Category - health tips

Viewers Testimonials, Videos & Emails From Our Readers

Carbaholics Anonymous: Viewers Testimonials

Our thanks to Lieutenant  Bill Schultz, for sending in this video.  He is a firefighter and EMT.  We appreciate his kind words.

Kara sent in video and we would like to thank her.  Very nice gesture.  Hope, we get more.  If you would like to send us a short video or an email, please do.  We will be happy to post it on our site.  Just go to the”contact us” button and send video or message.

Carbaholics Anonymous would like to encourage anyone, who has an idea for an article, or has written one, to contact us.  Carbaholics Anonymous would like you, as a guest blogger.  If you have lost weight, and would like to share your story, please contact us.  Carbaholics Anonymous would love to post your story for our viewers.  Thanks again.

Does Swimming Help You Lose Weight?

Does Swimming Help You Lose Weight

How to work off carbs by swimming and general overall health

Everyone loves to own a well-structured body and good looks. But nowadays the problem of obesity has increased so much that you need to very conscious of what you put into your mouth. Hence good eating habits and proper fitness regime are the main criteria of good health and happy life.

Sports persons are almost always fit as they follow a regular routine in everything. So you can also lose the extra carbs by engaging yourself in sports that you like the most. What about swimming? Do you like this water sport? If you are interested in swimming, you can take it up as one of the best exercises that will help you to lose the bad carbs. Moreover, it helps to improve overall fitness and increases muscle strength and is a workout that involves the entire body that helps to reduce weight.

Effects of swimming

Swimming is an all-round exercise that involves every part of the body. It provides aerobic exercises like running and cycling. The resistance that is involved in swimming tones up the muscles and enhances flexibility of the joints and is unique in burning out fats. Some of the strokes of swimming work wonderfully to reduce the harmful carbs that causes obesity. The freestyle stroke, butterfly stroke, backstroke are some of the challenging moves of swimming that are great calorie burners and provide you with both physical and mental satisfaction from the derived results.

Other factors that help to lose carbs

When a 45-minutes swimming session is backed by a healthy diet you can your goals quite easily and comfortably. While enjoying your workouts you can follow a well-planned diet chart to satisfy your taste buds too. A balanced diet does not mean that you have to stay away from all tasty foods. The idea is to count your calories before you bite into a cheesy burger or creamy delight.  You can prepare amazing dishes with appropriate ingredients that taste good and are great for weight loss goals.

Foods that are really good for you when you want to lose the unwanted carbs consist of low-fat dairy products, yogurt, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat and fish and a sufficient amount of roughage and water to detoxify the body. Since you require the right amounts of protein, calcium, Vitamin A, B,B 12, B6, C, K,  phosphorous, potassium and fibers, fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy products that are rich in all the ingredients take care of your health and also enhance your looks by reducing weight and keeping you away from harmful diseases.

Also, to make sure you pool is operating at 100%, or if you need to remodel your pool, give our friends at We Fix Ugly Pools a call at 602 299 8162 and tell them Kevin sent you.

Halloween: We surrender, let them go Trick or Treat.

Avoid eating high sugar food on Halloween

Halloween and “trick or treat” have been around forever.  We can’t tell the kids and lots of adults to not dress up and harassass the neighbors.  So what can we do to prevent our little and big kids from eating a monstrous amount of sugar and all the other chemicals, that go into making, Halloween candy?

Here are a few ways, you can get rid of some of that sugar.  BTW, you are gonna have to be a little bit sneaky, but, it is for their sake, so it is ok.

Have the kids spread their new bounty all over the kitchen table.  Explain, that you want to make sure that the goodies are all good.  Have a garbage can handy to dump any bad or broken candy or toys.  Here is where the sneaky part comes in.  Whenever you can, get rid of some of the good stuff.  You will be doing them a big favor.

Ask them which candies, they do not like and get rid of those too.  I promise, there won’t be much of those.  If it was free, I ate every single one.  Maybe, with a bit of luck, you can toss more.

Next is the ultimate test.  Ask for some of their candy for yourself.  With any luck, they will share.  Just get rid of as much as you can, and don’t you dare eat any of it yourself.

Well, good luck tonight.  have fun and be careful.

To all our friends around the world :Update

We appreciate every view from everywhere around the world.  We would like to try an experiment.  It shows on our computer, that most of our out of country views come from this list.  Here is what, we would like the viewers from each of these countries to do.  On Monday, October 27th, let each country log on to at different hours of that day.

We want to thank all of friends for viewing our site.  We hope, we provide useful information.

Here is the breakdown of most views.  Thanks again.

1.  Ireland

2.  Brazil

3.  Japan

4.  Australia

5.  Indonesia

6. Romania

7.  India

8.  France

9. Mexico

10.  United Kingdom

These 10 Countries have the most views except for America.

I hope, you are up to the fun of this experiment.

For those with web sites in any country, we would certainly reciprocate.

We will post results on Wednesday Oct.29th.

Again, thank you for viewing our new site.  We are proud to have you as our viewers.

Earth is a small planet.  Maybe we, as an internet community, can do things to preserve our planet.


How To Stop Childhood Obesity – Elmo Health Tips

Stop child obesity

Elmo sent in this little video, because he wants to join in the fight to stop childhood obesity.  He wants all little boys and girls to lead happy and healthy lives.

This video is our way of motivating you to help your children and grandchildren to eat better foods.  Show them a better way to eat and be stronger.  Our children are our legacy.  Let us make them as healthy as we possibly can.

Changing their eating habits will not be an easy chore.  Like most of us, they have become addicted to fast, unhealthy foods.  As moms and dads and grandparents, we can make great changes in the eating lifestyle.  Lets give them a chance at a better life.

There is a new movement going on in this country and around the world.  Join that movement.  Teach them the right things to eat and drink.  They will love you for it,

And thanks to you, Elmo, for being our spokesperson.


1. Stay hydrated.  Drink lots of water.  Eight to ten 12oz. glasses for adults and eight to ten 10 oz glasses for children.  Remember sodas and coffee don’t count, just plain water.  Try drinking a glass of water before and during dinner.  If plain water gets a bit boring, try adding a slice of fruit for taste.  Lemon, orange, strawberry, cucumber or even a slice of peach will liven up the taste.