Category - Healthy Tips

The Benefits of Protein in Human Body by Kevin Angileri

Protein shakes for diabetes

The Benefits of Protein in Human Body

Food protein is broke down during the process of digestion into twenty amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks for protein in your body. The body requires protein to keep the organs, tissues as well as cells in a good shape. Lack of protein your body is slowed in development, weakened or lowered immunity, and muscle are reduced. Protein is utilized to give energy for the body. Protein makes antibodies and hemoglobin which is accountable for giving oxygen to your blood stream. The best protein sources offer all the essential amino acids. Some of the foods that are the best sources of protein take account of the following:

  • Meat

  • Poultry

  • Fish,

  • Milk

  • Cheese

  • Eggs

Other foods rich in amino acids are nuts, seeds, beans, tofu, and soybeans. To improve the absorption of the foods utilize a source of Vitamin C. Navy beans, black beans, lentils, garbanzo, walnuts, almonds, soy milk, pecans, as well as veggie burgers are another source of amino acid in natural food products. Other good sources of proteins are apricots, avocados, bananas, cherries, dates, figs, and grapes. Avoid sugary or slated nuts as well as re-fried beans simply because they are not good for the healthy diet.

Adding calcium to your diet helps a lot in the absorption of protein. Calcium could be obtained in dairy products dark green leafy vegetables like collard greens, kale, dried beans as well as legumes. The better daily products to choose don’t contain bovine growth hormones augmenting the advantages of protein in your daily diet. Research shows that a high protein duet leads to fast weight loss as the protein fuels the loss of fluids from your body. Protein is vital to build strong muscles. Muscles are essential for dieting as well as keeping optimum weight. As muscles need the body to work harder to develop them, the body sheds the calories leading to weight loss.

The body doesn’t keep protein as it keep fat. This makes protein on demand. Once building muscles, it starts a response of increasing the metabolism generating the stored energy. Fast is one of the stored energies which will be utilized after the carbs have been utilized to build the muscles. Using the stored fat reserves conduct weight loss. A high protein diet which is low in carbs forces your body to shed the fat because of the limited intake of carbohydrate. The body employs the stored fat in place of the carbohydrates that cause your body to enter a condition called ketosis. This is extremely efficient in weight loss plan. The fat thaw away with the continuous break down to produce the required energy for the workout and muscle building plans.

Protein is a remarkable source to get healthier muscles as well as tone bodies. The use of protein in your daily diet has turn out to be a remarkable means to lose weight fast, safely as well as effectively. Choose protein diet if you want to have a healthy and lean body.

I am Sick & Tired of being Sick & Tired by Kevin Angileri


You know, if you think about it, there will ALWAYS be a reason to wait for change. Not this week, there’s too much stuff going on. And next week, well, I’m travelling next week so I can’t start then. Oh, and the week after that – it’s my birthday, so I’ll wait. Next thing you know, excuse after excuse, we have made up our minds to not change for a month, two months, maybe even more!’

We will always find what we go looking for. And if we want to find excuses that hold us back from transformation, we will find TONS! Yes – TONS! They are everywhere. And many of us have a group of friends who don’t want to change, too – who will back us up with our excuses. Who we hang out with is who we become. The environment we live in molds us more than anything else.

We gotta be super mindful of the people we surround ourselves with and where we choose to exist and be. There are plenty of people in the world who will positively affirm mediocrity! Not because they are bad people, no – but because they do not know any better.

For most people, excuses not to change are commonplace and socially acceptable. But if you are on The Path and ready for transformation, excuses are just another form of resistance that is holding you back! If you want to argue for your limitations, you will justify and further create them!

But that is not who you ARE! That is not where you want to LIVE! Mediocrity is not your emotional home! It’s a cliché, but it’s true that if we seek, we will find. So today, instead of seeking for reasons or excuses NOT to change – start to look for reasons why you should change and get motivated.

It’s moments like this when it’s important to GET REAL with yourself. Not so you judge yourself, but so you can see the truth of how things are – and when we see the truth, we begin to set ourselves free. And when we do that, we start to make positive change.

Are you in denial about your weight? (This excludes anyone who has a hormone imbalance, but for most people that’s not the case.) Instead of calling yourself big boned, or ignoring the problem, get real with yourself – YOU’RE FAT! And accept it, and then DO something about it. How much longer do you want to live there?

Are you spending too much money – money that you don’t have? It’s time to knock it off, face your bills and get real with a budget. Stop hiding from your bills. Are you addicted to being angry or sad? Do you get connection and Love from people from telling your sad story over and over again –but deep down you know it’s time to change? That you can’t get real sustainable Love by speaking in woundology? It’s time to accept what happened and give what happened an empowering meaning. And know that you can get your needs met in healthier ways.

Are you drinking or smoking too much? How is that habit affecting your health and the health of those around you? You say you can stop at any time. Well if that’s the case – why not stop now? How much longer do you want to avoid your feelings and push them down with an addiction that isn’t serving you?

Maybe you are in a relationship with someone who you KNOW isn’t good for you – but you are terrified of letting go and facing the unknown alone. Yet, you know this situation won’t get any better. So you settle for 10% Love that has turned into poison, instead of letting go and facing the fear of being alone. Do you Love yourself enough to let go of this toxic situation, feel your feelings and trust The Uni-verse that a miracle is around the corner once you let go? You deserve MORE than this!

Begin to surround yourself with people who lift you up. We gotta love negative people, but sometimes it’s okay to love them from a distance when we are in recovery or in the beginning stages of transformation.

From today forward, let’s not justify our excuses. From today forward, let’s get real with ourselves and see how we are truly acting and use the white hot pain of that truth as ammunition to change our lives. How much longer do you want to live like this? Some gnarly stuff may have gone down in the past, but today is a new day and today YOU have the power of choice. How do you want to view what happened? Who are you choosing to surround yourself with and where? And from this moment forward what are you going to do about it, every-single-day? You will surely arrive one year from now – the question is where, with whom and in what state.


Kevin Angileri


2015, New Year Revolution & Setting Your Fitness Goals: Update 1/2/2016 by Kevin Angileri

fitness goals

January 2nd, 2016.
Well, here we are again. This article was written in December 2014 with an update on January 23rd, 2015. How was your 2015? I hope you accomplished many of your goals. Now, it is time, to start all over again. I am really looking forward to 2016. With all my past failures, I believe this is my year to shine. Let’s make history together. I have 4 or 5 vices, but only 2, I want to work on here. First and foremost is that I am addict for cigarettes. I have been smoking for 60 years. I have COPD, but doing well. No Oxygen yet. My other vice is food. I generally eat really good food. Low fat, no sugar to speak of, but on occasion, I fall off the wagon. Ice cream is the number culprit. Bread is another.
This is my plan. For 30 days, I will not have a single puff of a cigarette and I will eat only good food and a lot less of it. I plan on losing at least 10 pounds in the next 30 days. That is not a great feat, considering, I now weigh 249 pounds and I am 5’9″ tall. I took a pretty disgusting side view picture of myself, today. 90 days from today, I will post it along with current picture, so all can see, if I succeeded or failed.
Good luck to all of you and Happy New Year.

1/23/2015:  We hope everyone is doing well on their New Years’s Revolution.  Unfortunately, I have not been doing as good as I hoped.  I have lost focus and motivation and I need help to get back on the wagon.  Maybe, some of you have had the same problem.  I have been on a few sugar binges and put myself on the usual “guilt trip”.  Pistachio muffins have been my downfall.  Were they worth it?  Truthfully, they were very good.  But now, realization has set in and I need to get back to the goals, I have set for 2015.  So, today is a brand new day of a brand new year.  If you have fallen, as I did, then today is the day to start anew.  Good luck to all of us.  If you have any suggestions, please send them in.  We need all the help, we can get.


No, I did not make a mistake.  I meant Revolution.  Most of us make New Year Resolutions and we try really hard to live up to the.  Some are about losing weight, quitting smoking, getting more exercise and any number of other things, we want to do starting the New Year.  Most of those resolutions last a month or two, at best.  We generally fall back to doing the same things again.

Setting Fitness Goals In New Year:

This year, 2015, I suggest a change.  Let this be the year of revolution.  The year, you make a difference in your total being.  The year, you make you body as perfectly healthy as you can.  The year, you allow you body to heal itself, after many years of feeding it unhealthy foods and preventing it from healing.  Your body is a wondrous mechanism.  It can cure itself.  It doesn’t need any doctors or medications.  All it needs is good nourishment.  Feed it good foods and let it works wonders.

This is not about fad diets and exercise programs.  We have been feeding our bodies all the wrong things.  Cheeseburgers, French fries, tacos, pizza, and all the processed foods are stopping our bodies from keeping us healthy.  We drink all kinds of drinks that are loaded with processed sugars and empty calories, and expect our bodies to thrive.  Instead of thriving, we contract diseases like Obesity, Diabetes, Heart disease, just to name a few.  Our bodies are begging for help, so they can do what they do best, heal themselves of these terrible diseases.

So, here is our 2015 Revolution.  Make this the year, to learn how to feed your body what it needs, to work it’s magic and bring back your health.  It won’t happen overnight and it will not be easy.  Don’t forget, it has taken many years for you to develop whatever diseases, you have.  How many years have you been eating processed foods and drinking sugar loaded drinks.  It has taken years to strip your body of it’s curative powers.  Here comes the good news.

It won’t take long for you body to regain it’s strength.  Once it has, you will see you health change in a matter of a few months.  You will start to feel better within a week or two.  In six months, you will be able to do things, you have not done in years.  You will have more energy than you have had it years.  Your skin will get back it’s glow.  In one year, your body can and will free you of most disease.  Note:  You should consult with your doctor before embarking on any lifestyle changes.  Keep taking any medication until your body has time to work it’s wonders and you doctor says it is okay for you to stop.  Seeking the help of a Certified nutritionist is a great idea.

Learn as much as possible about the foods that nourish your wonderful body.  Become an expert about your bodies’ needs and any disease, you may have.  Learn what nutrients your body needs.  The more you learn and put into practice, the faster you will regain your health.  There are hundreds or possibly thousands of diets around and they all work.  Well, they work for a while anyway.  If you feed your body properly, you will not have to diet ever again.  Your body knows, how much you should weigh.  Feed it well, and let it work.

My wish for all of you is this.  May 2015 be the year, your body gives you the healthy life, you deserve.

Do you need some inspiration?  Watch Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.

If you enjoyed this article, please share it on your social media.  We sure would appreciate it.  Thank you.

Walking is Good For Health & Benefits Are Endless by Kevin Angileri

Walking is good for health

Walking has so many health benefits and it is something we all do and have done from birth. We all believed running for health was the universal answer to weight loss. However, walking is a low-impact sport that will aid in shedding pounds and inches.

Walking is Good For Health & There Are So Many Benefits Of A Walking Regimen.

Breast Cancer In Women

Clinical studies have shown, that women who walk 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours per week, substantially lesson their chances of breast cancer by approx. 20%. Ideally, brisk walking (2MPH) for one hour. 2 to 3 times a week will show an improvement in a month or two. If you walk on a treadmill, you will want to set it at 1 inch incline. This will compensate difference of walking on lever ground.

Blood Pressure Reduction

People with high blood pressure where shown to significantly reduce their blood pressure by starting a walking program. In a study of healthy but sedentary people, walking 30 minutes per day, 3 days a week, showed lower blood pressure rates.

Reduced risk for Type 2 Diabetics

An Australian study showed that Type 2 diabetics, who started a walking program, had better insulin sensitivity than those who walked less.

Cholesterol Improvement

A clinical study showed an overall reduction in bad cholesterol and Raising your HDL(good cholesterol).

Increased energy and lost inches.

Walking increases energy and overall well being. Walking approx. 10 miles a week, will drop inches off your waist and hips. Remember: Walk, don’t run.


You only need to get a good pair of walking shoes. Any good fitness shoe store should be able to fit you properly. You may have to spend a bit more, but, in the long run, you will be saving money and aches and pains.

Starting a walking program.

Before starting your walking, remember to warm up and stretch. This includes upper body stretching. Even though, you are primarily working your leg muscles, get your entire body limbered up. Shoulders, arm and hips. You want to avoid and excess strain on your body. Especially, if you have lead a sedentary life, you will want to be careful. Stretch before and after your walk. Your body will be more limber after, and stretches will be a lot easier.

Nothing happens overnight.

You are starting a program that will take time. Don’t overdue it, right away. Start off slowly. Maybe 15 or 20 minutes at a comfortable speed. See how your body feels. After a bit, you can increase speed and length of walk. The idea is to find out, what you feel comfortable. The old rule “no pain-no gain” does not apply here. Anyone, who has led a sedentary life will have a few minor aches and pains in the beginning. If the ache is bothersome, take the next day off. The day after, get back on your feet and get moving.

Keep a log of your time and speed, if you using a treadmill. After 2 weeks, you should see some good improvement in your overall health. You won’t feel 20 years younger, but you will renewed and more energetic. The 20 year younger program takes about 20 years to complete, but no worries, you have the rest of your life to make it.

Water is your friend.

With any type of exercise program, your body loses fluid. You will want to keep hydrated. Whether you are on the ground or treadmill, make sure to have a bottle of water with you. Before you begin your walk, Try to drink about a quart of water. That will get you hydrated and another 7 to 10 ounces while you are walking. Dehydration can be dangerous, so make sure you have your water with you.

If you are doing hard and long walks, you may need a sports drink. They contain minerals and electrolytes your body loses at intense work outs. Caution is key.

Make your workout program fun.

There are lots of fun things you can do while you walk. Walk different routes and see new neighborhoods. Grab a friend or family member, it will be a benefit to them. You can still have a conversation , while you are walking. Listen to your fav music and sing along. Check with your place of worship. Many have group walking sessions. One group, I know of, walks the large shopping mall near my home. Be careful there, it may cost you, if you see something you want to buy, so, keep on walking.


By Kevin Angileri

Carbohydrates Information: Types & Effects on Health by Kevin Angileri

Carbohydrates Information

Today everyone is aware of the fact that to stay healthy and fit, one must maintain a healthy diet routine. A balanced diet consists of all the essential nutrients required in the appropriate quantities to allow the body to function properly and fight against diseases. Among the various nutrients that the body requires, carbohydrates are the must-haves as they are responsible for supplying energy to the body to function well.

But all carbohydrates are not good for all individuals. Some are good carbs while others are known as the bad carbs. This is especially true when you are overweight or a diabetic. Hence it is important to know the different types of carbohydrates present in the different foods and their effects on the health.

What are carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are biological molecules that consist of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. A combination of all these atoms is termed as carbohydrates and these micro-nutrients are available in many foods and beverages. Some are better than the others and it is your healthy choice that helps to keep you fit and strong.

Types of Carbohydrates

There are 3 main types of Carbohydrates namely Sugar, Starch and Fiber. Now let us consider each type separately and find out their uses and in which foods they are available.

  1. Sugar: – Sugar is the simple type of carbohydrate and is naturally present in various foods and drinks. It contains only one or two molecules of sugar. Some of the common sugars are glucose, sucrose, fructose and lactose. Glucose is referred to as blood sugar. Sugar easily mixes with the blood stream as it has very few molecules and is digested quickly. However, sugar from natural whole foods boosts the energy level as it contains other important nutrients. But added sugar is not good for health.
  2. Starch: – Starch is a complex carbohydrate and consists of a number of sugar molecules. It usually has thousands of sugar molecules that are connected together like branches and spiral shapes. When it is digested the enzymes in the stomach break the molecules till a single sugar molecule or monosaccharide remains which can enter the cells through the bloodstream and convert it into energy.  Starches are digested at varying rates and when they are digested slowly, they help to feel full and supplies long-term energy. Starches that are digested quickly are not good for health as they increase blood sugar levels causing diabetes. There are some foods that contain all the 3 types of carbohydrates and cannot be easily separated from each other or labeled out.
  3. Fiber: – Carbohydrates present in fiber are not digested but travel down the digestive tract and ferment in the large intestine. There are two types of fibers namely soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber keeps the blood sugar steady by absorbing carbs at a slower rate and also helps to control cholesterol levels and absorption of dietary fat. Insoluble fiber is important for taking care of digestion and the digestive tract and preventing constipation.
  4. There are other terms also used frequently regarding carbohydrates. They are the low-carbs and net-carbs. They are visible mostly on the labels of products. Net carbs is generally used to denote the total amount of carbohydrates present in a product excluding fiber or both sugar alcohol and fiber. Low-carbs are those foods that have the good carbs and do not increase the blood sugar levels.
  5. Glycemic index is a term that is also used with reference to carbohydrates. It classifies the foods that contain carbohydrates according to their ability to increase the sugar level of blood.

Foods that contain the different types of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are present in almost all the foods that we consume regularly like the vegetables and fruits as well as beverages. But the types and amount s of carbs vary from one item to another. Some contain more of sugar, while others are rich in fibers and others have more of starch. So selecting the right carbs according to your requirements is very important to maintain good health. Those have diabetic problems or obesity issues need to be more careful about the choice of carbohydrates in their diet.


Foods that contain more of sugar are fruits and vegetables which contain fructose and sucrose. Lactose is present in milk and it is natural sugar. There are certain foods that we love to eat that are rich in sugar contents like cookies, cakes, pies, brownies, muffins, doughnuts, jams, spreads, preserves, sweetened fruits and cherries, apricots, raisins, bananas, prunes, peaches etc.


Starch is a complex carbohydrate and is a friend of your health. But it is important to get this starch from the proper sources that include fresh produce, legumes and whole grains. Corn, parsnips, potatoes, green peas, yams, winter squash and pumpkins are good sources of starch. Among the fruits you can rely on avocadoes, mangoes, peaches, apples, grapefruit, melons, grapes, berries, peaches, nectarines for your regular starch requirements. You can get starch from white beans, black kidney, pinto, baked and canned beans, yellow, brown or green lentils as additional supply of good quality starch.


Insoluble fibers are found in whole grains, vegetables like carrots, tomatoes, celery and wheat cereals.  Cooked dry beans and peas also have fibers that help in proper bowel movements. Good sources of soluble fibers are barley, beans, oatmeal beans, nuts and fruits like berries, apples, pears and citrus fruits.

How to choose the right types of carbohydrates according to your body types

Carbohydrates are considered to increase weight and sugar levels in persons who have a tendency of gaining weight easily and those who have stress and tension related problems. Such persons need to very careful when selecting their carbohydrates. For others carbohydrates are vital for the following reasons:

Ø Carbohydrates provide energy and are the main sources of fuel. Sugars and starches are changed into simple sugars during the process of digestion that are absorbed into the bloodstream which then enters the cells of the body with the insulin produced by the pancreas. This glucose is used by the body for fueling all our activities from morn till night.

Ø Carbohydrates available in the form of dietary fiber in whole grains and wheat cereals and others help to fight against diseases like type 2 diabetes, obesity issues and cardiovascular problems. Fibers are extremely important for proper digestion.

Ø Eating the right carbs like whole grains, fruits and vegetables that are rich in fibers helps in controlling weight. They give you a feeling of fullness and restrict your food cravings thereby reducing weight as well.

Since you cannot stay without carbohydrates it is wise to choose the appropriate ones that will do well for your overall health. You can even consult a doctor and ascertain the perfect amount of carbohydrates that you need daily as requirements vary according to weight and activities of an individual. Those who do a lot of outdoor activities and are into sports, need more energy and so more carbohydrates. They do not have to worry whether the extra carbs are being stored as fats or not as all the carbs are burned out. But in case who work indoors behind cubicles for most of the day, then emphasizing on fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans and legumes will be the best for you.

I want to thank everyone for all of your support.  Please keep the suggestions coming..

by Kevin Angileri