you to stop.  Seeking the help of a Certified nutritionist is a great idea.

Learn as much as possible about the foods that nourish your wonderful body.  Become an expert about your bodies’ needs and any disease, you may have.  Learn what nutrients your body needs.  The more you learn and put into practice, the faster you will regain your health.  There are hundreds or possibly thousands of diets around and they all work.  Well, they work for a while anyway.  If you feed your body properly, you will not have to diet ever again.  Your body knows, how much you should weigh.  Feed it well, and let it work.

My wish for all of you is this.  May 2015 be the year, your body gives you the healthy life, you deserve.

Do you need some inspiration?  Watch Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.

If you enjoyed this article, please share it on your social media.  We sure would appreciate it.  Thank you.

Insulin For Type 2 Diabetes Treatment by Kevin Angileri


Insulin is a hormone that is produced by the pancreas and is meant to use or store glucose from the blood.  When you have type 2 diabetes, your body produces insulin, however, your cells do not respond well to it.  That is known as insulin resistance.  This is why insulin can be injected into your fatty tissue to give your body the right amount of the hormone to take energy from the sugars you eat.  Approx.35% of people, who are diabetic, are not aware and have never been diagnosed.  Type 2 Diabetes rarely has symptoms.  That is one of the great dangers

Insulin For Type 2 Diabetes is not the only approach to control this disease. When you have type 2 diabetes, you have more options than type 1 diabetics.  Diet and exercise are common ways of controlling diabetes.  Diabetes pills and inhaled insulin are also options, and can be combined with insulin shots for an effective therapy..

Insulin therapy can be used temporarily.  Some conditions that might require temporary insulin usage for type 2 diabetics are pregnancy, surgery, broken bones and cancer.  If you’re struggling with your weight, insulin therapy can be used temporarily.  After you reach a healthy weight again, with your doctor’s permission, you may stop using insulin.

Types Of Therapeutic Insulin

The types of therapeutic insulin vary based on how fast they reach the bloodstream, when their effectiveness peaks, and how long they stay in your system. There are 5 types:

Rapid-acting insulin: works in 15 minutes, peaks in an hour, is effective for 2-4 hours
Regular or short-acting insulin: works in 30 minutes, peaks in 2-3 hours, is effective for 3-6 hours
Intermediate-acting insulin: works in 2-4 hours, peaks 4-12 hours, is effective for 12-18 hours
Long-acting insulin: works in several hours and is evenly effective for 24 hours
Inhaled insulin:works in 12-15 minutes, peaks in 30 minutes, leaves body in 180 minutes. This must be used in combination with a long-lasting insulin injection.

How To Prevent Diabetes or Slow It Down by Kevin Angileri

30 Day Challenge

Many people ask me, How To Prevent Diabetes or Slow It Down?

The answer is to this question is that, Preventing or lowering risk of Diabetes can begin when you know the right information.  Regular exercising, cutting back on fast foods and drinking coffee is a move in the right direction.  The mixture of all these activities can help fend off the most common forms of diabetes.  Because of the rise of obesity in the U.S., diabetes is rising drastically.  About 21 million men, women and children have diabetes.  There are approximately 235,000 annual deaths, due to diabetes.  Tragically, a third of these people, don’t know, they have the disease.  Prevention and the slowing down the risk of type 2 is possible.

The most common form of diabetes in adults and some children is type 2.  Between 10% and 46% of children have type 2.  In children, those children are obese and have family histories of diabetes.  Clearly, an overweight child w/diabetic family histories, should be tested early, before the disease can increase.  Certain ethnic groups have a higher risk than others.  As an example, Native Americans can have a 20-30 higher risk, than the general population.  African Americans, Latinos, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have also been shown to have a higher risk.  Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes and yet, the most preventable.

Here is what you can do to slow down or prevent DiabetesWalking and exercise is shown to be effective in preventing diabetes.  Losing weight is another method.  Here is a plan, that should work for most diabetics.  Walk and exercise for 30 minutes per day, 5 times per week..  Try to lose 7-9% of your total body weight.  It won’t happen overnight.  Slow and steady should be your mantra.  Work on a 90 day program of walking, exercising and weight loss.  You will see and feel results in 30 days or less.  90 days on this program should reduce your risk by almost 60%.  Always remember to speak to your doctor, before starting any new regimen.  Hopefully, in 90 days, you will have taken control of your diabetes and maybe(with doctors approval), get off your meds.

Drink some coffee.  Studies have shown, that coffee lowers the chance of getting type 2 diabetes and a 58% lower chance of getting type 2.  It really doesn’t matter, what type of coffee.  Caffeinated or Decaffeinated, both work.  It must be the other ingredient, not caffeine.

Try taking a vitamin supplement.  Use a supplement, that is high in Vitamin D and Calcium.

The Survivor Diet by Kevin Angileri


If you have watched the tv show “Survivor”, You have seen how much weight a person can lose in a very short time.  It is sometimes very amazing to see men and women lose 1 to 2 1/2 pounds per day.  Obviously, that is not a diet, in any shape or form.  They are literally starving.  The odd thing, though, is what they are given to eat.  They receive beans and rice.  Sure, they may catch some fish or even some type of meat.  But, their main diet is beans and rice.  Not very appetizing, is it?  None the less, they survive on beans and rice.

About 25 or 30 years ago, I read an article, somewhere, that combining these two carbohydrates, when eaten together form a perfect protein.  I was perpetually on a diet and still am.  I saw something in that article, that made me take notice and then action.  I thought, maybe this would be a good diet to get on .  I did not intend to eat it every day at every meal, but decided to eat a cup or so, before lunch and dinner.  It’s healthy and very filling.  Almost immediately, I began to lose weight.  Not a pound a day, but like 3 to 4 pounds per week.

Beans and rice have been my mainstay for all these years.  I generally eat a cup or so about 6 times per week.  I sometimes, make it my entire course.  That is a lot of beans and rice.  I used a 10 bean dry soup mix, that I buy in bulk.  $1.69 per pound.  I always have beans and rice in my fridge or freezer.  Generally, I just add water and a few spices.

I have made many changes to the first recipe.  Sometime, I will add a hambone and little ham for taste.  Mostly, I add green vegetables, lots of vegetables.  I think the biggest change is that I only use brown rice.  I’m sure, you all know, how much healthier brown rice is over white rice.  This may sound boring to you at first, but trust me, you will soon learn to love it.  It is healthy and very inexpensive and very good for you.  Try it, you’ll like it.   FYI, if you are worried about getting the “toot”, add juice of 1/2 lemon and you will solve that problem.

By Kevin Angileri

Top 7 Post Bariatric Surgery Tips by Kevin Angileri

Best Nutrition tips after bariatric surgery

Nutrition for Weight Loss Surgery – Bariatric Bypass

After completing your weight loss surgery, your journey has really just begun. These are exciting and transformational times for you, but the procedure isn’t a free pass to slimming success. You still have to be proactive to ensure you successfully reach your goals. Here are some of the most important keys containing tips about what to eat after surgery:

1. Avoid sugar. Refined sugars are not only nutritionally empty, they are often not well-tolerated after gastric bypass, sometimes leading to dumping syndrome, which includes uncomfortable symptoms like sweating, nausea, dizziness and diarrhea.

2. Adjust your drinking habits. No, not just your alcohol intake, though that is also important since it will take less to impair you. Since the “real estate” in your stomach is much smaller, you need to reserve what you can for nutrient-dense food. If you drink before or during a meal you will lose your appetite too soon. Drinking right after may risk washing the food through your system too quickly. Drink fluids at least 30 minutes before and after your meal.

3. Avoid carbonated drinks. Another consideration with your fluid is to avoid carbonated drinks. Not only are you more susceptible to gas pain, but the increased stomach pressure can compromise staples and sutures after surgery.

4. Limit snacking. Again, due to the limited space in your stomach, snacking will make it more difficult to get the most important nutrients your body needs. Follow the advice of your doctor and nutritionist.

5. Eat slowly, chew thoroughly. You must learn to eat differently, and one way is to savor food. Eat it slowly and chew thoroughly to get your food to a pureed consistency before swallowing. This will help with proper digestion and avoid blockages.

6. Vitamins and supplements. Since you will be on a much more restricted diet, it’s important you avoid nutritional deficiencies. In order to do so, you will need to take daily multivitamins and supplements.

7. Go to a weight loss support group. Your surgeon will likely recommend one. Not everything you need to do after weight loss surgery is related to how you change your eating and exercise. You need to work on your mental state as well. Weight loss support groups that are dedicated to you and your fellow bariatric patients helps you share your struggles (and successes) with people who can directly relate to what you are going through.

Guest Post By Dr.Samuel Bledsoe

About Samuel Bledsoe, MD, FACS

Dr. Samuel Bledsoe is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and a member of the  American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. He has been performing weight loss surgery for over 10 years and is currently practicing at Christus St. Frances Cabrini Hospital in Alexandria, Louisiana.  He is the Medical Director of Bariatric Surgery and past Section Chief of Surgery. Dr. Bledsoe is available for presentations and interviews upon request.  By Kevin Angileri