Category - Healthy Tips

You Should Prefer Use Of Protein Shakes Over Fast Food

Use of protein shakes benefits

To maintain good health it is very important to have a balanced diet that contains all the essential nutrients. Proteins are one of the most important elements that help to maintain good health. Although proteins are present in the various natural foods that we take, in most cases they are not sufficient. Hence a protein shake is considered to be one of the necessary drinks for a diseases-free life that make up for the protein deficiencies.

Fast life and fast foods have become a way of living especially for the younger generation of today. They love to feast on burgers and wraps and cold drinks thinking little about the effects of these unhealthy foods. They are tasty no doubt and although you may think that you are having quite a lot of greens and fibers in your sandwiches, the cheese and the patty that are used are full of fat contents and sugar.

If you become aware of the benefits of a protein shake, you will surely make it a habit of drinking at least a glass everyday. Just go through the unending list of advantages of a protein shake to believe its usefulness.

A protein shake helps one to achieve his goals of remaining fit always and free from diseases. Since proteins help to build up strong muscles these shakes are absolutely important for body builders.

Are you on a slimming diet? Then the protein shake will only help you to attain your goal. It gives you a feeling of fullness and thereby you eat less. But the essential nutrients that are required by the body are supplied by the tasty protein shake.

There are various types of proteins and the most common ones are soy protein, casein, whey and egg albumin protein. Whey protein shakes are absorbed by the body within half an hour and helps to repair muscle damages mostly after exercise. Egg protein is mid-range; casein is absorbed slowly while soy proteins are effective sources of animal protein. Soy proteins have proved to lower cholesterol levels, reduce heart problems, prevent breast cancer and also to relieve hot flushes in women.

Fast foods cost less and offer great satisfaction when you are hungry but the ill effects last for a longer time than the immediate happiness that one derives. These are high calorie foods and have more fat contents, cholesterol and sugar that lead to obesity and overweight leading to fatal diseases. So you cannot deny the benefits of a protein shake to stay healthy and slim.

How Many Grams Of Carbs In A Day Should I Eat Everyday?

how much carbs should you eat everyday
One of the most common questions Carbaholics Anonymous gets asked is how many grams of carbs in a day is necessary for healthy living.

Not surprising , because carbs are pretty much always the nutrient that people are most often confused by these days.  All of this talk about good carbs and bad carbs, simple and complex, the glycemic index and the various low carb diets and low carb foods is enough to drive a person crazy.

Let’s figure out exactly how many grams of carbs you should eat per day to lose weight or build muscle, and cover what types of food sources they should come from.

How Many Carbs Per Day?

Let’s start with the biggest question first… how many grams of carbs should you actually eat per day? Answering this question is actually easy once you understand a few simple facts about how the rest of your diet should ideally be set up.

What I mean is, before we can figure out your daily carb intake, we need to take 3 other steps first. Let me show you what I mean…

Step 1: Figure Out Calories

Whether you want to lose weight, build muscle or do anything similar, every diet plan starts with calories. They are always the #1 key to making your body do what you want it to do, so they are always the first thing that needs to be figured out.  Go to    and calculate the amount of calories needed to maintain or lose weight.

Step 2: Figure Out Protein

Once your calorie intake is all figured out, you then need to figure out how many grams of protein you should eat per day.  Because protein is the next most important part of every diet plan.

To save you the time, 0.8-1.2 grams of protein per pound of body weight is usually the ideal range for most people.

Step 3: Figure Out Fat

With calories and protein set, we’re still not ready for carbs just yet.  Fat is actually the next most important part of your diet. To save you the time, usually about 25% of your total calorie intake should come from fat in most cases.

Step 4: And Now We Can Figure Out Carbs

With all of that out of the way, we’re finally up to the least important part of our diet… carbs. Surprised how unimportant they are? Don’t be. Calories are the key to controlling our weight, and protein and fat are the only macronutrients that are truly essential to the human body. Carbs on the other hand are not. We should definitely eat a sufficient amount of them each day, but they are no where near as important as calories, protein or fat.

So, how many grams of carbs should you eat per day? Simple. Carbs should be used to fill in whatever amount of calories are still left over after protein and fat have been factored into your diet.

Let me show you an example…

  1. Let’s pretend you calculated that you need to eat 2000 calories per day to lose weight or build muscle or whatever your goal is.
  2. Next let’s pretend you figured out that you need to eat 150 grams of protein per day. Since 1 gram of protein contains 4 calories, that means 600 of this example person’s daily calories will come from protein.
  3. Next, since 25% of your calories should come from fat, this example person can calculate that 500 of their 2000 daily calories will come from fat.
  4. So that’s 600 from protein plus 500 from fat which gives this person 1100 calories accounted for so far. Now they’d just subtract 1100 from their 2000 total and get 900 calories. Since 1 gram of carbs contains 4 calories, this example person can see that they should eat 225 grams of carbs per day.

And that’s why the 3 other steps needed to come before carbs. We needed to figure out calories, protein and fat in order to figure out how many carbs we should eat per day.

Once again keep in mind that the amounts used in the example above were just made up examples. You’d obviously need to use the amounts that are specific to you.

What Sources Of Carbs Should I Eat?

Now that you know how many grams of carbs you should eat per day, you also probably want to know which foods you should get these carbs from.

For the most part, people trying to lose weight, build muscle or just be healthy should get the majority of their daily carb intake from higher quality nutrient-dense sources as opposed to simple, high glycemic, processed crap. Some ideal examples include…

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Beans
  • Brown Rice
  • Oats
  • Potatoes (sweet, white, etc.)
  • Various Whole Grains & Whole Grain Products

Foods high in sugar (candy, cookies, cereals, soda, etc.) should be avoided most of the time, and typical refined sources of carbs like white bread, white rice and white pasta should usually be limited to some extent in favor of the foods on the list above.

Now, the reason for avoiding or limiting these types of carbs is NOT because they make you fat. That’s a myth. The type of food you eat is NEVER what makes you fat. Eating too many total calories is the only thing that does that. It doesn’t matter where those calories come from (protein, fat, carbs) or how  healthy or unhealthy (or “good” or “bad”) they are. Too much of anything will cause fat to be gained just the same.

Instead, the reason for avoiding/limiting these types of carbs is mostly for the purpose of controlling hunger and choosing better sources that are higher in various important nutrients, which is crucial for overall health.

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Six Anti-Cancer Superfoods

6 Anti-Cancer Super Foods

Summertime is a wonderful season to get all of the wonderful fruits and vegetables, we love so much.  And all of these fruits and vegetables are foods to make us healthier.  But some are better than others.  Here is CarbaholicsAnonymous top six picks of anti-cancer superfoods.

1.  Green beans.

No matter which variety, they all one thing in common.  Green beans help to prevent diabetes, stroke and heart disease.  They also reduce the risk of blood clotting in the cardiovascular system and the brain,..Green beans are rich in calcium, fiber and iron and minerals like silicon and manganese.

2.  Avocados.

Avocados contain healthy mono-unsaturated oils. Good fats.  Avocados raise good cholesterol, while lowering bad cholesterol and strengthening artery walls.  Avocados have proven results in reducing stroke and heart attack.   Doctors recommend adding avocados to your diet plans in place of butter.

3.  Tomatoes

There are so many good things to say about tomatoes.  They are a powerhouse food loaded with a high concentration of the antioxidant lycopene.  They have the potential of reducing the risk of prostate, breast, colon, lung and other forms of cancer.

4.  Berries

You have your choice of many berries and all have antioxidants the build your immune system.  Blueberries have been shown to lower cholesterol, prevent heart disease and diabetes.

5.  Grapes.

Grapes are filled with compounds that fight cancer and help reduce most age-related diseases.  Red grapes produce resveratrol, which is shown to treat and/or prevent breast cancer.

6.  Mangoes.

Everyone thinks of mangoes as this exotic fruit, that is hard to open and eat.  Not true.  Mangoes contain lots of vitamins and minerals and a long list of phytochemicals.  But best of all, mangoes contain enzymes and fiber to aid in digestion.

Cabaholics Anonymous appreciates any comments and suggestions you may have.

Use Of Protein Shakes – Fat Burning Mocha Madiness

Best Protein Shakes

use of protein shakes – Choosing The Right One
Always make sure you read the label
Protein shakes vary in the amount of grams of protein they have.  If your a body builder, then your going to have to eat about 150 grams of protein each day.  If your trying to build muscle mass, its very important to drink a portein shake after your workout.  This will help build muscle mass. It is good to intake about 70-80 grams of protein each day.  If your runner, your going to want drink something with allot of carbs for the energy.  If your looking to loose weight and body fat, like the majority of the population.  Then your going to want a drink that has high in protein and low in carbs.   Protein shake can boost your metabolism by 25%.  If your trying to loose weight you should never skip breakfast.  In fact you should get a protein shake.  You will save about 400-500 calories by doing this.  Its probably a much healthier choice for you too.  Your saving on fatty foods, also keeping your blood sugar balanced, and increase your energy level.  There are different types of protein such as Milk, Whey, Casein, Egg, Soy, and Rice.  The source of the protein and how it’s proified during manufacturing may affect how well your body can use it.  It is good to get as much protein through your diet, but sometimes its easier just to make a protein shake and get 40-50 grams of protein. Drinking a protein shake is better then becoming a carbaholic.
Fat Burning Mocha Madiness 
  • In a blender, mix ½ cup of cold water (you can add more or less water depending on the consistency you prefer).
  • Add 2 scoops of nutrient-rich chocolate-flavored protein powder.
  • Add 1 tsp of granulated instant coffee.
  • Gradually add 5 ice cubes to thicken.
  • Blend on high for one minute (in a pinch, this shake can also be made by simply mixing ingredients together in a glass with a spoon).
Carbaholics Anonymous again wants to thank everyone for all the emails.  We are trying to answer everyones questions in a timely manner.  Remember we are carbaholics, and we want carbaholics anonymous to be the most informative site on the internet.  Please make sure  you keep those emails coming.

Protein After Running – Best Protein Shake On The Run

Shamrock Farms - Best Protein Shakes On The Run


Protein After Running – Best Protein Shake Recommendation By Carbaholics Anonymous

Carbaholics Anonymous wanted to let you know what is the Best Protein Shake for on the run. Shamrock Farms has the best protein shake for on the run in my opinion.  They taste great, have different flavors & healthy source of protein after running.  There current flavors are chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry.  They are 12 oz containers already pre  made, and can be purchased at most grocery stores.  You can normally get these on sale for about .95 cents or retail is $1.59.  You can either get 20 grams of protein or 30 grams protein out of one bottle.   The 30 grams of protein has 9 net carbs and has 190 calories. So in Carbaholics Anonymous opinion, Shamrock Farms has the best protein shake for on the run.

Carbaholics Anonymous continues to answer your request in a timely manner.  Please keep the suggestions coming on what you would like to see.  It is our goal at Carbaholics Anonymous to provide the best and most accurate information to the public.  We also ask that you always talk to your doctor before starting any new diet.  God Bless from Carbaholics Anonymous