Author - Kevin Angileri

How Can Diabetes Be Prevented And Controlled by Kevin Angileri

How to prevent or control diabetes

Diabetes: One of the most serious health Problems in USA

Diabetes is one of the most serious health problems in America. There are several types of Diabetes, but the most common is Type 2 Diabetes. Almost 25 million Americans are diabetic and many don’t even know they have it. By 2035, researchers believe, that number will jump to approx. 25 million.

Reasons For Developing Type 2 Diabetes

There are many reasons why people develop Type 2 Diabetes. Eating the wrong foods, lack of exercise, obesity, and even getting older. That is the bad news, but, there is good news for those with Diabetes and those, who have pre-diabetes.

Diabetes is not curable,yet. There are thing that a Type 2 diabetic or pre-diabetic can do, to prevent and better manage their diabetes. It is a matter of making small changes in your lifestyle and pro-active.

How Can Diabetes Be Prevented And Controlled

Here is a list of things, you can do. Small changes can make differences in your life. Remember first and foremost, discuss these things with your doctor or health care provider.

Now is the time to start your journey to preventing diabetes(if pre-diabetic) or keeping your diabetes under control.

1. Be pro-active about your health. Learn as much as you can, so you will know your condition on a daily basis.

2. Eat less Carbs. I am Italian and pasta and bread has been a staple in my family for years. Lots of bread and pasta !!! Well, besides adding weight, they can help develop into Diabetes. I love potatoes and white rice and lots of other bad carbs. Check and article on this site “Good Carbs Vs Bad Carbs”. Carbs are known as comfort food and with some easy changes, you don’t have to give up your comfort food.

3. Get off your “you know what”. You know what I mean. Get active and start walking. 15 minutes of walking each day will change your life for the better. Start off slow and add speed a little at a time. Maybe you will even drop an inch or two.

4. Diet. What a disgusting word, but it does not have to be bad. Visit your local pharmacy in you grocery store. Not the place, where you buy pills and medicines. Go to the Fruit and Vegetable department. This is where you will find some of the greatest medicines available. You don’t even need a prescription. Learn, which fruits and veggies are ok for your condition. With a little hard work, on your part and your doctor’s OK, you may be able to get off some of your meds. Trust me, the fruit and veggies are cheaper than most of your meds and no side effects.

5. Salads. When we think of dieting, we usually start thinking salads, and that’s good. It is the salad dressing that will wreak havoc and and way too many calories. Instead, use good old vinegar and extra virgin olive oil. I generally add a few spices to my dressing. The vinegar is especially good for lowering sugar spikes.

6. Coffee. There have been so many studies about coffee. Some say,too much coffee is bad for you. Others say, drinking 5 or even 6 cups of coffee per day could reduce the risk of getting diabetes. Life would not be worth living, without coffee.

7. Vitamin D. Get some. Research says, it may prevent or delay the onset of Diabetes. You can get Vitamin D free, by getting sunlight. If you are not a sun worshiper, you can it from some fish and low-fat milk or cheese

8. Soda. This is a doozy. From small children to elderly adults, we have had a love affair with sodas. Uneqivacly, it is some of the most terrible things to drink. This is the short version: It is loaded with large amounts of sugar and other chemicals, THAT ARE JUST BAD FOR YOU. Check out “Sugar is not my friend” on this site. Water will save your life. Say it to yourself, “Water will SAVE my life” and say it when you reach for a soda.

9. Meat. Most of us have grown up on meat and most of us have eaten some type of meat 3 times a day, 7 days a week. Here are some thing to remember. All meats are produces that feed them things that are not natural to their natural environment. Chicken and turkey are not supposed to eat meat, Most meat products are feed Antibiotics and many other chemicals. Those chemicals wind up in our bodies. Go to your local farm and buy grass feed beef and naturally fed fowl. Ask questions.

10. Spices. We all add salt to our food. We know it’s bad for us, but it makes the food taste better. There are so many spices that can make your food taste better and they won’t swell up your ankles and raise your blood pressure. Try some different spices every few weeks.

11. Quit smoking. Enough said?????????

These are just a few and REALLY east things you can do to have a healthier and happier life. We hope you enjoyed this article and any others you read. Tell your friends about us.

By Kevin Angileri

Bariatric Surgery For Obesity And Type 2 Diabetes by Kevin Angileri

obesity & type 2 diabetes surgery

Research Study About Bariatric Surgery And Type 2 Diabetes

A new study is once again showing that bariatric surgery results in greater remission rates of diabetes over lifestyle changes alone.

Dr. Anita Courcoulas of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, who led the research, studied 61 people with type 2 diabetes (between 25 and 55 years old). About half of them had class 1 obesity (a BMI between 30 and 35) and the rest were heavier.

Participants were randomly placed into three groups, with different courses of action. One group participated in a lifestyle intervention, including diet, exercise and behavior changes. The other two groups had either Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), or laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB).

After three years, no one in the lifestyle intervention group had even a partial remission of their diabetes. However, 40 percent of the RYGB group and 29 percent of the LAGB group did have at least a partial remission. Three of the patients who underwent a gastric bypass and one who had the adjustable gastric banding had a total resolution of their diabetes.

The surgery groups also saw more improvement in blood sugar levels and were more likely to not need their medications anymore.

Dr. Samuel Bledsoe, a Bariatric Surgeon in Alexandria, Louisiana, agrees with the findings of this study.  “This adds to the evidence that weight loss surgery is superior to medical therapy and lifestyle changes in the treatment of diabetes.  It is common for patients to see improvement or complete remission in their diabetes before they even leave the hospital after their procedure.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, close to 29 million Americans have diabetes (and about 30 percent of them haven’t even been diagnosed yet). Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of the condition.

These findings should not be construed as an endorsement for anyone struggling with their weight to drop their lifestyle changing efforts and schedule an appointment for weight loss surgery. All reputable bariatric surgeons will tell you that weight loss surgery is meant to be utilized only as a last resort. If you have tried everything, and your doctor feels you make a good candidate, then surgery can be a life-saving event in many cases.

Guest Post By Dr.Samuel Bledsoe

About Samuel Bledsoe, MD, FACS

Dr. Samuel Bledsoe is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and a member of the  American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. He has been performing weight loss surgery for over 10 years and is currently practicing at Christus St. Frances Cabrini Hospital in Alexandria, Louisiana.  He is the Medical Director of Bariatric Surgery and past Section Chief of Surgery. Dr. Bledsoe is available for presentations and interviews upon request.

by Kevin Angileri

Bariatric Surgery & Its Impact On Gut Bacteria by Kevin Angileri

Bariatric Surgery & Gut Bacteria

Weight loss surgery is a life-changing event, but it may alter you in some ways that you don’t even realize.

Swedish Research on Bariatric Surgery:

A new Swedish study is suggesting that bariatric surgery may lead to long-term changes in the patient’s gut bacteria that help with weight loss after the procedure. Researchers analyzed the gut bacteria in 14 women who had bariatric surgery nearly 10 years after their procedure.

Half of the women underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, a surgery that involved the doctor creating a small pouch from the top of the stomach, connecting it directly to the small intestine. The other half of the patients had vertical banded gastroplasty, where the stomach becomes smaller by using a band and staples.

Those who underwent the gastric bypass surgery saw a greater change in their gut bacteria than the women who were severely obese, but didn’t have surgery. The women who had vertical banded gastroplasty also saw more of a change than the non-surgery group, but the differences were not deemed statistically significant.

The women who underwent gastric bypass surgery had significantly more bacteria that belongs to the genuses Escherichia, Klebsiella and Pseudomonas

“Our results suggest that the gut microbiota may play a direct role in the reduction of adiposity [body fat] observed after bariatric surgery,” wrote researchers in a recent issue of the journal Cell Metabolism.

This wasn’t the first study to connect bariatric surgery to changes in gut bacteria, but the researchers say it was the first to examine its long-term impact. Maybe the most fascinating aspect of their findings was that they took patient body mass index (BMI) into account, which suggested that the surgery itself, not the weight loss, was related to the gut bacteria change.

The researchers transplanted bacteria from obese women and those who had the surgeries into mice that did not have gut microbes. Those mice that got gut bacteria from the surgery group gained less body fat than the mice with microbes from the non-surgery group.

The health implications of gut bacteria are best known by the general public when discussing the term “probiotics,” live bacteria and yeasts that help with the digestive system. It’s a relatively new world being explored by experts and health conscious people alike.

Our GI tract has over 500 species of bacteria that help break down food, strengthen our immune system, and fight against pathogens. It’s when the ratio of good to bad bacteria is skewed that health issues may arise.

Guest Post By Dr.Samuel Bledsoe

About Samuel Bledsoe, MD, FACS

Dr. Samuel Bledsoe is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and a member of the  American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. He has been performing weight loss surgery for over 10 years and is currently practicing at Christus St. Frances Cabrini Hospital in Alexandria, Louisiana.  He is the Medical Director of Bariatric Surgery and past Section Chief of Surgery. Dr. Bledsoe is available for presentations and interviews upon request.

by Kevin Angileri

Compulsive Overeating, A Common Habit In Americans by Kevin Angileri

compulsive overeating

Overeating is a common habit in Americans:-

Compulsive overeating disorder is the one that is causing statistics on obesity to skyrocket. It stresses the body and the mind alike.

Habitual overeating causes:-

Why do people eat beyond the point of feeling full if it only hurts their bodies? Why does this unhealthy habit persist in different populations? The reasons are many.

Emotions and Overeating: A Close Relationship

A common cause for overeating is using food as a reward for certain activities. You’re much more likely to eat one too many slices of pizza if you feel you’ve “earned it” by dieting all week. This is why highly restrictive diets often don’t work long term.

In fact, associating food with pleasure in general may be the wrong solution. One study from the Université Paris Diderot supports the idea that treating food as a source of pleasure can lead to excessive overeating. Eating for reasons beyond sustaining the body is a fine line. It’s great when foods taste delicious, but treating food as a key source of happiness or reward can lead to unhealthy patterns.

Are Your Friends Encouraging you To Overeat?

People don’t often think of those close to them as overeating enablers. But in social situations, it can be very difficult to not eat and drink along with the pattern of the group. Socially influencing activities do a lot for our habits. Overeating is no exception.

It makes perfect sense. No one wants to be the one not eating at a social event. But ordering water or another low-calorie drink is a much healthier method of staying in a social setting without overeating.

Beating Overeating: It’s All In Your Head.

To curb your overeating habits, evaluate your personal relationship with food. When do you tend to eat more than you’d like to eat? What are you feeling? Who’s with you?

Adjust other habits in your life to see what affects your eating patterns. Are you mostly binging on healthy or unhealthy foods? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating without being mindful of what you eat? By learning your own habits and adjusting with healthiness in mind, recovering from overeating becomes more and more probable.

Guest Post By Dr.Samuel Bledsoe

About Samuel Bledsoe, MD, FACS

Dr. Samuel Bledsoe is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and a member of the  American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. He has been performing weight loss surgery for over 10 years and is currently practicing at Christus St. Frances Cabrini Hospital in Alexandria, Louisiana.  He is the Medical Director of Bariatric Surgery and past Section Chief of Surgery. Dr. Bledsoe is available for presentations and interviews upon request.


by Kevin Angileri

Walking is Good For Health & Benefits Are Endless by Kevin Angileri

Walking is good for health

Walking has so many health benefits and it is something we all do and have done from birth. We all believed running for health was the universal answer to weight loss. However, walking is a low-impact sport that will aid in shedding pounds and inches.

Walking is Good For Health & There Are So Many Benefits Of A Walking Regimen.

Breast Cancer In Women

Clinical studies have shown, that women who walk 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours per week, substantially lesson their chances of breast cancer by approx. 20%. Ideally, brisk walking (2MPH) for one hour. 2 to 3 times a week will show an improvement in a month or two. If you walk on a treadmill, you will want to set it at 1 inch incline. This will compensate difference of walking on lever ground.

Blood Pressure Reduction

People with high blood pressure where shown to significantly reduce their blood pressure by starting a walking program. In a study of healthy but sedentary people, walking 30 minutes per day, 3 days a week, showed lower blood pressure rates.

Reduced risk for Type 2 Diabetics

An Australian study showed that Type 2 diabetics, who started a walking program, had better insulin sensitivity than those who walked less.

Cholesterol Improvement

A clinical study showed an overall reduction in bad cholesterol and Raising your HDL(good cholesterol).

Increased energy and lost inches.

Walking increases energy and overall well being. Walking approx. 10 miles a week, will drop inches off your waist and hips. Remember: Walk, don’t run.


You only need to get a good pair of walking shoes. Any good fitness shoe store should be able to fit you properly. You may have to spend a bit more, but, in the long run, you will be saving money and aches and pains.

Starting a walking program.

Before starting your walking, remember to warm up and stretch. This includes upper body stretching. Even though, you are primarily working your leg muscles, get your entire body limbered up. Shoulders, arm and hips. You want to avoid and excess strain on your body. Especially, if you have lead a sedentary life, you will want to be careful. Stretch before and after your walk. Your body will be more limber after, and stretches will be a lot easier.

Nothing happens overnight.

You are starting a program that will take time. Don’t overdue it, right away. Start off slowly. Maybe 15 or 20 minutes at a comfortable speed. See how your body feels. After a bit, you can increase speed and length of walk. The idea is to find out, what you feel comfortable. The old rule “no pain-no gain” does not apply here. Anyone, who has led a sedentary life will have a few minor aches and pains in the beginning. If the ache is bothersome, take the next day off. The day after, get back on your feet and get moving.

Keep a log of your time and speed, if you using a treadmill. After 2 weeks, you should see some good improvement in your overall health. You won’t feel 20 years younger, but you will renewed and more energetic. The 20 year younger program takes about 20 years to complete, but no worries, you have the rest of your life to make it.

Water is your friend.

With any type of exercise program, your body loses fluid. You will want to keep hydrated. Whether you are on the ground or treadmill, make sure to have a bottle of water with you. Before you begin your walk, Try to drink about a quart of water. That will get you hydrated and another 7 to 10 ounces while you are walking. Dehydration can be dangerous, so make sure you have your water with you.

If you are doing hard and long walks, you may need a sports drink. They contain minerals and electrolytes your body loses at intense work outs. Caution is key.

Make your workout program fun.

There are lots of fun things you can do while you walk. Walk different routes and see new neighborhoods. Grab a friend or family member, it will be a benefit to them. You can still have a conversation , while you are walking. Listen to your fav music and sing along. Check with your place of worship. Many have group walking sessions. One group, I know of, walks the large shopping mall near my home. Be careful there, it may cost you, if you see something you want to buy, so, keep on walking.


By Kevin Angileri