Category - Healthy Tips

Building Blocks Of Carbohydrates

Building blocks of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are a kind of macronutrients that is beneficially required in your diet plans every day. Starch, sugar contained carbohydrates provides you glucose, which is the source you require to work, while fiber maintains everything functioning. Your body system utilizes all digestible essentials in a same mode. Whether the intake is from healthy foods or refined ones, but this doesn’t justify that all types of foods are produced equal

Good and bad carbohydrates-

Almost all types of foods comprise some kinds of carbohydrates like starch, fiber or sugar. Some may also accompany a combination of all. Good carbohydrates are generated from reduced processed food items like low-fat diaries, whole grains, legumes, veggies as well as fruits. You’ll acquire starch or sugar or both from heavily diagnosed and processed food items too. But these are frequently grouped under the category of “bad carbohydrates” because besides from calories, these items tend to provide minimal quantities of micronutrients, unsaturated healthy fats, proteins as well as some amounts of fibers too.

Starch Carbohydrates-

Starches are molecules complexly built from the sugar branches mostly. Due to multifaceted structure, your body consumes some time for breaking them down, providing you long-surviving energy from a constant supply of glucose. Beneficial carbohydrate starches present in the diet you follow should derive from the whole grains, beans, seeds as well as some nuts rather than processed food items. You will still collect starch from the manufactured productions which include bread, crackers and chips. They usually deficit from having vitamins, minerals or fibers in it, but still they are consumed in greater quantities.


Sugars are not particularly a sinful effort. Your body requires sugar in order to get enough glucose fuel you might require after skipping a supper or at times of roust physical workouts. Good Carbohydrate sugars are mostly encountered in healthy items like lactose in low containing fat yogurt as well as milk or fructose present in apples or oranges as well as some other fruits also. Your system treats, natural sugars the same manner as it treats the added sugars like sucrose present in sugary desserts. But junk items don’t contain all the essentials like minerals or vitamins or fibers that you naturally derive from good sugar products.


You might not consider fiber under the category of carbohydrate, though it does constitute a same chemical makeup relating to sugars or starches, indulging itself in the category of carbohydrates. The difference with these is because the complex entity is somewhat different from others that your body will not be able to break it. Insoluble fibers like veggies, whole grains or fruit skins are the best example that includes them actively under the category of good carbohydrates.

Benefits of Protein Shakes for Diabetic Patients

protein shakes for diabetes

Diabetes mellitus, also referred to simply as diabetes, involves a group of metabolic diseases that affects how the body is able to breakdown sugar in the blood, or blood glucose. Excess sugar in the bloodstream can lead to serious health complications. Some of these conditions include kidney and eye damage, cardiovascular disease, stroke and neuropathy. Combining a healthy diet and regular exercise will help to maintain a healthy blood glucose level. Protein shakes for diabetes can be a healthy alternative for diabetics seeking to maintain insulin level and to control hunger.

Benefits of Protein Shakes

Protein shakes are often marketed as an aide for those that seek weight loss, or to build muscle. Protein shakes can assist with weight loss by replacing other higher-calorie beverages, such as soda. Protein also works to satiate the appetite, maintaining blood glucose levels, decreasing the desire to snack on sweets. This function is especially important for those with diabetes with an increased insulin production. Protein is an essential nutrient for proper growth and development of muscle tissue. When drinking a protein shake, the protein is broken down by the body into various amino acids, and recovered by muscles. These recovering muscles use the amino acids to repair themselves, thus becoming bigger and stronger.

How to Choose the Best Protein Shake For Diabetes

Unfortunately, not all protein shakes are created equally. Those with diabetes must be especially cautious when choosing the best shake for their nutritional requirements. Many store-bought shakes can be high in fat, calories and have added sugars. Foods that are processed tend to have less nutrients, vitamins and minerals than a natural alternative. A general rule to follow when making healthy choices and reading labels is, the fewer the ingredients, the better the choice. Learn to become an expert label reader. Manufactures list ingredients in order of highest content to lowest, so avoid those shakes with sugar listed as one of the first three ingredients. Diabetics should choose a protein shake that contains less than 200 calories as a snack, and less than 350 calories if used as a meal replacement. There are many ready-to-drink store-bought protein shakes designed with diabetics in mind. Some of these brands include Glucerna SR, Boost Glucose Control, EAS AdvantEDGE Carb Control, Atkins Advantage, and Slim-Fast Lower Carb Diet. There are also protein shake powders with diabetics in mind such as Almaseed, Kenzen Body Balance and Extend Nutrition Shake.

Those with diabetes may opt to prepare their own protein shakes. This allows the individual to control the ingredients and the nutritional quality of the shake. A healthy homemade protein shake can include delicious ingredients such as almond milk, soymilk or fat-free milk, fruit, peanut butter or almond butter, Greek yogurt, and chocolate or vanilla flavored protein powder.


Protein shakes can be a healthy addition whether an individual is seeking to lose weight, build muscle or maintain a steady blood glucose level. With the help of a physician, regular exercise, and a well-balanced diet, those with diabetes will find success managing their blood glucose levels.

Good Carbs Vs Bad Carbs

good carbs vs bad carbs

 Thank you for  checking out  Carbaholics Anonymous site again.  Everyone always ask what foods should I eat, and what foods shouldn’t I eat.  Reminds me what my father told me a while back.  He said son “if it tastes good, spit it out”.  Lets be honest, that is true some of the time.  Good carbohydrates taste just as good as the bad ones.  We all have to remember our bodies are machines.  They need the right fuel to perform well.  You are what you eat…. If you put bad food in, you will damage your body, if you put healthy food in, that will help build your body.
First of all, I have never seen a  person get overweight because he ate to many vegetables.  When I make up my plate, I always put more vegetables then anything else.  Lean meats are a good source of protein and low on the carbs too.  We like to eat  fish, which is easy for your body to digest, and it doesn’t give you that bloated feeling.  Every so often you will need to eat a steak or chicken, and try to stay around a 4 to 6 oz portions.  Portion control has always been a issue for me personally, but it is something that we have to do.  Egg are always another good source of protein too. There are times when I will bowl a dozen hard boiled eggs and keep them in the refrigerator, and eat them for snacks.   Fruits are also a good source of natural good carbs vs bad carbs like potato chips, or ice cream.  I also recommend about a fist full of nuts like unsalted Almonds.  lt is another great snack that grows on you.   Healthy oils like olive oil, or coconut oil, and maybe even non-gluten grains too.
Processed Foods:   All Fast Food is in this list.  All Cakes, Donuts, Potato Chips, Pretzels, Ice Cream, Candy Bars
Sugar:  All Soft drinks, Fruit Juices, Store bought Orange Juice,  etc
Diet and Low Fat Products:  Cereals made with corn syrup.  Most Dairy Products fall under this category too.
Artificial Sweeteners: Equal, Aspartame, Cyclamates and Acesulfame Potassium, and Saccharin
Omega 6 fatty acids found in Vegetable Oils:  Canola, Safflower, Corn, Grape seed, Soybean and Sunflower
Gluten Grains:  Wheat, Barley, Rye and yes it includes all breads, and Pastas
Trans Fats:  Hydrogenated or partially Hydrogenated oils
Again Carbaholics Anonymous wants to thank everyone for writting in and requesting us to write about certain topics.  As you all know we are all Carbaholics, and we are trying to win the fight against obesity, and diabetes.  Please help Carbaholics Anonymous become the best free informative website out there.  God bless..

Amazing Benefits Of Juicing Vegetables

Amazing benefits of drinking vegetable juices

The word “juices” brings before our eyes a glassful of orange juice, pineapple juice or carrot juice. But have you every thought of taking a glass of vegetable juice? If you have not yet started on this diet, you must read about the amazing powers of vegetable juicing.

Nature has offered man with fruits and vegetables that are packaged with the right nutrients that balance each other to give us amazing power of healing, repairing and cleansing the body. Fruits are full of vitamins and minerals but vegetables have something more especially the green vegetables and that is chlorophyll.

How do juices of green vegetables work?

Just as chlorophyll prepares food for plants, when juices are prepared from them, this protein compound acts as red blood cell builder. Researchers report that chlorophyll is like hemoglobin in our body and our body has the ability to convert it into hemoglobin and thereby enriches the blood. Green vegetables like spinach, kale etc contain potassium, iron, phosphorus and other nutrients also that makes you strong.

Since it is not always possible to consume the required amount of vegetables regularly, Extracting juices from vegetables is the appropriate way to fortify your self with the important elements required to fight diseases and cleanse toxins.

The benefits of juicing vegetables are innumerable. Here is a list of the benefits of drinking vegetable juices in the right quantity.

  1. Increase in hemoglobin count.
  2. Controls blood sugar problems.
  3. Detoxifies and cleanses.
  4. Relieves gastric ulcer and gastric related ailments.
  5. Great relief from sinus and asthma problems.
  6. Hastens healing of wounds.
  7. Inflammation pain is reduced.
  8. Improves liver functioning and reduces body odor.
  9. Great relief from hemorrhoid pain.
  10. Melts away toxins.

Valuable nutrients available in vegetable juices

When we extract the juices from vegetables, we are able to extract nearly all the effective nutrients stored in the fibers of the vegetables. Green juices are full of enzymes, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and iron, pro-Vitamin A, vitamin B-Complex and Vitamins C, E, K.

You can try out the juices of celery, cucumber, lettuce, spinach and the richest greens like alfalfa, barley grass, wheat grass and spirulina. The uniqueness of vegetable juices lies in the fact that it assimilates very quickly and is absorbed by the cells without disturbing the digestive system. So include a glass of vegetable juice of any variety like carrot juice, or spinach juice, anything in your regular diet and enjoy the rejuvenated life that will always be ready to accept all challenges.

Carbaholics Anonymous was started because of vegetable juicing. My son and I watched a movie called “Fat, Sick and nearly Dead” by Joe Cross.  It changed our lives and we hope it might change yours.  Rent a copy and be inspired, trust me, you will be inspired.  My son, Kevin, has been in touch with Joe.  Hopefully, we may meet him, if he comes back to America to shoot his sequel movie.

Carbaholics Anonymous hopes you enjoy this article.  Please give us your input and if you would like to see an article on a specific subject, please let us know.  We will do our very best to answer any questions, you may have.  Please go to top of page to “ask a question” and let us know.  Soon, it will be time to pick “Carbaholic of the month” so if you would like to try tobe our “Carbaholic of the month”, please send in a picture and a brief description of yourself, where you live(city and state only) and what you do.  Subscribe to our site.   See you soon.

Protein Shakes For Diabetics


Diabetes is a disease that needs attention as soon as it is detected. Blood sugar is the fuel that gives energy to the body to perform all its activities well. Hence doctors always advice to maintain a balanced diet that offers sufficient proteins but are low in carbohydrates to maintain a balance of the sugar level and allow the body to generate enough insulin to avoid the deadly disease of diabetes.

However, there are innumerable people irrespective of age and sex, who are suffering from diabetes 1 or 2. You have to take medicines to control the rise in blood sugar levels but it is more important to eat a high protein diet but is low in carbohydrates.  The food that is taken regularly does not always supply the right amount of proteins required by the body. Hence, protein shakes for diabetics are being considered as the best sources of proteins for all. But if you are a diabetic, your protein shake will be a bit different from that drink that your kid enjoys. The protein shakes for diabetics should be absolutely sugar-free or free from added sugars. They must have only natural sweetness that is available from fruits. They are therefore low in carbohydrates also. So it is clear that protein shakes that a diabetic can consume freely are those that are rich in protein contents and low in carbohydrates.

The Protein Shakes for Diabetics are especially made to offer protein for the development and maintenance of muscle tissues, satisfies the appetite, controls the fluctuation of blood sugar levels and the urge to eat sweets. You can try out the best shakes according to your tastes, as they are available in a variety of flavors.

  1. Naturade Soy Protein Shakes: Soy protein shake has very low fat contents, no cholesterol or added sugar. This shake is absolutely safe for both types of diabetes 1 and 2. It offers the required amount of proteins to maintain a healthy body.
  2. ExtendShake Protein Shakes for diabetics is also a good buy. It has about 15 grams of proteins and 5 grams fiber along with 24 vitamins and minerals.
  3. Health Smart Foods ChocoRite Protein Shakes are available in a variety of flavors like cappuccino, chocolate, fresh vanilla and also strawberry. It is a sugar-free protein shake that has been especially made for diabetics.

There are many other Protein Shakes for Diabetics available today. You need to be careful when purchasing them by reading the contents and the calorie chart given on the labels of the containers to be on the safe side.

Always consult your doctor when adding new medicines or food products.

Carbaholics Anonymous again wants to thank everyone for all the emails.  We are trying to answer everyones questions in a timely manner.  Remember we are carbaholics, and we want carbaholics anonymous to be the most informative site on the internet.  Please make sure  you keep those emails coming.