Category - Healthy Tips

Why Is Exercise Important For Type 2 Diabetes?

Why Is Exercise Important For Type 2 Diabetes

Why Is Exercise Important For Type 2 Diabetes

Exercises have been considered to be one of the most important ways of maintaining good health from the ages. Hence it is no doubt that exercises will help to control and reduce diabetes considerably including Type 2 Diabetes. How physical activities help to lower blood glucose level can be best understood if we know the causes of diabetes.

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a problem that is tormenting individuals of all age groups around the world. It can happen to anyone at any time. So if you can understand the problems that are related to diabetes you can easily understand why doctors recommend exercises at the very start to control your blood sugar level. But what is diabetes? It is a condition when there is enough glucose in your blood but it is not utilized by the body properly and so the level of glucose rises up making you a diabetes patient.

Insulin production

You must be thinking why does not the body use the glucose when it is available? This is because the insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas is either not enough to open the cells of the body to allow glucose to enter which is used as energy resources or your body may not be reacting to the insulin produced by your pancreas in which case also, the blood glucose remains in the blood itself and gradually rises high for it remains unused by the body. It is for these two reasons that you suffer from diabetes.
There are mainly two types of diabetes namely Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes which is the most common type and is somewhat a chronic problem that lingers for life. Hence it is very important to treat Diabetes in the best possible ways to stay healthy and enjoy life like all others. In Type 2 Diabetes, the body fails to produce sufficient insulin and it may also happen that the cells are insulin resistant.

Visiting the doctor

When you visit a doctor complaining about your problems of weakness, frequent urination, dizzy feeling etc the first thing that he advices you is to go for a blood test to ascertain the blood sugar level, whether it is too high or within the normal range or it is on the rise. Accordingly he prescribes certain medicines and he emphasizes on physical exercises the most along with diet control and certain lifestyle changes.

Exercises to Check Diabetes

It has been proved that exercises make it easier to keep a check on diabetes. So anybody who is suffering from diabetes, do not sit back in dismay, rather get up and visit your nearest gym and talk to the professional instructor who can design your exercise routine according to your requirements and what suits you the best. Physical activity is one of the most important components of Type 2 Diabetes treatment plan.

How Does Exercise Affect Blood Sugar?

1. During exercise, the body requires extra energy and that is supplied by blood sugar or glucose. Even when you do something quickly, the muscles and liver release glucose for fuel. The maximum amount of glucose is used when you do moderate exercise for a long period of time like hiking. Your blood sugar level goes down through these movements. Thus it has been proved that physical activities especially exercise help to reduce diabetes problems.
2. During your workouts the muscles can use the glucose present in the body without insulin. It does not matter whether you are insulin resistant or you do not have enough insulin. When you exercise, the muscles get the glucose they need automatically thereby reducing the blood sugar level. It has been found that if you are insulin resistant, exercise makes your insulin more effective because the insulin resistance goes down and the cells can use the glucose more effectively.
3. Exercises can also help people with Type 2 Diabetes avoid and reduce long-term problems. Most diabetics have blocked arteries that lead to cardiac arrest. Exercise reduces chances of heart attacks by keeping the heart healthy and strong by lowering glucose level.
4. There are other reasons of diabetes namely tension, stress, overwork and lack of rest and peace of mind. Exercise has an amazing effect not only on the body but also the mind. You will often hear people speaking about feeling rejuvenated and fresh after doing their workouts. This also helps to combat diabetes.
5. Exercises help to reduce weight too since overweight individuals are often diabetics. So by losing weight through workouts, you can control diabetes also.

Importance of professional help

When your doctor advice you follow a fitness routine, he also tells you that you should do those exercises which are perfect for you. But how will you know which exercises are best for you? It is the professional health instructor who will design your exercises in the correct way so that your aim of reducing blood sugar level is successful.
All kinds of exercises are not fit for a person with diabetes especially if the sugar level is quite high. In such cases, the doctor and the experienced instructor sit together and decide on the moves that will benefit the patient greatly.

What kinds of Exercises are recommended?

There are three main kinds of exercise namely strength training, flexibility work and aerobics. All the three kinds of exercises are organized in a balanced way by your personal instructor to achieve the most.

Aerobic Exercises: It is best to start with aerobic exercises because they are light and the basics of exercise that you can do on your own. These exercises include walking, running or jogging and sports like tennis, swimming, basket ball and biking. Any of these exercises must be done regularly for at least 30 minutes. If you cannot do it at a stretch, break it into 10 minutes each but try to complete the total 30 minutes. It may be difficult at first, but with practice you can easily achieve that for you have to reduce your glucose level.

Strength Training: When you become used to aerobic exercises and do not feel much strain, you will be started on strength training. This training builds up lean and efficient muscles for which you need a lot of energy that is supplied by the glucose in your blood and thus reduces sugar level. So the more you use glucose, the better it is for your diabetes control. Pull-ups and push-ups are often recommended by trainers. Lifting weights for 20 to minutes twice or maximum thrice a week is enough to get full benefits of strength training for diabetes control.

Flexibility Training: Of the various types of exercises stretching is one of the most important flexibility exercises that allows one to ascertain how well the joints and muscles can work and also ascertain their strength levels. By doing the various stretches, you again consume a lot of energy that is derived from the glucose in your blood and reduces the level of sugar which is the main aim of exercise in Type 2 Diabetes.

The final word about exercises to help reduce Type 2 Diabetes is that you must do your workouts willingly and enjoy every movement. Motivate yourself and stick to your plan to enjoy amazing results of exercises in reducing Type 2 Diabetes.

Written by Kevin Angileri

What Does Complacency Means To You?


What Does Complacency Mean:

Merriam Webster dictionary definition of Complacency:  A feeling of being satisfied with how things are and not wanting to try to make them better.  Are you complacent?  Most of us, including myself, generally are.  We don’t want to make waves, so we just “go with the flow”.  Unfortunately, when it comes to our health, that doesn’t work.  As a young boy and into adulthood, I ate the things I was raised eating.  You have either heard or said, “I am a meat and potatoes kinda guy”.  That is what complacency does to us.  We have been satisfied with this mentality.

Now that I have reach my golden years, I have started making changes to how and what I eat.  Forty or fifty years ago, we were told that a healthy breakfast consisted of fruit, cereal, milk, bread and butter.  My guess is, that if you are reading this, that is not your typical healthy breakfast anymore.  Remember all those great cereals?  Frosted corn flakes, cheerios, fruit loops etc.  How about milk?  I buy a quart of milk, about every three or four months, when I need something to dunk my donuts in.  Bread is a real issue for me.  I love the comfort of bread, especially making PB and J sandwiches.  I walk down the peanut butter aisle at least three times having a mental battle.  Do I or don’t I.  I usually don’t, because I know, I will eat that jar of peanut butter and a loaf of bread in three or four days.

Lunches don’t seem to be a big problem.  Even if you go to a fast food place, most have a decent salad.  In fact, that is probably their healthiest entry.  Just don’t drown the salad with the dressing.  The fast food industry has done us a big favor.  The have changed the kind of oil they use for frying.     This new oil leaves an awful after taste.  It was really hard to resist that super-sized order of French fries.  Now, it is a breeze.  Here is a tip, if you order a burger.  Ask them to substitute a leaf of lettuce and pitch the bun.  We could go on here till the cows come home.  But, it is these little changes than you can make, that makes a big difference.

Dinner:  What used to sound good to me was six to eight ounces of meat(beef, chicken or pork) and two big scoops of mashed potatoes and gravy.  Mmmmmm.  Oh, and an ounce or two of vegetables.  That is(was) the typical American dinner.  Not anymore, my friends.  That will kill you for sure.  If you are a traditional meat eater, try this instead.  Draw an imaginary line across your plate.  On one of the sides, divide that in half.  On the quarter size area, put a nice four once piece of meat or fish.  The second quarter, put a small portion of potatoes or rice.  You might want to try sweet potato or brown rice.  On the big half of the plate, load up raw or steamed vegetables.  Don’t worry, you cannot overdue the veggies.

With these few changes, you will have broken down your complacency.  If nothing else, you will shred some unwanted weight and after a few weeks, you will probably start feeling better.  Your  body is a wonder of life.  It can heal itself.  It just needs a little of your help.  Be kind to your body and it will last a long time.  I hope you have enjoyed this .  If you have share it on your fav media and give us a “like’’”.  Have a wonderful day.

Glycosylated Hemoglobin A1c Test

Glycosylated Hemoglobin A1c Blood Test

Most people think that only overweight people can be Diabetics.  That certainly is not true.  Slim and trim people may also be diabetic and never ever know it.  Most of us have had a lipid panel blood test.  Their results may show everything looking good.  The truth is that this test may not show if you are or are not a Diabetic,  The A1c Blood Test (Glycosylated Hemoglobin A1c test) is the test, that will show, if you are a pre-diabetic or a type 1 or type 2 Diabetic.  It is the gold standard test for diabetes.  It will definitively show, if you have diabetes or if you are a pre-diabetic.

What is A1c?

When glucose molecules bond to a hemoglobin cell it becomes glycosylated hemoglobin .  Glycosylated hemoglobin is found in everyone’s blood in various amounts.  It never breaks down.  Hemoglobin cells, however, live for approximately for 120 days.  More glucose in the bloodstream means more A1c is formed.  When the A1c test is performed, it can show the elevated A1c in the bloodstream.  The doctor can then evaluate the patients need for medication.

There are many risks for diabetic, such as, nerve damage, blindness and kidney damage, to name a few.  Diabetes can lead to heart problems and Alzheimer’s.  Doctors strive to keep a patients blood levels in a normal range, to prevent these risks.  They will recommend doses of insulin or other meds and even recommend a certified diabetic dietician to assist in developing good healthy diets.  Well balanced diets are key to keeping A1c percentages.

The American Diabetes Association recommended the A1c test in 1988.  The normal range for a non-diabetic is between 4% and 6%.  Levels of 7% and above show a need to seek help in lowering these A1c levels.  Whether you are overweight or slim, ask your doctor, if you should have an A1c blood test.  You will have peace of mind knowing you don’t have diabetes or you can strive to heal yourself with the aid of your doctor.

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Diabetes Knowledge – Type 2 Diabetes facts

Know the facts about diabetes

Why Diabetes Knowledge  is Important If You Are Diabetic?

Many of you may remember the tv show “Dragnet”, made in the mid 1960’s.  The catchphrase in this series was “Just the facts, ma’am.  Just the facts”.  It is important to know the facts.  Knowledge about our Type 2 Diabetes will help us live a longer and healthier life.  It is up to us to learn as much as we can about Diabetes so we can use it and improve our lives.

Diabetes is just not going to go away.  We are not going to wake up, one morning, and be cured.  That only happens in the movies.  The truth is, we are going to have to work for our own cure.

Take It Serious:

Most people don’t feel that Diabetes is a serious illness.  Really??  FYI, Diabetes causes more death per year than Aids and Breast cancer combined.   Two out of three people with Diabetes die of stroke or heart disease.

Risks Associated With Diabetes Type 2:

There are many risk factors for developing Type 2 Diabetes.  Being overweight is certainly one of those risks but most diabetics are normal weight of slightly overweight.  Type 2 diabetes is caused by genetics and lifestyle.  Not much, we can do about Genetics, but we have a say so about our lifestyle.  The foods, we eat and drink.

If we continue to eat and drink sugar-laden foods, we are heading for disaster.  In the film “Fed Up’, it says that by 2050, 1/3 of the American population, will be diabetic.  Diabetes in children has soared to great heights.  Now is the time, to take action.

Most diabetics take their meds and generally eat whatever they want.  If their glucose level spikes, they may increase their insulin.  It is the attitude, that I will do what is just necessary to maintain my illness.  What they are thinking is that, I will eat the fats and sugars and make it up with insulin.  Sounds like a good idea, till the insulin stops working.  Don’t wait for that to happen.

What Should Be The Plan To Fight Diabetes:

Your plan should be to get off as much medication as you can.  First and foremost, consult with your doctor and with his help and direction, you can learn to eat the right foods.  If you are able, get a certified dietician to plan you meals for 30 days.  Learn what you should eat, to be healthy.  You have the power to slow down and even stop the progression of your diabetes.  Slow or stop the progression before some pretty terrible things happen to your body.

Start today.  Here are some thing to get started.

1.  See you doctor and explain, that you want to go pro-active about your diabetes.  You want to slow down or stop it’s progression.

2.  Get help on proper eating for a diabetic.

3.  Go to the American Diabetes Association web site and learn everything you can.

Good luck and God bless.

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Free Clinical Diabetes And Weight Loss Tests

clinical diabetes

Clinical Diabetes & Weight Loss Trials – How They Help You Saving Money:

Across the U.S and around the world, there are clinics doing drug and other free testing.  In most cases, they pay you to take their studies.  That’s right, they pay you.  As  an example, I go to a clinic to participate in a drug study for my COPD.  They provide me with medication and pay me for each visit.  It is a year long study and I get paid to participate and they provide my medication. that would cost me approx.  $145.00 per month (my medical co-pays).  Total saving to me of $1750.00, not including what they pay me.

Some studies are a short as 3 months and up to 2 or 3 years.  This is how new drugs get approval for sale in the particular country they are being tested.  Before any human is given these new drugs, they must have a complete physical examination and be tested to see if they qualify to take the test.  You need to have a specific disease to qualify.  In my case, I have COPD.  This is the second study, I have done and I have never had a problem.

In some of these test, patients are either given a medication or a placebo.  Although, some studies give one medication, that is currently being sold and the other is the new tested medication.  These are called “blind studies”.  I prefer going to a study that gives either Medication now on the market and the new tested medication.

The clinic that I go to has many studies for different diseases.  They are thorough and pass on any medication info to your present doctors, so your doctors are aware of any medication you are taking.  In my case, my cardiologist, my pulmonary and primary doctors have be notified that I am taking this test and what medications, I am receiving.

How To Find Clinical Trial Centers In Your Area?

In the U.S., you can check on the website Clinical Trial.Gov.   I am enrolled at Clinical Advantage Research in Chandler, Arizona.  You can check the internet to look up clinical trials in your own country.  They are worthwhile to look into.  You can save on your medication costs and may find a medication, that works better than you current meds.  There are many varied tests being conducted for many different conditions.  COPD, Diabetes, Weight Loss,Alzheimer’s, Cancer, Mental health and Vision, just to name a few.

There are currently over 184,000 studies going on in 187 countries.

Watch the following video for more info.  Copy and paste.

Kevin Angileri